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Transnational Partnerships


die Berater

die Berater® is a private company founded in 1998 and employs around 450 members of staff who work in more than 50 locations all over Austria in the following fields: education and training, coaching and counselling, consultancy, outplacement, EU projects. 

die Berater® offers educational seminars and training courses for individuals, organisations, and enterprises from soft skills to languages and information technologies. Their main aims are to motivate and qualify customers to make full use of their potentials in the economy, at the labour market and in their personal lives.

More than 20.000 people participate in die Berater®’s programmes per year- many of them in job orientation and vocational qualification programmes delivered for the Austrian labour market service. Contents and methodologies include online seminars.

In die Berater®‘s corporate culture fair play, respect tolerance and social responsibility are central values.

die Berater® has participated in around 50 transnational projects as project coordinator, partner, evaluator and disseminator in the past years and will bring this experience into the project. They have considerable experience in HEAL's 3 key fields: consulting organisations with regard to management - training - and health education (e.g. eHospital, awarded with Österreichischer Staatspreis für Erwachsenenbildung and with the Lifelong Learning Award in Silver))

die Berater® is certified – apart from several Austrian quality assurance systems for education and training - according to IS0 9001:2000. All European projects naturally undergo the process quality control foreseen by this standard. Moreover, through its involvement in numerous EU-funded projects, quality standards for the transversal and recurrent tasks of transnational project work have been established and are adhered to. The guidance given by the “Survival Kit for Lifelong Learning Projects” is put into practice in all European projects.

Website: http://www.dieberater.com/

die Berater is involved in the following projects:

FO.FO.S - Forum for Supporting Self-Employment and SMEs

FO.FO.S is a Non Profit Organisation structured as a network of experts participating in different projects with the aim of supporting founders, new self-employment, one-person-companies and small and medium sized enterprises.

Website: http://www.fofos.at
Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH

Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH is one of the biggest social services organisations in the Province of Styria.

Together with their customers, about 760 employees in 59 locations throughout the Province of Styria work to create life perspectives and to take chances in the areas of care and integration for persons with disabilities, training for young adults, employment, early intervention, and crisis intervention. Custom-fit and innovative services, customer-focussed acting, many years of experience, and best-trained and motivated employees characterise the work of Jugend am Werk.

Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH is a non-profit organisation and certified to the European ISO 9001:2008 standard. Locations: 25 establishments in the areas of training, work and employment Services and 34 establishments in the areas of care, leisure and accommodation services

Website: http://www.jaw.or.at

Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH is involved in the following projects:

Padagogische Akademia der Diozese Sankt Polten in Krems

Padagogische Akademia der Diozese Sankt Polten in Krems is a small, semi-private college of education in the heart of Austria on the Danube river. It was founded in 1967. The course of studies is based on the study plan designed in 2000 and follows the general rules set out by the Austrian Ministery of Education. The three mains courses addresses to those students pursuing an Austrian teaching degree: primary School Education (for children between 6 and 10), general secondary school education (for children between 10 and 15); special needs teacher education (for children between 6 and 15).

Website: http://www.kphvie.ac.at/home.html

Padagogische Akademia der Diozese Sankt Polten in Krems is involved in the following projects:

University of Applied Sciences Joanneum

The University of Applied Sciences "FH JOANNEUM" offers 36 Master, Bachelor and Diploma degree programmes in the areas of Business & Technology, Information Engineering, Mobility, Social Services & Public Health and Media & Design for about 3000 students. "ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios" is a research and development institute of the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM that focuses its interests on the area of eLearning (Online Education and Training), as well as on the development of simulations and eContent. ZML believes in social constructivists’ theories of learning, and strives for regional, national and international co-operations with academic institutions and with the industry. It aims to facilitate learning that is social and situated in nature. The potential of the Social Web to facilitate innovative ways of learning is being exploited through research and development in the areas of game-based learning, eModeration, virtual Communities, ePortfolios.

Website: http://www.fh-joanneum.at/zml

University of Applied Sciences Joanneum is involved in the following projects:

University of Medicine of Wien
University of Medicine of Wien is not only the largest medical organisation in Austria, it is also one of the most important top-level research institutions in Europe and provides Europe's largest hospital, the AKH in Vienna, with all of its medical staff. University of Medicine of Wien  is a state-of-the-art research organisation with historic roots, and is today one of the world's leading medical universities and the largest and longest-standing medical research institution in Austria. University of Medicine of Wien is Austria's largest medical training centre. Under the guidance of 1,000 teachers, some 8,000 students are currently completing their studies in human medicine, pediatrics and dentistry.

Website: https://www.meduniwien.ac.at/web/

University of Medicine of Wien is involved in the following projects:

Universityof Linz, Institut Fur Didaktik Der Mathematik

The Institut Fur Didaktik Der Mathematik (University of Linz) is an impulse center for science and the community and prides itself on a very distinguished international reputation. The university is the largest academic institution in the federal state of Upper Austria. The university’s core areas include the Social Sciences, Economics and Business, Law as well as Engineering and Natural Sciences.

Website: http://www.uni-linz.ac.at/

Universityof Linz, Institut Fur Didaktik Der Mathematik is involved in the following projects:

Verein Blickpunkt Identität

Verein Blickpunkt Identität has specialized in developing methods and tools for integrating disadvantaged persons into the work life. Based upon the principles of self-directed learning experience which formed the didactic basis for the “LOT Haus” in the Austrian EQUAL partnership, the non-profit association has launched various successful courses for long-term unemployed people that have been implemented in Lower Austria. The non-profit organisation has 17 staff. The range of services of Verein Blickpunkt Identität also covers individual coaching and counselling, especially for disadvantaged and low-level educated learners. In December 2012 Verein Blickpunkt Identität received the LLL Award in the category products for the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project “Stop Dropout” from the National Agency in Austria. Verein Blickpunkt Identität has specialized in the field of prevention of young persons who are at risk of falling out of the educational system. 

Website: http://www.blickpunkt-identitaet.eu/

Verein Blickpunkt Identität is involved in the following projects:

Vienna University of Economics and Business
The Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) is a public university committed to excellence in research and research-led teaching. With about 23,000 students from Austria and abroad, WU today is the EU’s largest educational institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences. It is among the 1% of universities worldwide that have been awarded international accreditations by EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA.
Within the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Institute for Ecological Economics (IEE) – with its 35 staff members - is a leading institution for ecological economic research, teaching, learning, knowledge exchange, and community engagement. The Institute has also submitted various successful applications to the OeNB Jubiläumsfonds and the Austrian Climate Research Program, as well as to
other granting institutions. Within the Institute for Ecological Economics, the research area on Climate Economics and Finance studies the dynamic interactions between socio-economic systems and climate sustainability, with a special focus on risk and finance, from a modelling, empirical and policy point of view.

Website: https://www.wu.ac.at/

Vienna University of Economics and Business is involved in the following projects:

Vocational Training Institute

Owned by the Chambers of Labour and the Austrian Trade Union Federation, the bfi vocational training institute is the largest educational institution for workers in Austria.
The activities focus on vocational education and (continuing) training for workers as well as educational and occupational schemes for unemployed persons and workers threatened with unemployment. The objective is to promote the personal and occupational development of the persons enrolled in our courses, by providing high-quality education and training at a reasonable cost. The courses are targeted at the actual demands of the labour market and also provide orientation in a world of change.

Website: http://www.bfi.at

Webducation offers high-quality digital learning experiences: web-based training (WBT), mobile learning, game-based learning, film – and multimedia productions.

Webducation advises selection and set-up of learning management systems (LMS), authoring tools and general tools for the development of a suitable learning strategy. Webducation teaches and coaches:
Instructional design, script writing, content production, e-learning process and project management. Webducation provides didactical concepts, script writing, usability testing, graphic design, animation, film, music and programming. 


Website: http://www.webducation.cc/

webducation is involved in the following projects:


Alden Biesen

Alden Biesen is a state cultural centre, a conference and seminar centre, is part of the Ministry of Culture, Art & Heritage agency of the Flemish government, and is based in a historic castle with a European mission. The centre aims to be an international cultural and educational centre and has high quality infrastructure, boarding and meeting facilities. The centre is also famous as a touristic place and for its high level international cultural events: open air opera, international storytelling festival etc. 

Alden Biesen is a European education hub. The centre organizes and runs national and international courses, seminars and conferences and in-service training days for teachers and adult education trainers on European issues, self-evaluation, international project management, networking and on European citizenship issues and heritage for adults and adult learners.

The Alden Biesen European education team is very active in international projects. Through participation in these projects the centre gains up to date innovative knowledge, practice and expertise which is then spread through a number of national and international training activities the centre is engaged in.


Website: http://www.alden-biesen.be/

Alden Biesen is involved in the following projects:

Association Européenne des Enseignants (AEDE)

The European Association of Teachers (Association Européenne des Enseignants), founded in Paris in 1956, is an organisation promoting understanding of EU issues amongst educators in all member states. It has a network of more than 25,000 teachers, heads, inspectors and officials, from nursery to university level. AEDE welcomes teachers and schools throughout Europe who wish to work together to build the European society of the future

Website: http://www.aede-el.be

Association Européenne des Enseignants (AEDE) is involved in the following projects:

Association Européenne des Enseignants (AEDE)

The European Association of Teachers (Association Européenne des Enseignants), founded in Paris in 1956, is an organisation promoting understanding of EU issues amongst educators in all member states. It has a network of more than 25,000 teachers, heads, inspectors and officials, from nursery to university level. AEDE welcomes teachers and schools throughout Europe who wish to work together to build the European society of the future.

Website: http://www.aede.eu

Association Européenne des Enseignants (AEDE) is involved in the following projects:

Association pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables (APERe)

APERe is an indipendent association which works for the development of renewable energies. Operating in Belgium since 1991, they hold a very important position in the energy field. 

Website: http://www.apere.org

Association pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables (APERe) is involved in the following projects:

Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications (ATIT)

ATiT is an audio-visual and information technologies company with offices in Belgium and in Ireland. Set up in January 1999, ATiT specialises in the educational, cultural and training sectors and provides audio-visual production, project management, training and consultancy services to clients all over the world.


Website: http://www.atit.be

Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications (ATIT) is involved in the following projects:

Collège du Sartay

The Sartay College is a religious high school. 

Website: http://www.sartay.be

Collège du Sartay is involved in the following projects:

Collège Sainte-Véronique et Marie-Joséc

Sainte Varonique is a college located in Liège 

Website: http://www.sainte-veronique.be

Collège Sainte-Véronique et Marie-Joséc is involved in the following projects:

CVO Kisp Gent
Kisp vzw is a large centre for adult education in Flanders, that organises over 400 courses for more than 15000 adult learners:  cooking, languages, economics, graphics courses, photography, teacher training, 2nd chance education, computer courses, technical training. The learner population is very diverse: between 16 and 70 years old and a number of the courses is diploma oriented: teacher training, economics, photography, 2nd chance education, 2nd language education. Kisp vzw is a flexible, dynamic and innovative education centre that aims to deliver quality courses and to stimulate life long learning in its learners. 

