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Testimonials made by participants in the previous editions of  some of  the in service training courses organized by Pixel.


 Testimonials made by participants in the international mobility initiatives and study visits organized by Pixel.


Below, it is possible to read some Testimonals and references from the coordinators of European projects that were supported by Pixel in the project planning, management and quality control.


Pixel has provided their support in the coordination and management of our Erasmus Multilateral project. Pixel  demonstrated throughout the project  a consistent expertise. The project we worked  on presented   a number of complex issues due to the  high number of partners involved, a challenging and innovative objective, the low level of experience in European projects of more than one partner (ourselves included). Pixel had a key role in resolving these issues. Pixel supported us by making a  detailed plan of activities, contributing to the creation of essential formats for the carrying out of the project activities,  monitoring the project development. Pixel was also in charge of successfully reporting the  project results to the Commission (the EACEA's rating to the project Final Report was 9/10).  Pixel staff was constantly able to help,  in the most effective and cooperative  way,  to address professionally  all issues  faced by the project, both from a management and administrative point of view. The contribution provided by Pixel certainly exceeded our expectations

Prof. Paolo Bianchini, Professor,  University of Turin, Faculty of Education, 2010


Pixel is currently supporting in an excellent way, the Faculty of Communication Sciences, of the University of Rome La Sapienza promoter of the project entitled On Air,  The European Project on Media Education funded in the framework of the  Lifelong Learning Comenius Multilateral Project. Pixel’s contribution allowed the project to be very well evaluated by the EACEA that, on  11/12/2009, rated the project’s interim report 8/10. Pixel is contributing to the project management, the creation and monitoring of an action plan for the development of the project work, the production of formats to carry out the project activities and  the financial management.  We are completely satisfied of the excellent contribution of Pixel and we hope to have other opportunities of cooperation besides the On Air project.

Prof. Mario Morcellini, Dean, University of Rome La Sapienza, Faculty of Communication Sciences, 2010


As coordinator of the workgroup of the University of Macerata,  promoter of the History On Line Erasmus Multilateral project in the period 2007 - 2009, I state that Pixel has cooperated with us with the role of:  support to the coordination and management of the transnational activities of the project partnership; assurance of the project’s quality; administrative and  financial management of the project; support in the management of the relations with the EACEA and production of the interim and final reports. In each of the activities carried out, Pixel always demonstrated  extensive experience and  high expertise with professionalism. Pixel dedicated to the project all the necessary time to let us successfully reach all of the expected results according to the original project application. In the end, Pixel contributed to make the project’s results excellent,  even beyond those originally expected and the EACEA’s rating of the Final Report was 9/10. We plan to continue cooperating with Pixel in our future European projects, one of them was recently submitted in the framework of the last call for proposals for the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Dr. Antonella Tiberi, Manager, University of Macerata, International Relation Department, 2010


For the Gradenigo Hospital the Hippocrates project was the first experience with European Projects and with the coordination and management of a transnational workgroup. The project was rather a complex one, due to its innovative approach and method, and therefore requested several in progress re organization of the activities to be carried out. Pixel’s contribution has been fundamental in order to achieve the foreseen results, to carry out properly the activities and to ensure a positive and cooperative working atmosphere. The skills of Pixel’s experts made it possible to overcome some of the critical issues that could have affected the project’s potential success. As a project manager myself, I had the opportunity to appreciate the excellent capacity of Pixel in giving support to the management and to the organization and monitoring of the project. The accuracy with which Pixel interacts with all the project partner institutions as well as with the EACEA and their representatives showing understanding and respect of the different working methods is outstanding.

Dr. Sabrina Grigolo, Fund Raising Officer, Hospital Gradenigo, 2010

Pixel is currently supporting us in the coordination and management of our Comenius Multilateral project. Pixel always demonstrates a real expertise in European project work that is based on both specific skills and a long experience in the field. Apart from delivering a detailed plan of activities, contributing to the creation of essential formats for the carrying out of the project work, monitoring the project development and successfully reporting the in progress results to the Commission (the EACEA's rating to the report was excellent), Pixel staff was constantly able to help,  in the most effective way,  to address all the challenges faced by the project, both from a management and administrative point of view.

