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Rethinking Science Communication on Media: the RTV European Project

Rethinking Science Communication on Media: the RTV European Project

Multiplier Event of the RTV European project

On 18 March 2022 Pixel organized and coordinated the Multiplier Event entitled after "Rethinking Science Communication on Media: the RTV European Project”, hosted by the “New Perspectives in Science Education” International Conference. The Multiplier Event was organized in the framework of the RTV - Key Competences in Media Production for Radio, Film and Television European project. The European project entitled RTV was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training. The RTV project was written and coordinated by Radio Romania based in Bucharest (Italy) and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. The aim of the RTV project is to develop key skills - digital competences in the use of new information and communication technologies; to imply the critical and reliable use of electronic media for work, leisure and communication in media institutions; to prepare the new job profiles for the media labor market; to provide the conditions for teachers/trainers’ training and for the initial training of students in the field of media production. Participants in the Multiplier Event had the chance to find out more about the activities of the RTV project. More information about the RTV European project is available at: https://www.rtv-erasmusproject.eu/

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