Website: http://www.kisp.be
EfVET is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. Its mission is to champion and enrich technical and vocational education and training through transnational co-operation by building a pan-European network of institutions and practitioners. EfVET aims to:promote quality and innovation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training throughout Europe; develop collaboration, mutual co-operation and sharing of good practice; to encourage co-operation in vocational learning at European level; give VET institutes a platform of influence in EU policy.

Website: http://www.efvet.org/

EfVET is involved in the following projects:

European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)

The European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) is an international non-governmental not-for-profit association founded in 1991 and registered under Belgian law. It currently has 194 members in 35 countries, all of them universities actively committed to and involved in the development of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL). It includes 14 national networks for University Continuing Education and ULLL in Europe and 8 associations concerned with the education of adults. EUCEN is one of the founding associations of the EUCIS-LLL platform and is currently represented in its Steering Committee. The main aims and objectives of EUCEN are: to contribute to the economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and improvement of the quality of LLL within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere, and to foster universities' influence on LLL knowledge and policies throughout Europe. EUCEN represents a very rich source of expertise in the field of ULLL, university management and innovation


Website: http://www.eucen.eu/

European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) is involved in the following projects:

Flemish support and development agency for adult basic education (VOCB )

The Flemish support and development agency for adult basic education (VOCB) is responsible for providing guidance and support to the adult basic education centres and to provide additional training for educational staff at those centres. VOCB stimulates and supports innovation in the field of adult education by means of development projects. VOCB also acts as a meetingpoint for international contacts.

Website: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/English/

Flemish support and development agency for adult basic education (VOCB ) is involved in the following projects:

Foundation Polaire Internationale

Founded by Belgian polar explorer Alain Hubert, Prof. Hugo Decleir and Prof. André Berger in 2002, the Foundation seeks to bring about a keener appreciation of the role of science, particularly research in the Polar Regions, through a re-examination of the planet’s interconnections, its fragility, the impact of human actions on the environment, and the evolution of millennial climate cycles.

Website: http://www.polarfoundation.org/
Free High School Mosane - HELMO

HELMo's main purpose is to prepare the students for professional careers both in the private and public sector. HELMo focuses on working closely with the local community and with a huge network of companies willing to help the students meet the requirements of the job market. It welcomes more than 1,500 students each year, has over a hundred trainers and works with nearly 200 institutions and institutions in which children from 2.5 to 20 years of age are trained and welcomed as well as adults.

Website: https://www.helmo.be/

Free High School Mosane - HELMO is involved in the following projects:


INFOREF, “Initiatives pour une formation efficace” (Initiatives for efficient training), is a non-profit association of teachers and technical educational experts offering services to primary and secondary schools and also to adult education. INFOREF has a full time staff of nine people. INFOREF is also supported by several teachers, consultants and technical experts. The association disseminates relevant information on the educational innovative experiences and materials. INFOREF also offers support for the use of innovative teaching technologies and methodologies and for the introduction of e-Learning based innovative educational systems. 


Website: http://www.inforef.be

Inforef is involved in the following projects:

Junior Achievement Europe

Junior Achievement Europe is the largest and leading organisation in Europe dedicated to inspire and prepare young people to succeed. For over 100 years, JA Worldwide has delivered hands-on, experiential learning in entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial health. In the last school year, the JA Europe network provided over 6.6 million learning experiences for youth in online, in person and blended formats.

Website: http://www.jaeurope.org/

Junior Achievement Europe is involved in the following projects:

Karel de Grote-Hogeschool

Karel de Grote-Hogeschool is a catholic university college that has over 9000 enrolled students and that employs about 1000 staff members. This makes it the largest university college in Antwerp and the second largest in Flanders. Karel de Grote university college is a catholic institution that encourages students and staff members to help each other develop and to help change our world in a positive way.

Website: http://www.kdg.be

Karel de Grote-Hogeschool is involved in the following projects:

Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven

KaHo Sint-Lieven is a university college in Flanders with about 5000 students and more than 600 staff members. The college offers bachelor and master study programmes in Gent, Aalst and Sint-Niklaas. The postgraduate course centre offers several short and longer postgraduate courses.


Website: http://www.kahosl.be

Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven is involved in the following projects:

OCMW Kortrijk

WZC De Weister is part of ZORG KORTRIJK, the CARE departement of the Public Welfare Centre of the City of Kortrijk. It is a nursing home that works according to the principles of small-scaled normalized living for people with dementia. WZC De Weister is primarily open to all elderly and needy Kortrijk’ families, which are no longer willing or able to live at home, regardless of their origin and their ideological, philosophical or religious beliefs. WZC De Weister has two important policies: ‘empowering people’ and ‘giving people the opportunity to still be part of the community (citizenship - destigmatisation)’. Through the years dementia has become a major issue in the governmental plan of the City of Kortrijk.


Website: https://www.kortrijk.be/zorg/adressen/woonzorgcentrum-de-weister

OCMW Kortrijk is involved in the following projects:

Sint-Lievenscollege was first established in 1865 in Gent, Belgium as a secondary school preparing for higher studies (university and high schools) and it counts in 2017 approximately 1000 pupils (aged 12-18 years old), 95 academic staff and 30 support staff.
The Sint-Lievenscollege Community includes 3 nursery and elementary schools, Sint-Lievenscollege 1 (N=400 - 12-14), Sint-Lievenscollege (N= 600 14-18) and a commercial school (n= 400 12-18). Sint-Lievenscollege is for many years an extremely highperforming school in OECD PISA Assessment.

Website: http://humaniora.sintlievenscollege.be

Sint-Lievenscollege is involved in the following projects:

University of Liège

The University of Liège has all the assets necessary to become a leading European and even world university: a pluralistic vocation; an openness to today's political, social, technological and industrial realities and those of tomorrow; active involvement in international and European research programmes as well as those facilitating the mobility of  students and researchers; and a commitment to the development of student-centred learning.

Website: http://www.ulg.ac.be

University of Liège is involved in the following projects:


39 Sredno uchilishte "Petar Dinekov"
39 SU is a medium sized school, which is a part of the educational system of Sofia city and Bulgaria. It follows the objective to be a center for educational and cultural activity. It has been established in 1976 and during its 42 years of existence, the school and its staff have always done their best to respond to the community interest, to provide knowledge to each child, covering the state educational standards and adequate to its capacities, guaranteeing the successful professional development of the young people in society. One of the purposes of the school is to develop among the children interest towards studying and self-improvement during their whole life, to form persons with high intellectual preparation and culture, with brightly outlined civil position and behavior in the spirit of the common human values and democratic values of the EU.

Website: http://www.39sou.eu

39 Sredno uchilishte "Petar Dinekov" is involved in the following projects:

8. SU Vasil Levski

8. SU “Vasil Levski” is a state run primary school with 500 students aged 5 to 14 years. There are preschool classes, sport clubs and a large variety of extracurricular activities. About 4% of all students have special educational needs. While the majority of the students are of Bulgarian ethnicity, there is a small number of Roma children attending the school. Most students belong to Christian or atheist families and just a few come from an Islamic background.

Website: http://8sou.com

8. SU Vasil Levski is involved in the following projects:

Bulgarian Association of Networking Academies - BANA
Bulgarian Association of Networking Academies (BANA) was founded and started its activities in 2006 as an organization which is the first contact point of Cisco networking academies in Bulgaria, and which works to support their interests, to help them operate more efficiently, to harmonize their curricula, as well as to promote the ICT education in the country. BANA has been working on making Cisco NetAcad program nationally recognized as well as on supporting graduates from the academies in finding jobs related to networking. Acting as a bridge between academies and business. BANA is also recognizable by all public institutions in the country, including the Presidency, ministries and agencies often invited to participate in important events.
The main strategic objectives of BANA are to:
•  Support the interests of all Cisco academies in Bulgaria;
•  Monitor Cisco academies training quality;
•  Harmonize the Networking Academy Program;
•  Facilitate the communication between Regional and Local Cisco academies in Bulgaria;
•  Promote ICT training in Bulgaria;
•  Support Cisco students and graduates;
•  Assist in acquiring project and donor financing;
•  Act as a bridge between business and education.

Website: http://www.bana-bg.org

Bulgarian Association of Networking Academies - BANA is involved in the following projects:

Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE)

The Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) is a Bulgarian non-governmental organisation, which main aim is to promote inclusive education and make it happen for every child. CIE continues the 10-year work of Save the Children UK in Bulgaria on inclusive education for children with special educational needs in the mainstream school system and child protection. As main resources CIE uses the expertise of the team, developed after years of inclusive education and child protection work in more than 20 municipalities in North Bulgaria, as well as publication, reports and manuals on inclusion processes management at school. 

Website: http://www.cie-bg.eu/cgi-bin/index.pl?LANG=en&changelang=yes

Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) is involved in the following projects:

Dobrich Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dobrich, Bulgaria is the biggest business support organization in the region of Dobrich, part of the network of the Bulgarian chambers of Commerce and Industry. CCI promotes, fosters and represents the interests of its members and other businesses in the region on local, regional, national and international level. CCI is one of the host structures of the Enterprise Europe Network the largest network of contact point providing information and advice to EU SMEs on EU matters.

CCI has extensive experience in Lifelong learning, cooperation and innovation projects and expertise in promoting linguistic diversity and intercultural exchange, and  Cross Border Cooperation programmes. It has practical experiences on issues like solution approaches, methodology considerations, national implementations, as well as dissemination and valorisation of project results.

Website: http://www.cci.dobrich.net/

Dobrich Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) is involved in the following projects:

Euni Partners

Euni Partners is a non-governmental organization, which works to encourage and expand the cooperation among the academia, business, institutions and educational organizations. Since 2011 the Association works as a consultant for the local authorities, in close partnership with the South-West University "Neofit Rilski", for preservation of the cultural heritage and the development of cultural tourism. 

Website: http://www.eunipartners.eu/

Euni Partners is involved in the following projects:

European Centre for Education and Training (ECET)

The European Centre for Education and Training (ECET) was established in 1993. Its activities include development and implementation of language programmes, vocational courses, IT, computer and management training.

Website: http://www.ecet.bg

European Centre for Education and Training (ECET) is involved in the following projects:

First Private School Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci First Private School, Bulgaria: The school is situated on the right bank of the Danube River in Ruse, the 5th biggest town in Bulgaria, in a well-developed region. The School comprises a nursery, a primary and a secondary school so its students are between 2 and 19 years of age. The classes are organised in 2 sessions; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The students include children from the town and the region as well as kids and youths of mixed or foreign origin so they speak a variety of languages, have different religions, come from various cultures and ethnicities. 