Prof. Alberto Parola, Med, Italian Association for Media and Communication Education, 2010


Pixel is cooperating with us with the role of  the subcontractor for the quality management of our project entitled “Chemistry Is All Around Us”, funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme KA1. Pixel is constantly proving  an extensive experience in the project management and has a great organizational capacity. The requirements of a European project like ours can be very demanding and we are re-assured by the skills demonstrated by Pixel, for example,  in the  organization of a very detailed  project work that is allowing us to reach the project objectives respecting the given deadlines. Every time there was a difficulty,  Pixel has provided all the support and a full capacity to successfully solve it. Pixel makes us feel  “safe” in the carrying out of our role as project promoter.

Prof. Marilena Carnasciali, Professor,  University of Genoa, Faculty of Chemistry and  Industrial Chemistry, 2011


We worked with Pixel to carry out two European projects funded in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme.  It was for us the first experience as promoter of a European project. It was an important and innovative experience that gave us the opportunity to be in touch with the best European practices in the field of our interest as well as with the results of the most up to date research. This all happened thanks to the excellent coordinating work carried out by PIXEL. PIXEL indeed provided clear indications and support for the implementation of the project’s activities, organized a rational and rigorous action plan, created formats that supported the carrying out of the work, organized, in a perfect way, each of the international meetings. PIXEL also provided a constant and important support in a very competent way to the project financial management.  Finally, we have highly appreciated the project planning skills of PIXEL and their capacity to translate ideas and needs into high quality structured projects. The satisfying relationship with PIXEL made our cooperation becoming very intensive for the joint elaboration of current and future international projects and initiatives.  
Prof. Mauro Di Grazia, President, CIPAT, Consortium of Tuscan Technical and Vocational Schools, 2011


 FETE-UGT PV, the Trade Union of Teachers of the Valencian Region,  promoter of the Play the Learning Game project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme -  Leonardo Transfer of Innovation during the period 2011-2013, is  collaborating with Pixel for project coordination and quality assurance purposes.  Pixel are always demonstrating extensive experience in the management of the project and with the relations with our National Agency. We are aware that the project results would not have been the same without Pixel, they have helped  us in everything: the performance of contracts, the production of templates for the development of the activities,  the economic and financial control, the implementation of the interim report, the check and respect of the deadlines of the activities, etc. It is gratifying to know that you have an expert when you need  help.  Andrea Peraldo's work has been exceptional and we plan to continue cooperating with Pixel in other projects, indeed recently  we submitted  a new  European project  again with Pixel support.

Dr. M. Sonsoles Jiménez González, Project Manager, Federación de Trabajadores de la Enseñanza de la Unión General de Trabajodres de País Valenciano (FETE-UGT-PV), 2012


I cannot remember exactly how I met Elisabetta Delle Donne from Pixel but I do know that, from that day on, Pixel has been my constant point of reference for everything that has to do with EU project management! Pixel provided us with lots of hands-on support in the financial management of my first experience of EU projects at the Language Centre of the University of Pisa, Italy and supported us in our quality management process during our Avalon project. I would not have been able to achieve the successful management of our project with the same level of confidence had it not been for Pixel. In addition, Elisabetta and her team are always available to talk ideas through and are of particular assistance when it comes to making creative ideas work in practice. The Pixel team are very good listeners and are always available to share their expertise and knowledge with all. We are proud to list Pixel as our Associate Partners in our new LLP funded network, Euroversity, and look for every opportunity to involve them in our work processes as their guidance is always invaluable. I can fairly say that the institutions I work with have benefited from our association with Pixel and that I have developed in my own project management skills through my contact with them. I would highly recommend Pixel for anyone starting out in the field of project management or for those who wish to develop their project management skills further.

Dr. Luisa Panichi, Lecturer and Project Manager, Language Centre, University of Pisa, Italy, 2013.


During the European project entitled Stay@School funded in the framework of the Lifelong Leaning Programme, promoted by IPS Datini, the role of Pixel was essential for the achievement and the success of the project itself. In particular, the competence of  Pixel was essential  at various stages of the project, like the organization and the management of the portal, the transnational partnership coordination and the continuous and fruitful cooperation carried out for several actions of the project. We especially appreciated the ability to relate with all the international partners in order to successfully develop the project idea and to create a real scientific community based on an effective sharing of the tools produced in the framework of the project. The objectives were achieved also thanks to an effective focus of Pixel on the European reality and on an extensive knowhow about teachers’ training and sharing of good practice.

Prof. Daniele Santagati, Dirigente Scolastico,  IPS Datini, Prato,  2014

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