Reserved Area
ELE 55+
The ELE55+ project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig. The project ELE55+, promoted by Gabrovo Technical University (BG) and involving Pixel as partner, has the objective to foster the inclusion in the labour market of workers who are older then 55 . The project raises their employability perspectives by providing them with new skills, as well as educating employers to be more aware of the contribution that older workers can provide.
Area: Vocational Education and Training
Beneficiaries: Individuals
Start Date: 01.01.2008
End Date: 31.12.2010
Role of Pixel: Partner
The ELE55+ project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig. The project ELE55+, promoted by Gabrovo Technical University (BG) and involving Pixel as partner, has the objective to foster the inclusion in the labour market of workers who are older then 55 . The project raises their employability perspectives by providing them with new skills, as well as educating employers to be more aware of the contribution that older workers can provide.
Funding Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci
Project Number: 142721-LLP-1-2008-1-BG-LEONARDO-LMP
The international partners are:
Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
Fax. +39 055 462.88.73
P.Iva. 05118710481
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