Website: http://www.psleonardo.com

First Private School Leonardo da Vinci is involved in the following projects:

Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria

Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria is a non-governmental organization, established by people living with Alzheimer and their families in 2004. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer and Dementia in Bulgaria, by changing the current attitude and practices towards them and providing access to treatment and social support. The organization works in Sofia and Varna city. The organization was established in Varna and has a representation and an office also in Sofia (since 2007). The organization is member of Alzheimer Europe, Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI), EFID network and National Patient organization. Current activities: provision of innovative social services for families with patients with Alzheimer/Dementia (legal, psychological consultations for families and patients, including e-mail and telephone consultations), art-therapy, nonpharmacological methods of prevention, Alzheimer café, information campaigns for prevention of the disease, lobbying in Bulgaria for improved services, accessible treatment of Alzheimer and services and policies for patients and caregivers. Training for the personnel/caregivers in Residential homes for people with Alzheimer was provided in 2012. As a result of the projects and awareness-raising initiatives in the past years, more and more people and families approach the Foundation and seek help, support and information. Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria is engaged in a robust programme to sensitize the general public and to create the primary services for people with dementia and their families.


Website: https://alzheimerbulgaria.org/

Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria is involved in the following projects:

Foundation of Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society (FDCBPCS)

FDCBPCS is an NGO developing, implementing and managing European projects and providing consultations in the spheres of culture, art, tourism, Internet-based activities and education, VET, e-learning and school education development, as well as regional development. FDCBPCS team also provides school administrations, SMEs, NGOs and local authorities with EU project development/implementation and regional development services and trainings. FDCBPCS has a network of school partners throughout the country, developed and maintained under a number of successful projects. FDCBPCS is an experienced organization with a broad scope of collaborators and partners within the country and abroad, which will be made available for the benefit of the project.

Website: http://cubufoundation.com/

Foundation of Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society (FDCBPCS) is involved in the following projects:

Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-profit, non-governmental legal body, registered with Gabrovo District Court on September 30, 1991 under the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act. It's mission is regional development support, representation and protection of its members interests vis-à-vis local and state governmental bodies and fostering the European and international integration of Gabrovo region.
GbCCI is a partner of the state institutions in the improvement of the legislation - it submits the governmental bodies with its members' opinion on draft laws, develops proposals for their improvement, participates in the development of regional, district and municipal development programmes.
As a representative organization of employers GbCCI participates in the social dialogue and is represented in many local tripartite bodies and commissions,
The membership with the Chamber is on voluntary basis. Currently the Chamber has 134 regular and 1000 associated members.

Website: http://www.chamber-gabrovo.com/

Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry is involved in the following projects:

Association “IT-World.BG” is a public non-profit NGO established in 2009 with annual financial turnover between 10,000 and 20,000 EUR. Its team consists of information technology professionals that have been previously involved in different e-Government and e-Learning development projects. Its main mission is to assist the development and modernization of e-society in Bulgaria and Europe. "IT World BG" has a successful background in the deployment of e-Learning solutions and the development of digital literacy courses. The company has also a registered Cisco Networking Academy offering various IT VET trainings.
IT-World.BG is expert in the digital sector and its mission is to develop effective methods in education through the modernization of information technologies in Europe.It is experienced in the deployment of e-Learning solutions. The company is also a registered training provider offering digital literacy courses.

Website: http://www.it-world.bg

IT-World.BG is involved in the following projects:

John Atanasoff Vocational High School of Electronics

John Atanasoff is a public vocational high school. Since its foundation in 1968, the school has been one of the educational leaders acclaimed by the National ranking System. The school offers education and training in the field of Information Technology with specialties, such as: System Programming, Computers and Technology, Computer Networks, Renewable Energy Sources, Microprocessor Technology, Industrial Electronics. John Atanasoff Vocational High School of Electronics has 1022 students, distributed in 40 classes.

Website: http://www.spge-bg.com/

John Atanasoff Vocational High School of Electronics is involved in the following projects:

KU TU Ltd.

KU TU Ltd. is a private company specialised in the field of advertising services and PR. It provides full advertising services to its customers – planning, design and realisation. 

Important part of the company’s advertising activities is the planning and organisation of events like seminars, exhibitions, language campaigns. KU TU has gained extensive experience in the promotion of language learning through its participation in international projects funded under EU-programmes. It is focused on developing innovative products, materials and approaches for non-formal language education applicable to different target groups. 

KU TU has stable experience in the management and realisation of projects as well as а wide network of business partners and associates. The company is a member of the European network EURORESO, which has participated in over 20 EU project under different programmes of the European Commission. In this respect KU TU has a strong basis for successful promotion and dissemination. 

Website: http://www.kutu-bg.eu

KU TU Ltd. is involved in the following projects:

Municipality of Plovdiv

Plovdiv is one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is claimed that the city is a contemporary of Troy and Mycenae, but it is more ancient than Rome, Athens and Constantinople. According to the data of NSI (National Institute of Statistics) the people who actually live in Plovdiv are 346,790. The Municipality of Plovdiv is engaged with the development and building of the educational system, with the integration and support of the children and the elderly, as well as the disadvantaged people through non-formal education.


Website: https://www.plovdiv.bg/en/

Municipality of Plovdiv is involved in the following projects:

Profesionalna Gimnazia Asen Zlatarov

Profesionalna gimnazia “Asen Zlatarov” is a high school located in Vidin (Bulgaria). It has been established in 1963 as vocational school aiming at preparing experts and executives to be further employed in Bulgarian chemistry enterprises. Since 2002, it has been involved in several European projects.


Website: http://www.pgaz.org/

Profesionalna Gimnazia Asen Zlatarov is involved in the following projects:

Technical University of Gabrovo

The Technical University of Gabrovo is a state university conducting teaching for the academic degrees of Bachelor and Master in 18 degree courses and for the academic degree of Doctor in 31 degree courses. It was founded in 1964 as Polytechnical Institute. In 1972 it was transformed into Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering for both full-time and part-time studies. In 1995 the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria gave it the status of Technical University (TU).

The Technical University of Gabrovo was one of the first higher education institutions in Bulgaria to be granted full institutional accreditation by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency starting from the academic year 1999/2000.


Website: http://www.tugab.bg/english/

Technical University of Gabrovo is involved in the following projects:

University of National and World Economy
The University of National and World Economy is the eldest, the most prestigious and the largest economic university in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe.
In 2017 the UNWE has obtained for the third time the highest assessment among all Bulgarian universities for a six-years period by the National Accreditation and Assessment Agency.   
The UNWE has 8 Faculties: General Economics Faculty, Finance and Accountancy Faculty, Management and Administration Faculty, Economics of Infrastructure Faculty, International Economics and Politics Faculty, Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty, Business Faculty and Law Faculty. 
At the UNWE work about 500 lecturers, 300 of them are Professors and Associate Professors.
The UNWE has an Educational Quality Management System certified by Intertek in compliance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2008.
The UNWE occupies highly competitive positions. Traditionally it has the largest number of prospective students and a record number of excellent students in comparison with the other universities in our country.
The UNWE is the largest Bulgarian university. It has 21 534 students studying in full-time and distance form of education in 43 Bachelor`s degree specialities and 88 Master`s degree specialities as well as about 500 Bulgarian and foreign Ph.D. students studying in 41 Ph.D. programmes.
The UNWE collaborates with 132 universities from all over the world working with them on joint Master`s degree programmes, scientific research projects, distance learning, students and lecturers exchange. 
The UNWE has incorporated a credit system providing an opportunity for student mobility between the specialities as well as between other Bulgarian and foreign universities.

Website: https://www.unwe.bg/en/
Zinev Art Technologies Ltd.

Zinev Art Technologies Ltd. has been established in the beginning of 2005 with the purpose of developing, implementing and managing European projects and providing consultations and training in the following spheres: Internet-based activities, vocational training, EU projecting, culture, art, tourism. Vocational training and increasing the qualifications of the human resources are major factors for improving the competitiveness of Bulgarian enterprises and for strengthening the capacities of the non-profit non-governmental sector. Understanding these necessities ZAT participates in a number of initiatives, connected with provision of training and consultancy services for different target groups: SMEs or persons, willing to start up their own initiatives; NGOs; education and training institutions; public authorities. 


Website: http://www.artsbg.net

Zinev Art Technologies Ltd. is involved in the following projects:


Cyprus University of Technology

Cyprus University of Technology is a public research University in Cyprus. CUT’s strategic targets include the design and development of research activities both within the University and in cooperation with other research institutes in Cyprus and abroad. The research emphasis of CUT is reflected in the substantial funding provided to academics for the establishment of research centres and laboratories. CUT aims at producing and transferring new knowledge through basic and applied research in all the academic fields of the University’s five Faculties. Strengthening of the research management support and infrastructure, with the aim of securing externally funded projects, is another major objective of CUT. 

Website: http://www.cut.ac.cy

Cyprus University of Technology is involved in the following projects:

Emphasys Centre

The Emphasys Centre (Cyprus) functions as a Centre for Education, ICT Training and Research and a non-formal learning provider. It is accredited by the Cyprus Ministry of Education as a private educational centre specialising in ICT training for students (VET) and for adults. It is also accredited by the ECDL Foundation and the CEPIS and by the Cambridge International Examination Board. The Research Centre is actively involved in the area of EU projects and cooperates closely with several organizations, research centres, schools, both in Cyprus and in the E.U. for the development and implementation of various projects through ESL and LLP, such as the GRANKIT project.

Website: http://www.emphasyscentre.com

Emphasys Centre is involved in the following projects:


University of Zadar

The University of Zadar was established in 2003 as an integrated higher education institution. Since then, practical experience has shown that this organizational model is very suitable for a university of its size (640 employees and about 5500 undergraduate and graduate students (as of February 2022). At the University of Zadar, bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programmes are offered in 27 departments from seven scientific fields: Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Biotechnology, Interdisciplinary Sciences, and Biomedicine and Health.

Website: https://www.unizd.hr/

University of Zadar is involved in the following projects:

University of Zagreb - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb was founded in 1919 as a four year college. On 7 December 1924 the school was renamed into the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and it became a part of the University of Zagreb. Since then it has been the only faculty of that kind in the Republic of Croatia. The Faculty comprises a number of premises; lecture and teaching rooms, computer laboratories and laboratories and facilities where large and small animals are kept. 

Website: http://www.vef.unizg.hr


Adult Education Centre (VUC)

VUC Lyngby is an adult education centre situated north of Copenhagen.
There are approximately 30 adult education centres in Denmark where adults can add to their formal education and training. At VUC Lyngby you can find single subject courses from the very basic levels to A-levels. You can study at Lyngby or via our e-learning system. Exams are only offered locally.The aim of the formal education system is to provide academic qualifications to enable adults to improve or supplement their general knowledge and skills.

Website: http://www.vuclyngby.dk

Adult Education Centre (VUC) is involved in the following projects:

Danish University of Education

The Danish University of Education was established on 1 June 2007 by the merger of the Danish University of Education and the University of Aarhus. Most research and study activities at the School of Education are located at the campus in Emdrup in the northern part of the capital of Copenhagen. Other teaching activities take part in Denmark's second largest city Aarhus.

Website: http://www.dpu.dk

Danish University of Education is involved in the following projects:


Ed-consult provides educational consultancy, project management, testing, and evaluation services for corporations, SMEs, and public and private organisations. Ed-consult delivers courses, workshops, idea cafés in the areas of languages, communication, culture, eSkills, nature, (digital) art, and rural development - online and offline. The target groups are companies, public organisations, teachers and trainers as well as individual learners.

Website: http://www.ed-consult.dk
Municipality of Kalundborg

Kalundborg Municipality covers an area of ​​604 km2 and has 160 km of coastline. The beautiful nature, together with the busy industrial port and a thriving business world, make it an attractive place to live, live and work. The municipality has almost 49,000 citizens and approx. 3,300 full-time employees.


Website: http://www.kalundborg.dk

Municipality of Kalundborg is involved in the following projects:

Municipality of Sønderborg

The municipality of Sønderborg has a huge focus on environment and sustainability. In 2006, the initiative named Project Zero was launched, aiming at making the municipality CO2’ neutral area by the year 2029. Later a Strategy for Sustainability including economic, social, cultural and environment aspects was produced by the Municipality. In 2017 Sonderborg became the first UNESCO Learning City in Denmark.


Website: http://en.sonderborgkommune.dk/

Municipality of Sønderborg is involved in the following projects:

Spor Media

Spor Media is an experienced media and cultural organization. Its goal is to improve inter-cultural understanding and help to reduce global inequality. Spor Media endeavors to engender sympathetic insight, reflection and dialogue across national boundaries. The activities carried out take Spor Media behind clichés and prejudice: they attempt to make the “unfamiliar” familiar and attach great importance to emphasizing likeness rather than differences. Spor Media’s activities include:

  • Global Kids: Visits by cultural groups from Africa, Latin America and Asia. Children and young people meet to engage in cultural activities across social and cultural divides.
  • Documentary films: Films about people around the world, their dreams and their challenges. Stories based on our own ideas or created in collaboration with others.
  • Distant Neighbors: Web based film and teaching materials give Danish children insight into the cultures and societies of Africa, Latin America and Asia.
  • Spor out there – Miradas Juveniles: Media projects in Latin America and Africa give young people in poor societies to speak out and change their living conditions.


Website: https://www.spormedia.dk/

Spor Media is involved in the following projects:


International House World organisation (IHWO)

International House World organisation (IHWO) was started in 1953. It has now grown to be the global leader in high quality language teaching and teacher training. IHWO is a dynamic and fast developing organisation, with currently 150 member schools in 50 countries worldwide and it is constantly expanding its network and developing its services.

Website: http://www.tallinnlc.ee/
Tallinn University
Tallinn University is the third largest university in Estonia consisting of 6 institutes and 2 colleges. It has more than 7500 students as well as almost 400 faculty members and research fellows. Its main strengths lie in the fields of humanities and social sciences, but it also has a strong and constantly growing component of natural and engineering sciences, as well as a notable tradition of teacher training and educational research. The amount of applied research as well as cooperation with enterprises is rapidly growing in the field of fine arts, educational technology, health and social sciences.

Website: http://www.tlu.ee

Tallinn University is involved in the following projects:

Tamsalu Gymnasium
Tamsalu Gymnasium is a comprehensive secondary school in North Estonia. The school itself was founded 150 years ago. At present there are about 400 students (aged 7-19) and 40 members of staff. The school is situated in a small town and surrounded by rural area.

Website: http://tamsalukool.ee/

Tamsalu Gymnasium is involved in the following projects:

Tartu International School

The non-profit organisation Tartu International School was established in 2001 in Tartu, Estonia. Today the organization runs two educational institutions: Tartu International School and Tartu International Kindergarten. The school and kindergarten are accredited to teach students from age 2 to 15 by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and to deliver the International Baccalaureate Organization´s Primary Years Programme. The organization values and promotes collaboration within the community. 

Website: http://www.istartu.ee/

Tartu International School is involved in the following projects:

The Prison of Tallinn

The Department of Prisons in the Ministry of Justice is the administrative management unit of the prison system with its principal duty of managing, enhancing and supervising work in prisons. Tallinn Prison, as other three prisons in Estonia, is directly supervised by the department. 

Tallinn Prison is a regional prison, which serves the northern and western part of Estonia. Tallinn Prison is currently the largest prison in Estonia and is located in the city of Tallinn on the site of the former prisoner-of-war camp that operated between 1944 and 1949 and renovated afterwards. The history of prison starts from 1919 and this year 93rd anniversary was celebrated. Preparations are currently being made for the construction of a new Tallinn Prison. 


Website: http://www.vangla.ee/43636

The Prison of Tallinn is involved in the following projects:


Criminal Sanctions Agency

The Criminal Sanctions Agency belongs to the administrative field of the Ministry of Justice. The Department of Criminal Policy in the Ministry of Justice draws the strategic guidelines for the field. The three criminal sanctions regions are the Criminal Sanctions Region of Southern Finland, the Criminal Sanctions Region of Western Finland, and the Criminal Sanctions Region of Eastern and Northern Finland. The criminal sanctions regions have a regional administration, which includes a regional centre and an assessment centre. 
The Criminal Sanctions Agency employs 3 200 officials, who take care of the enforcement of remand imprisonment, prison sentences and community sanctions.

Website: http://www.rikosseuraamus.fi/16019.htm

Criminal Sanctions Agency is involved in the following projects:

Humak University of Applied Sciences
Humak University of Applied Sciences is the leading educator and developer in the fields of humanities and pedagogy and cultural management in Finland. It operates through a nationwide network. It has four campuses around Finland and around 1500 students and 120 employees. In the field of the humanities and pedagogy, Humak offers Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Civic Activities and Youth Work and in Sign Language Interpreting. In the field of culture, Humak offers Bachelors and Masters degrees in Cultural Management. Humak also offers continuing education and extension studies in the form of adult education, retraining and upgrading of qualifications, specialization studies, open university instruction and other extension studies. Humak participates in major European Exchange Programmes. Humak works in close cooperation with companies and organizations operating in its fields of expertise.

Website: http://www.humak.fi

Humak University of Applied Sciences is involved in the following projects:

Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences

Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences was established in 1992. At the moment there are altogether 2600 students and the staff consists of approximately 220 persons. Kemi and Tornio are situated in the Finnish Lapland, by the Swedish border. The Kemi-Tornion region offers a wide range of services. The people of Kemi and Tornio derive their livelihood from the paper and wood industries, steel industries, high-tech enterprises and engineering works.

Website: http://www.tokem.fi

Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences is involved in the following projects:

Learnmera Oy
Learnmera Oy is a private adult education provider and translation company, focused mainly on corporate clients in the greater Helsinki area providing private executive business language lessons. Courses are offered in the major Nordic and European languages, but also beginner’s courses in English, Finnish, Swedish, French, German and Russian are offered. Learnmera Oy has considerable in-house experience in educational resource, website creation and mobile application content building.

Website: http://www.learnmera.com

Learnmera Oy is involved in the following projects:

Lyseo Upper Secondary School

Lyseo upper secondary school is located in the heart of the city of Joensuu in Eastern Finland. There are approximately 450 students aged 13 - 16 and 45 teachers. We have three types of special classes: music, sport and English. The students come from Marjala and Noljakka, which are a vital districts of Joensuu, but also from other municipalities (especially special class students).


Website: https://www.joensuu.fi/

Lyseo Upper Secondary School is involved in the following projects:

Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice maintains and develops the legal order and legal safeguards and oversees the structures of democracy and the fundamental rights of citizens. The Ministry is responsible for the drafting of the most important laws, the functioning of the judicial system and the enforcement of sentences. The Minister of Justice is Head of the Finnish Ministry of Justice. The Permanent Secretary assists the Minister in leading and developing the activities of the Ministry, the strategic planning and the management by performance of the administrative sector of the Ministry and the management by results of the Ministry. 

Website: http://www.om.fi/en/index.html

Ministry of Justice is involved in the following projects:

North Karelian College of Further Education

North Karelian College Outokumpu is the third biggest college of all the colleges belonging to North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium. The college has approximately 650 students from all over Finland. 

Website: http://www.pkky.fi/iok
Omnia, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region

Omnia, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region, is a multisectoral educational organisation owned by municipalities of Espoo, Kauniaianen and Kirkkonummi. Omnia organises Upper Secondary Vocational Education of 120 credits (3 years) and Preparatory Training for Competence-Based Qualifications. Omnia has approximately 10000 students and 700 personnel at the moment and it functions at five different institutes: Omnia Vocational College, Omnia Adult Education Centre, Omnia Apprenticeship Training Centre, Omnia Youth Workshops and Innoomnia-centre for innovation and entrepreneurship. Six training sectors are provided at Omnia: Culture; Natural Sciences; Social Sciences, Business Economics and Administration; Technology and Transport; Social Services, Health and Sport; Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services. 

Omnia is a powerful actor in Uusimaa region in Finland and it’s also a worldwide well-known project partner, especially in Europe. Omnia cooperates closely with towns, chamber of commerce, organisations of entrepreneurs and trade unions in education and training and frustration and discrimination. Omnia communicates closely through councils with firms, associations and organisations of labour market. Omnia also co-operates with the other education institutes of Uusimaa and with the Finnish National Board of Education. 


Website: http://www.omnia.fi

Omnia, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region is involved in the following projects:

Rieskalähde Junior High School
Rieskalähteen koulu (Rieskalähde Junior High School) is situated in Vätti, Turku, and it belongs to the northern school district of Turku. There are approximately 460 pupils studying in grades 7-9 and the staff covers 42 teachers. In addition to general education, there are five regional small classes for pupils who need special support.

Website: https://blog.edu.turku.fi/rieskalahteenkoulu/

Rieskalähde Junior High School is involved in the following projects:

University of Eastern Finland

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. The high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. The research is ranked among the best in the world in several fields. University offers education in nearly 100 major subjects and trains experts for tomorrow’s changing labour market needs. The University is composed by four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies.


Website: http://www.uef.fi

University of Eastern Finland is involved in the following projects:

University of Laurea Kerava

Laurea Kerava is a multidisciplinary, international campus that offers Bachelor's degrees in Business Administration, Tourism, and Business Information Technology, as well as a Master's degree in User-Centred ‎Design. The languages of instruction are Finnish and English.‎ 

Website: http://www.laurea.fi/en

University of Laurea Kerava is involved in the following projects:

University of Turku - UTU
University of Turku (UTU) is a multidisciplinary scientific university, where expertise of seven faculties ranges from humanities to mathematics and natural sciences, and business. University of Turku is recognized for the quality of teaching, research and excellent student support services. With its 21 000 students and 3 500 employees University of Turku is one of the major universities in Finland.

Website: http://www.utu.fi

University of Turku - UTU is involved in the following projects:


WinNova is a regional provider of vocational education for young people and adults in South-Western Finland. WinNova offers a wide variety of educational services for the needs of youth, adult and business education. The customer segments of WinNova include the following: youngsters (vocational qualifications, matriculation examination); adults (pragmatic education based on individual needs, adult education, additional professional training); business (pragmatic and company customized education based on the needs analysis). WinNova has approx. 6000 students and approx. 720 members of staff and a very strong and long-termed co-operation with companies and public sector organizations (on-the-job-learning/training, apprenticeship training, continuing education and labour policy education).

Website: http://www.winnova.fi

WinNova is involved in the following projects:


Académie de Strasbourg

The ongoing vocational training network of the Academia of Strasbourg through GIP FCIP Alsace ensures a mission of continuous training of public utility for the National Education. It accompanies the technological and organisational developments by companies and administrations and puts at their service his know-how in the fields of training engineering in all its methods, teacher training and tutors, consulting and audit in vocational training. 

Website: http://www.ac-strasbourg.fr/

Académie de Strasbourg is involved in the following projects:

Association de Gestion du Réseau des Centres Etude des Langues des Chambres de Commerce et Industrie Françaises (AGERCEL)

"Association de Gestion du Réseau des Centres d'Etude des Langues des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie Françaises" is a network of 161 vocational language training centres all over France offering a wide range of courses in 22 different languages (1 900 000 training hours/year)


Website: http://www.2020-horizon.com/AGERCEL-p72885g1.html
Centre international d’études des langues (CIEL)

CIEL is an International French Language School specialised in intensive French classes, general and business French, with 30 years’ experience in teaching French to foreign adults.

Website: http://www.qualitefle.fr/en

Centre international d’études des langues (CIEL) is involved in the following projects:

Centre National de Formation de l’Enseignement Technique Privé (CNEFTP)

The CNFETP (Centre National de Formation de l’Enseignement Technique Privé ) aims to contribute to technical and vocational education through training and professional development for education. Overall, the primary objective of the organization is to enrich the teaching and development of media training.

Website: http://www.cnfetp.com/

Centre National de Formation de l’Enseignement Technique Privé (CNEFTP) is involved in the following projects:

Commissariat à Energie Atomique (CEA)

The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. It is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement has two main objectives: to become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future.

Website: http://www.cea.fr
Culture et Liberté (Culture and Liberty)
Culture et Liberté is composed by more than 15 Associations providing social services and promoting active citizenship.
Website: http://www.culture-et-liberte.asso.fr

Culture et Liberté (Culture and Liberty) is involved in the following projects:

Fédération Francaise des Centres de Gestion et Economie et Artisanat (FFCGEA)

Formed by the merger of Inge (National Institute of Business and Economics Crafts) and FNCGAH (Federation Nationale des Centres and Authorized Chartered Management) created in 1985 by management centers close to the chambers of trade the FFCGEA became in 1994 the national structure missionnée to serve and represent the approved management centers and skills at the national and professional.

Website: http://www.ffcgea.fr
Institut Alfred Adler de Paris

Institut Alfred Adler de Paris – IAAP is a non-profit organization founded in 2015. As the evolution of knowledge and practices in the fields of adlerian psychoanalysis, psychotherapies and psychodrama are still not sufficiently well known in France, IAAP main purpose is to disseminate Alfred Adler’s psychological, psychoanalytical and philosophical body of work to a French speaking audience.


Website: http://institut-alfred-adler-paris.fr/

Institut Alfred Adler de Paris is involved in the following projects:

Institut de Formation Pédagogique (IFP)
The IFP North Pas de Calais is a training organization affiliated with the Catholic University of Lille. Itis responsible for the initial and continuing training of its teachers and trainers. It also trains leaders and cadres of the Popular Education (Youth and Sports Degrees). Finally, it provides training (Master) in the field of Socio-Educational innovation.

Website: http://www.ifp-npdc.fr/

Institut de Formation Pédagogique (IFP) is involved in the following projects:

Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

The CESSMA – Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (Centre for social sciences studies on the African, American and Asian worlds) – is a joint research unit. It was created in 2014 by Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) (the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development) in cooperation with the University Paris Diderot, the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations). On 1 January 2018, the Centre comprised 56 academics and research fellows, and 80 doctoral students. This research centre develops University training and research. Gender studies represent the core of the centre itself, with some researchers specialized on women' migrations (Chinese migrations in Africa and Europe).


Website: https://www.ird.fr/

Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement is involved in the following projects:

Largente High School

Largent is a Catholic private contract at the entrance of the city of Bayonne, in a beautiful green park, inscribed in the dynamics of Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursulines. It is committed and proud to support today's educational goals with 1300 students enrolled from kindergarten to higher education with modern infrastructure.

Website: http://largente.eu/
An International Academic Center for Sales, Marketing and Business Negotiation, NEGOCIA trains 1300 students and 3000 professionals in continuing education,(tailor-made programs, part-time programs). Sixty permanent faculty are joined by 500 regular visiting lecturers from the business community to provide students with a thoroughly modern and up-to-date, constantly evolving curriculum. NEGOCIA has international links with 40 partner Universities in 18 countries.
Website: http://www.negocia.fr/

NEGOCIA is involved in the following projects:


RenaSup is a non-profit organization, directly associated with the General Secretary of the French Catholic Education. RenaSup is a network of 515 schools from middle school to higher education. Every project carried by RenaSup aims at promoting quality standard, professional insertion and social success. RenaSup is part of a project called ‘Success for all’ and initiated by the Catholic Education. This project aims at developing measures to promote equal opportunities. Although this dimension of success for all is fundamental to acquire social cohesion, the feeling of inequality often generates the desaggregation of the social body, communitarianism and sometimes extremism that aims at rejecting others.


Website: http://www.renasup.org

Renasup is involved in the following projects:

Telecom Lille I (ENIC)

TELECOM Lille 1 (formerly ENIC) is a public grande école (engineering school). TELECOM Lille 1 is located on the campus of Lille University of Science and Technology in Villeneuve d'Ascq near Lille. ENIC (École Nouvelle d'Ingénieurs en Communication, Novel School In Communication) was created to answer the growing need for engineers having both technical and management skills. From the beginning, the school was built around a dual education system, in which professional internships are part of the school curriculum. This is still an essential aspect of the school training today.

Website: http://www.telecom-lille.fr/

Telecom Lille I (ENIC) is involved in the following projects:

Université Lumière Lyon 2
The Université Lumière Lyon 2 (ULL2) is one of the major universities of Humanities and Social Sciences, thanks to the dynamism of its research and the quality of its courses. It cooperates closely with various institutions of higher education and research with a view to jointly offering the best training to students and integrating its research into regional, national and international networks and
The ULL2 is committed to supporting research and promoting excellence in human resources for research by starting the process of obtaining the European HRS4R "Human Resources Strategy For Researchers" label. The purpose of this label is to participate in the construction of the European Research Area and to comply with the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers
and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment.
Resolutely international, the ULL2 assumes its missions within the framework of multiple partnerships: it maintains nearly 560 cooperation agreements with 370 foreign universities and proposes about thirty international diplomas. This openness to the international is essential for the students as for our scientific activities. It allows the movement of people, knowledge and ideas. Thus the ULL2 hosts 28 000 students including 5000 students are foreigners; among them 820 students come from partner universities. It also offers many mobility opportunities: 750 students per year make a stay abroad under international agreements.

Website: http://www.univ-lyon2.fr

Université Lumière Lyon 2 is involved in the following projects:

Université Paris-Dauphine
Université Paris-Dauphine, a public management university created in 1968, has a unique position in the French academic landscape: a university and a Grande Ecole rolled into one. It is a focused university, offering bachelors, masters, PhD and executive and continuing education, combining quantitative and qualitative training in Organisation and Decision-making Sciences. Its mission is to be of service to society and to the globalisation of higher education by creating and disseminating knowledge in applied organisation sciences and by educating responsible managers and researchers open to diversity and to the world. Université Paris-Dauphine strives to combine the strengths of a university – education through research and for research – with the strengths of a business school – competitiveness and professionalisation of curricula.
Its vision is to provide education of the highest quality in Business administration and Management Sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, to prepare students to face the challenges of today and to confront the complexity of a globalised world Paris-Dauphine is a founding member of Paris Sciences & Lettres Research University (PSL) developing a unique and innovative pedagogy based on transdisciplinary approaches combining science, humanities and social sciences within teaching and research at all levels of study.

Website: https://www.dauphine.psl.eu/fr/index.html

Université Paris-Dauphine is involved in the following projects:

University of Paris I - PHARE

The University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne is one of the leading institution of higher education in France. It is also one of the largest universities in France today (with about 40 000 students), and is at the forefront of research in the fields of economics. PHARE (Pôle d’Histoire de l’Analyse et des Représentations Economiques) is a research center labeled by the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and, since 2011, by the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). It is the only European Center devoted exclusively to the History of Economic Thought. 

Website: http://phare.univ-paris1.fr/

University of Paris I - PHARE is involved in the following projects:


Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg/DHBW) is the first higher education institution in Germany which combines on-the-job training and academic studies and, therefore, achieves a close integration of theory and practice, both being components of cooperative education. With around 34,000 enrolled students, over 9,000 partner companies and more than 145,000 graduates, DHBW counts as one of the largest higher education institutions in the German Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and has appr. 650 full-time lecturers (professors) and much more part-time lecturers.

Website: https://www.mosbach.dhbw.de/

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University is involved in the following projects:

BBW in der DAA
The BBW is active since in 1990 as a private educational institutions in the North-East of Germany. The core competencies are situated in advanced trainings and retraining as well as in the professional first education and operational qualification courses. More than 650 successfully accomplished educational projects prove the competence and long-standing professional experience of the enterprise. BBW shows special experiences with the qualification of unemployed persons with special personal problems and underprivileged persons.

Website: http://www.bbwkg.de

BBW in der DAA is involved in the following projects:

Bildung und Projektnetzwerk GmbH (BUPNET)

BUPNET GmbH, Bildung und Projekt Netzwerk is an adult education provider based in Germany. The organization is accredited by the TÜV CERT - Certification Body of the Rheinland Group according to the quality management standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and the AZWV a special certification for training institutes working with the national unemployment office - Bundesagentur für Arbeit and stands for professional and innovative training projects in the health and social sector, environment, tourism, e-business and journalism. BUPNET is collaborating with the national Unemployment Office and offers further training courses and requalification courses for unemployed people. In the framework of ESF-funded projects, BUPNET offers also training courses for employed people.

Website: http://www.bupnet.de

Bildung und Projektnetzwerk GmbH (BUPNET) is involved in the following projects:

Bildungswerk ver.di

Bildungswerk ver.di is an non-profit institution located in Lower Saxony (north-western part of Germany) for the adult education an vocational training. It offers courses in Political Science, Communication, Environment, Languages, Design and Training courses for Women.It has a staff of 55 persons and cooperatie with other educational organisations (e. g. Deutsche Angestellten Akademie, DAA) and teachers.

Website: http://www.bw-verdi.de/

Bildungswerk ver.di is involved in the following projects:


In 2005 Blinc, the blended learning institutions’ cooperative was founded in Goettingen, Germany, as a start-up network from based on former EU-funded LIFE and eLearning projects in the health, social and environmental sector. It now consists of more than 30 organisations and individuals from 18 European countries.blinc is an exchange instrument for educationalists and researchers and offers a platform for exchange of know-how and experiences and the evaluation, dissemination, marketing and distribution of their services and products (Valorisation and Networking).


Website: http://www.blinc-eu.org/

Blinc is involved in the following projects:

Büro für Kultur

Büro für Kultur is a cultural office located in Hamburg (Germany). In the last 16 years, it has been developing the cultural approach with peer-to-peer-learning with partners in German and Europe and with different forms of schools all over Europe. In Hamburg it has been developing concepts and projects with different schools in poor neighborhoods. And since last year Büro für Kultur started its first project with the cultural approach with peer-to-peer-learning with German students, young refugees and a group from Nepal.


Website: http://buero-fuer-kultur.ch/

Büro für Kultur is involved in the following projects:

Carl von Ossietzky University

The Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is over 200 years old and the main focus of the University is teacher training. Approximately one quarter of all students are trained to become teachers of all different school levels. The University holds formal academic partnerships with over 30 universities in The United States of America, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria and Russia.

Website: http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/

Carl von Ossietzky University is involved in the following projects:

Center for Educational Research, University of Koblenz-Landau (ZEPF)
The Centre for Educational Research is the pivotal research institute of the University of Koblenz-Landau, campus Landau. Basic-oriented as well as application-oriented research is conducted in a wide range of projects.
Website: http://www.zepf.uni-landau.de

Center for Educational Research, University of Koblenz-Landau (ZEPF) is involved in the following projects:

Department of International Affairs - City of Cologne

Cologne is the largest city of Germany's most populous federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fourth most populous city in Germany after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich. With slightly over a million inhabitants (1.08 million) within its city boundaries, Cologne is the largest city on the Rhine and also the most populous city both of the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Region, which is Germany's largest and one of Europe's major metropolitan areas, and of the Rhineland. Centered on the left bank of the Rhine, Cologne is about 45 kilometers southeast of North Rhine-Westphalia's capital of Düsseldorf and 25 kilometers northwest of Bonn. It is the largest city in the Central Franconian and Ripuarian dialect areas.


Website: https://www.stadt-koeln.de/

Department of International Affairs - City of Cologne is involved in the following projects:

Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research
The Georg Eckert Institute conducts comparative international textbook research in the fields of history, geography and civics with the aim to improve the representation of (contested) international and intercultural issues in the above mentioned disciplines. It conducts currently projects on textbook revision with partners in Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East. It develops recommendations for educational publishing houses, curriculum experts, ministries of education and teacher training institutions. The Institute’s library holds a unique stock of school textbooks. Researchers from all over the world visit the library for research stays.
Website: http://www.gei.de

Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research is involved in the following projects:

German Academy of Employees (DAA)

The Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie (DAA, the German College for Employees) was founded in 1946. It provides services all over Germany, operating from around 200 training centres. The DAA uses teaching methods designed particularly for adults, such as training on the job, distance-learning and self-directed learning. It offers a wide range of advanced training, vocational training, tertiary and postgraduate professional education seminars. The DAA office in Berlin is specialized in business and technical training. The office in Berlin is also one of the Open University centres of the DAA.

Website: http://www.daa-bbo.de

German Academy of Employees (DAA) is involved in the following projects:

German Institute for Adult Education (DIE)

The German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) is an institution of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and is jointly funded by the Federal government and the German Länder. In its capacity as a service institute, it acts as a go-between for research and the field of practice in the area of adult education.

Website: http://www.die-bonn.de/Default.aspx
Geselschaft fuer Europaeische Welterbildung E.V. (GESEW)

GESEW (Geselschaft fuer Europaeische Welterbildung) is a platform for scientific training through distance education with nearly 300 institutional and individual members from universities and training institutions.

Website: https://dgwf.net/

Gesundheitsakademie is a no-profit organisation whose goal is to provide a holistic view of people at the center and to inform people about different topics of holistic medicine .The objectives of Gesundheitsakademie are: dissemination of the concept of mental training; giving a holistic view of the field; education and prevention for people in all stages of life; providing further training to address new challenges and to plan strategies for survival.

Website: http://www.gesundheitsakademie-mainburg.org/

Gesundheitsakademie is involved in the following projects:


The greco:transferstelle in Kleve is working for the local and regional authorities on the European Programmes.  Greco:transferstelle is involved in a number of projects. 

Website: http://www.greco-transferstelle.de

Greco-Tranferstelle is involved in the following projects:

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HH) is an applied science university. Their central focus is the excellence of the teaching and the degree courses. Simultaneously, HAW Hamburg is continuing to develop its profile as a research university. Developing sustainable solutions to the societal challenges of today and tomorrow: this is the goal of the University, northern Germany’s leading applied sciences university when it comes to reflective practice. University central focus is the excellence of our teaching and our degree courses.


Website: http://www.haw-hamburg.de/

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is involved in the following projects:

IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH (IHKPG) is a service provider for Vocational Education and Training (VET) at regional, national and international level. As a 100% subsidiary company of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (competent body in VET), IHK  acts as a service provider and partner for the Chamber of Commerce and their member companies (90% SME) as well as Chamber of Crafts, Ministries and other institutions who are promoting economic development.

Website: http://www.ihk-projekt.de

IHK is involved in the following projects:

Ingenious Knowledge

Ingenious Knowledge is a SME enterprise in Germany that has been active in both adult and younger learners’ education, working in close partnerships with universities and schools. The company has a heavy focus on IT-solutions and is currently involved in various activities such as developing new e-learning tools for VET, game-based learning tools, mobile apps in cooperation with Deutsche Bank and the University of Paderborn. It has also great experience with EU projects.

Website: http://www.ingeniousknowledge.com

Ingenious Knowledge is involved in the following projects:

Institute Equalita

Institute Equalita is a registered non-profit organization with headquarters in Bochum and Cologne. It was founded in 1999 with the intention to offer training and consulting to ecological enterprises and social institutions. Another aim is to support the co-operation and net-working between partners of the European Union, especially with organizations and enterprises of Middle- and East-Europe. Institute Equalita is running educational activities, qualification projects, consulting, seminars, and other activities in numerous areas and countries in Europe. Since some years institute Equalita is also engaged in e-Learning and web based learning.


Website: https://www.equalita.de/de/

Institute Equalita is involved in the following projects:

International Certificate Conference (ICC)

ICC – The European Language Network is a non-government organisation with participatory status at the Council of Europe, whose mission is to promote and improve the learning and teaching of languages in post 16+ education and lifelong learning through joint developments and the good practice of its members. With 45 members in 18 countries, the ICC represents the field of language learning and teaching at a local and regional level through individuals, institutions and networks of members, at national level through involvement in national initiatives and government committees, and at an international level through activities and representations at the European Commission, the Council of Europe and other supra-national bodies. 


Website: http://www.icc-languages.eu

International Certificate Conference (ICC) is involved in the following projects:

Justizministerium Mecklenburg -Vorpommern

The Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is responsible for prison and probation services, offender management and petentions of clemency. All in all, the prison service in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has over 780 staff members, thereof twelve lawyers and higher administration service, 27 psychologists, 30 social workers and 607 prison officers. 


Website: http://www.jm.mv-regierung.de

Justizministerium Mecklenburg -Vorpommern is involved in the following projects:

Leibniz University Hannover

The University was funded in 1831, nowadays it has 21,000 students and 4,700 staff members. Students who will become teachers for civic education are enrolled here. Active citizenship it the focal point of teaching and researching. The Institute has a strong record of developing educational tools, curricula and teaching material.

Website: http://www.demokratiedidaktik.de/

Leibniz University Hannover is involved in the following projects:

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) is recognized as one of Europe's premier academic and research institutions with more than 4.000 academic members.
It has a long tradition as a top-level European research university, clearly demonstrated in its international character and its areas of academic cooperation from research to teaching and student exchange. LMU is the academic home of almost 7,000 international students from 125 countries, the largest number at any German university. The university was a founder member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), Venice International University (VIU), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Bavarian International Academic Centers. Within the European Union, LMU takes part in ERASMUS student and lecturer exchange programs, Erasmus Mundus programs and EU third-country projects.
LMU also cooperates closely with numerous partner universities outside of EU programs. In total, LMU maintains faculty-based cooperation agreements with well over 400 partner universities worldwide. In addition, selected strategic research collaborations offer the opportunity for close contacts between
institutions and for the establishment of new forms of cooperation. These are funded by the institutional strategy LMU excellent and serve to underpin LMU Munich’s status at national and international level.

Website: https://www.uni-muenchen.de/index.html

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is involved in the following projects:

Ludwigsburg University of Education

Ludwigsburg University of Education (LUE) is the largest of the six Universities of Education in Baden-Württemberg, with more than 5,000 students and over 450 members of staff. The Universities of Education have the right to grant doctoral and post-doctoral degrees. They concentrate on educational science in research and teaching. The Ludwigsburg University of Education (LUE) is a modern centre of excellence for educational sciences in four closely-related areas: school and pre-school education, extra-curricular education for children and teenagers, adult/further education as well as education in cultural and social areas. The courses of study mainly cover Teacher Education for the different school types (primary schools, secondary schools, special schools and vocational schools). LUE is also increasing its participation, in co-operation with the University of Stuttgart, in Teacher Education for grammar schools. 

Website: http://www.ph-ludwigsburg.de

Ludwigsburg University of Education is involved in the following projects:


The Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus foundations concept for the different practical institutions is developed after the Early Excellence or Children’s centres in the UK.  During the education in the college students are generally tought the basic skills and knowledge of youth work and are offered the possibility of a specific course in after school youth work. 

Website: http://www.pfh-berlin.de/

Pestalozzi-Fröberrl-Haus is involved in the following projects:

Software Dynamics GmbH

Dynamic Software AG is specialist for the design, development and operation of high-performance IT solutions.. Since its foundation in 1989 in Munich, Dynamic Software has been supplying innovative and dynamic IT solutions to numerous leading enterprises from various industries. The goal has always been not just to meet the requirements of clients but also to quickly develop optimal solutions in close collaboration with them. 


Website: http://www.dynamic.de/en.html

Software Dynamics GmbH is involved in the following projects:

University of Duisburg-Essen

The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is located in the European region with the highest density of institutions of higher learning. Created in 2003 by the merger of the universities of Duisburg and Essen, the UDE is the youngest university in North Rhine-Westphalia and one of the ten largest universities in Germany.

Website: https://www.uni-due.de/en/

University of Duisburg-Essen is involved in the following projects:

University of Greifswald

The University of Greifswald was founded in 1456 and is one of the oldest academic institutions in Europe. Over 12,000 students from all over the world receive the most modern academic instruction and exciting research opportunities in a time-honoured environment. Research priorities at the University of Greifswald are in the life sciences, physics and geosciences, cultural interaction in the Baltic/Nordic region, as well as law and economics. 

Website: http://www.uni-greifswald.de/?L=1

University of Greifswald is involved in the following projects:

University of Hohenheim

The University of Hohenheim is located in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. The University, which was founded in 1818, today has an academic staff of 894 persons and 115 professors in a diversified portfolio of studies and research activities. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences was founded in 1975 to provide an institutional setting for the business and economics degree courses. With more than one-half of a total number of ca. 9000 students, it is today the largest faculty of the university, having 42 professors and above 40 lecturers. The Faculty is permanently top-ranked for excellent teaching and research. The Department of Economics has 10 chairs, which are involved in the research activities as well as in the Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. programs in Economics, International Economics and Management as well as in the training of future teachers.

Website: http://www.uni-hohenheim.de

University of Hohenheim is involved in the following projects:

University of Koblenz-Landau - Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung

The Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung is the major research institute of the University of Koblenz-Landau, currently employing 30 researchers involved in basic-oriented as well as application-oriented research. 


Website: http://www.zepf.uni-landau.de

University of Koblenz-Landau - Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung is involved in the following projects:

University of Potsdam

Since its founding 24 years ago, the University of Potsdam has excelled in research and teaching and is well positioned both on a national and international scale. Achieving this under consistently difficult economic conditions speaks for the quality and motivation of our professors, research, and administrative staff. The University of Potsdam is an international community with many faces and stories. Its international atmosphere is created by its students from all parts of the world who have enrolled at Potsdam for a semester abroad or a complete Master’s or Bachelor’s program but also by its professors and lecturers, language teachers and many other employees.

Website: http://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/university-of-potsdam.html

University of Potsdam is involved in the following projects:

Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V.

The VHS Cham is a registered, non-profit association in Upper Palatinate; it acts on a regional level. The total number of fulltime administrative, teaching and training employees is 70 plus and about 300 freelancers in 30 locations. The VHS Cham provides courses in the field of society, vocation, languages, health, culture and special courses (second chance school). VHS Cham has a long term experience of course development with the specific focus on vulnerable groups and is experienced in organising courses for specific groups: unemployed persons, including long-term unemployed and who want to change qualifications, young adults, among them drop-outs; adults with fewer opportunities and special needs (e.g. illiterate, dyslexia etc.), NEETs, migrants, refugees. VHS Cham provides assessment of competencies and skills acquired in non-formal context based on the ProfilPass model and KODE assessment system. Totally the VHS Cham e.V. offers yearly more than 1250 learning events for more than 15 000 participants.

Website: https://www.vhs-cham.de/

Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. is involved in the following projects:

WBS Training AG

WBS TRAINING is one of the most important German vocational training and service providers. About 230 employees and more than 800 external training specialists are working at 31 locations throughout Germany. WBS is delivering professional education promoted by public national and international authorities, international vocational education projects, business training and consulting for companies. All contents are available on the WBS online training platform called "E-Campus". The WBS Training methods consist of the use of blended learning structures, classroom training with specialised multilingual tutors, self-learning programmes, computer- or web-based training. WBS TRAINING can look back to almost 30 years of experience in many fields of vocational training and consulting. Being member of several important national and international networks, WBS TRAINING has access to large dissemination facilities all over Europe.

Website: http://www.wbstraining.de/en

WBS Training AG is involved in the following projects:

Youth European Social Work Forum (YES forum)
The Y.E.S. Forum is a European network that is committed to the social inclusion and active participation of all children and young people who experience disadvantage and exclusion. As the Y.E.S. Forum is a network of organisations that work with and for young people, it is a platform for exchange of good practice for the various stakeholders of youth work, specifically youth workers. Further the Y.E.S. Forum is recognised by the Commission as a partner and external expert in various working groups of the DG EAC. Hence it is conversant in transferring experience and knowledge from the practical field to actively influence European policies.
Website: http://www.yes-forum.eu/

Youth European Social Work Forum (YES forum) is involved in the following projects:

Zentrum fur Weiterbildung
Zentrum fur Weiterbildung is a center for continuing education, whose goal is to encourage people in their development and to stand up for their future.

Website: http://www.zfw.de/

Zentrum fur Weiterbildung is involved in the following projects:


4o Dimotiko Scholeio Neon Moudanion
4o Dimotiko Scholeio Neon Moudanion is a primary school located in a semi-urban, coastal area of Northern Greece which lives mainly on tourism during the summer period and on agriculture and fishery in general. Many people are also employed in the public sector, while the town is an important commercial center of the region. Our school has 153 pupils aged 6 to 12, a great number of whom come from financial refugee families , originating from Albania and Russia.

Website: http://4dim-n-moudan.chal.sch.gr

4o Dimotiko Scholeio Neon Moudanion is involved in the following projects:

6o Gymnasio Patras
6o Gymnasio is a public secondary school in the centre of Patras. There are 190 students with ages ranging from 12-15 and 28 teachers teaching different subjects. Most of the teachers hold a permanent job while 4 of them work as substitute teachers. The school implements the National Secondary Education Curriculum, which covers 32 teaching hours a week.

Website: http://6gympat.blogspot.com/

6o Gymnasio Patras is involved in the following projects:

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the largest university in Greece. The main campus is located in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. It comprises 10 faculties which consist of 40 schools and 1 single-School Faculty.
About 73.930 students study at the Aristotle University (65.026 in undergraduate programmes and 8.472 in postgraduate programmes, of which 3952 at Doctoral level). There are 2.024 faculty members. There are also 11 teaching assistants, 58 research fellows, 248 members of the Special Laboratory Teaching Personnel (S.L.T.P.), 69 of whom belong to category Ι and 179 to category ΙΙ, as well as 15 foreign language teachers and 4 foreign instructors
The strategic objectives of AUTh, in the framework of its vision and mission, remain  high and consistently oriented to the continuation of its tradition, namely to be a pioneer institution, standing out among Greek and many foreign Universities on all levels: education, research, culture, connection with society.

Website: http://www.auth.gr

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is involved in the following projects:

Arsakeio Lyceum of Patra

Arsakeio Lyceum of Patra is the most modern school in Greece and the Balkans, built according to the requirements of the 21st century reflecting the European modern School architecture. It is one of the oldest educational foundations in Greece and it successfully and actively continues to contribute to Greek education. The school premises combine the very best of environmental and building specifications. The Arsakeio of Patra has common timetable, organization, structure and level of studies as all as the other Arsakeia Schools (in Athens, Thessaloniki and Ioannina). The exceptional successes of its students prove the high standards of education offered by Arsakeio of Patra.

Website: http://www.arsakeio.gr

Arsakeio Lyceum of Patra is involved in the following projects:

Computer Technology Institute (CTI)

The Computer Technology Institute (CTI) was established since 1985. CTI is a Research and Development Institute under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs of Greece. CTI is affiliated with the University of Patras, and in particular with the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics. This co-operation constitutes a noteworthy example of collaboration between members of the Academic Community regarding Scientific Research and Development.

Website: http://www.cti.gr/en/

Computer Technology Institute (CTI) is involved in the following projects:

DIAN Training Activities

DIAN was founded in 1987 by Panos Milios and originally operated in the Publishing Sector. Through the experience of its associates, DIAN expanded to other related sectors as well. Thus, a new series of activities were created with the aim of providing quality services in the areas of Publications, Specialized Training and Consulting. DIAN is a member of the European Organizations EVBB, EURORESO, GINGO and Shadows Network with more than 120 members’ altogether, from all the 27 European countries. DIAN collaborates on a solid basis with the Archipelagos Environmental Protection Institute. In addition, DIAN implements Educational Programmes with the Moscow Trade Union Federation.


Website: http://dian.gr/en/

DIAN Training Activities is involved in the following projects:

The European Lab for Educational Technology- EDUMOTIVA is a not for profit organization based in Sparta, Greece that brings together professionals active in the area of Educational Sciences and Learning Technologies. It counts 7 people as permanent staff and over 30 external collaborators (mainly teachers, certified trainers in different subject areas, researchers and instructional designers). Edumotiva’s aim is to offer students of all ages education and training that will improve their lives, influence their thinking, impact on the communities within they act. Edumotiva aims at making learning 'real, meaningfull and relevant' for the new generation of students and at supporting adults (including teachers) in developing 21st century skills through innovative training programmes for citizens of all ages.

Website: http://www.edumotiva.eu

Edumotiva is involved in the following projects:

Epimorfotiki Kilkis Ltd

Epimorfotiki Kilkis was founded in Kilkis in 1995 with the aim of becoming active in the field of Human Resources Development.It is a private Vocational Training Centre officially recognized by the National Centre for the Evaluation of Training Institutions (EKEPIS) in the fields of: Agriculture, Environment, Technical Education, and Tourism Industry & other Services.


Website: http://www.epimorfotiki.gr

Epimorfotiki Kilkis Ltd is involved in the following projects:

Ergon K.E K
ERGON K.E.K. is a Vocational Training Center, based in Athens and offering training programmes in all parts of the Country.
Website: http://www.ergonkek.gr

Ergon K.E K is involved in the following projects:

European Public Law Organisation

The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) was founded in 1995 and is an International Inter-governmental Organization headquartered in Athens, Greece, whose specific mandate is the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of public law and the promotion of European values through public law throughout the world. To this effect, the EPLO organizes and supports technical cooperation, educational, training, research and public information activities in Europe and worldwide.


Website: https://www1.eplo.int/

European Public Law Organisation is involved in the following projects:

Georgiki Anaptixi Vocational Training Center

The Agricultural-Technological Center Of Research And Vocational Training, GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI is a non-profit organization founded in 1995.  GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI is a Vocational Training Center of national range specializing, as the legislation commands, in the fields of agricultural, tourism and services, technical and transport, and environment.The Center performs a range of activities: organizing and implementing programs of continuous non-formal vocational training, in-company training and other related activities, such as carrying out research projects, organizing and participating in conferences and seminars, and offering consultancy.

Website: http://www.geoan.gr

Georgiki Anaptixi Vocational Training Center is involved in the following projects:

Hellenic Open University

Hellenic Open University (HOU) is a Public University comprising 4 Schools (School of Science and Technology, School of Humanities, School of Social Sciences and School of Applied Arts) and offers 35 study programmes to about 35.000 adult students, who are dispersed all over the country and in Cyprus. HOU is the only Greek University offering formal education, using the distance learning methodology combined with the principles of adult education. About 80% of its students are professionals who seek further education in order to improve or change their career. For this reason, HOU has established a permanent connection with professional networks and professional development agencies. HOU applies the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001:2013 and ELOT 1429:2008 quality standards.

Website: https://www.eap.gr/en/

Hellenic Open University is involved in the following projects:

Hellenic Regional Development Center

HRDC, an NGO, is an initiative for University, Enterprise and Social actors Training Partnership established in 1991, promoting training innovation and regional development. HRDC operates as a Social player in collaboration with Local an Regional Government authorities in the following areas: Vocational Education and Training, Transfer of Innovation, Social Cohesion, New Technologies. HRDC is supporting the development of VET by providing advice, training needs analysis and training sessions and by stimulating EU cooperation and mutual learning. HRDC is closely linked to employment services and is contributing to the implementation of the EU employment strategy through the dialogue with social partners. HRDC gives particular attention to designing, planning and implementing user specific tailor-made on-line training courses on various technical, management or pedagogical topics.

Website: http://www.hrdc.org.gr/

Hellenic Regional Development Center is involved in the following projects:

IED - Institute of Enterpreneurship Development
The IED is an NGO that was founded in 2005 in Larissa, Greece. Its vision is to create an environment that promotes entrepreneurship, research and the entrepreneurial spirit and mindset of businesses, creating long-lasting relationships with society and the academic community. 

Website: http://www.entre.gr

IED - Institute of Enterpreneurship Development is involved in the following projects:

Innovation Frontiers IKE

Innovation Frontiers IKE is an innovative educational technology & research company whose main target is to develop new educational approaches through working in close cooperation with educational institutions, such as universities, schools, adult & vocational centers and educational oriented NGOs. Innovation Frontiers IKE believes that new generations grow up in a different world that requires new approaches to education. The company is exploring new ways of using modern technology and modern teaching methods to improve the lifelong learning environment and make learning more accessible and more fun. What is more the company integrates the implications of educational neuroscience in classroom so as to improve the efficiency of learning and teaching.

Website: http://www.innovationfrontiers.gr/

Innovation Frontiers IKE is involved in the following projects:

Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP)

The Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) is a research institute that operates under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of the Greek Ministry of Education, Life-long Learning and Religious Affairs. It is one of the institutes of Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies. ILSP is active in the field of Language Technology and its running aim is to be a centre of excellence in basic and applied research in human language technologies.

Website: http://www.ilsp.gr
Institute of Group Analysis Athens

The Institute of Group Analysis Athens is an organization which provides training activities in the mental Health field. The purposes of the Institute are scientific, educational, social, cultural and not financial, in any case whatsoever. These purpose include: the active contribution to the improvement of Psychic Health, the Prevention-Therapy-Rehabilitation of the mentally suffering through contemporary and humanitarian procedures, the development and maintenance of high ethical professional standards for those who practice psychotherapy (according to the ethical code of the Institute), the promotion of therapy through methods, approaches and under conditions which exclude any restriction of personal freedom or any offence to human dignity.


Website: http://www.opc.gr/gr/

Institute of Group Analysis Athens is involved in the following projects:

Ionian University

Ionian University has five Faculties which are made up by a total of 11 Departments located in four islands of the Ionian Sea namely Corfu (7 Departments), Kefalonia (2 Departments), Zakynthos (1 Department) and Lefkada (1 Department). The Faculty of Environment is made up of two Departments namely the Department of Environment (located on the island of Zakynthos) and the Department of Food Science and Technology (located on the island of Kefalonia). The Ionian University was founded in 1984, the same year as the University of Thessaly and the University of the Aegean. The university comprises five faculties and twelve departments. Its seat is in Corfu, with university units in Lefkada, Kefalonia and Zakynthos. The University consists of the following twelve Departments: History (Corfu), Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting (Corfu), Music Studies (Corfu), Archives, Library Science and Museum Studies (Corfu), Informatics (Corfu), Audio and Visual Arts (Corfu), Digital Media and Communication (Argostoli), Ethnomusicology (Lixouri), Environmental Sciences (Zakynthos), Food Science and Technology (Argostoli), Regional Development (Lefkada), Tourism (Corfu).


Website: https://ionio.gr/rc/

Ionian University is involved in the following projects:

Lycée Léonin Franco-Hellénique

The Lycée Léonin Franco-Hellénique is a school whose teaching activities conform with the Greek Ministry for Education. French lessons are an important part of the curricula from primary to secondary level.

Website: http://lfh.edu.gr/

Lycée Léonin Franco-Hellénique is involved in the following projects:

Platon Secondary School

PLATON is a private school in Greece with a long experience in EU projects and its staff can produce teaching material conventional or based in e-learning platforms. Through the research department the participation of PLATON in EU programs of design, implementation and assessment of innovative  methods and materials is pursued. The research department actively involves itself in the design of advanced educational materials, both conventional and electronic in order to enhance teaching and learning. The tools developed within the framework of educational programmes are the result of cooperation and joint efforts amongst specialists from a variety of academic fields, with a major focus on ICT, teaching and learning studies.

Website: http://www.platon.edu.gr

Platon Secondary School is involved in the following projects:

School Of Pedagogical & Technological Education (A.S.PE.T.E.)

The School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (A.S.PE.T.E.) is located in Athens, Greece. It is a self-administered public legal entity. The School comprises the following Departments: Department of Electrical Engineering educators, Department of Electronic Engineering educators, Department of Mechanical Engineering educators, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering educators, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering educators, General Department of Education and General Department of General Courses. The permanent teaching staffs include 60 members (23 working at the General Education Department). The School’s mission includes the provision of concurrent pedagogical and technological education to its students (about 2000), the promotion of applied research in educational technology and pedagogy, and the provision of pedagogical training, further training or specialization. 

Website: http://www.aspete.gr

School Of Pedagogical & Technological Education (A.S.PE.T.E.) is involved in the following projects:

SPEED Development Consultants SA
SPEED Development Consultants SA (www.speed.gr) is an independent consultant company that is active in Greece and abroad. The company was established in 1989 by a team of experienced and highly qualified professionals, specializing in the fields of strategic planning, technical – economic studies, implementation of development projects and programmes, environmental and energy management, and project management.
The company is an SME with a personnel of between 8-10 persons and offers services to a wide range of clients, including the European Commission, national, regional and local authorities and organisations, as well as private and public enterprises. Regarding the energy and environmental sectors, SPEED has realized a great number of energy and environment related projects, most of which financed by EU

Website: http://speed.gr/

SPEED Development Consultants SA is involved in the following projects:

Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Messolongi

Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Messolongi aims to provide to students extended knowledge and skills necessary to develop and apply Information and Communication Technology in the fields of Management and Finance. Its curricula provides to students with the practical experience of available technologies and knowledge of future developments in this rapidly changing area.

Website: http://www.teimes.gr

Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Messolongi is involved in the following projects:

Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Ionian Islands

Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Ionian Islands è un istituto pubblico di istruzione terziaria fondata nel 2003. Si compone di 8 dipartimenti situati in tre diverse isole del Mar Ionio in Grecia occidentale (Zante, Cefalonia, Leukada), che offrono diplomi di maturità. Il centro amministrativo dell'istituzione si trova sull'isola di Cefalonia e il comitato di governo detiene uffici nella capitale del Paese. 


Website: http://www.teiion.gr

Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Ionian Islands is involved in the following projects:

UNESCO Youth Club of Thessaloniki
UNESCO Youth Club of Thessaloniki is a non-profit local youth NGO that was founded in 2004 in Thessaloniki, approved by the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO. It is directed by a governing board comprised of 7 members elected every three years. The President of the board serves as the legal representative of the Club, while all the members of the board jointly oversee the various activities and govern the Club by establishing broad policies and setting out strategic objectives.
In cooperation with the teachers and the directorates of secondary education, the Club carries out non-formal educational activities concerning the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. In addition, since 2016, teh Club has started being engaged in activities promoting social inclusion of young refugees and unaccompanied minors who are accommodated in the urban area of Thessaloniki. Main goal of the club is to support and encourage the young refugees to integrate into the formal education system and other non-formal education activities.


Website: https://unescoyouth.gr/

UNESCO Youth Club of Thessaloniki is involved in the following projects:

University of Crete

The University of Crete (UoC) is a multi-disciplinary, research-oriented public educational institution. Located at campuses in Heraklion and Rethymnon on the island of Crete, a site rich in ancient and modern Mediterranean cultures, the University offers a vibrant social and intellectual environment for research and education.

Website: https://en.uoc.gr/

University of Crete is involved in the following projects:

University of Macedonia

The University of Macedonia (UOM) is a well-known university both inside and outside of Greece. Education and research covers a broad spectrum, from economic sciences, political studies and business administration to information systems and applied informatics. UOM has an outstanding range of facilities, services and infrastructure to support its vibrant research community. The Research Committee of the university is formed of a group of specialized administrative personnel whose contractual obligations include the supporting of research projects. The Smart Mobile Interactive Learning Environments (SMILE) Laboratory (http://smile.uom.gr/) of the University of Macedonia has as a mission the Development and Training in the area of Mobile Learning. Professor Anastasios A. Economides, the director of SMILE, leads the e-Learning research group that consists of 5 post-doctoral researchers, and several Ph.D. and M.Sc. students.

Website: http://www.uom.gr

University of Macedonia is involved in the following projects:

University of Patras, Department of Computer Engingeering & Informatics

The Computer Engineering & Informatics Department of the University of Patras was established in 1994. The activities of the Department are focused in the areas of Internet and Multimedia technologies. Moreover the Department has participated in wide number of national and european funded projects focused on internet technologies and multimedia technologies. 

Website: http://mmlab.ceid.upatras.gr

University of Patras, Department of Computer Engingeering & Informatics is involved in the following projects:

University of Peloponnese

The University of Peloponnese (UoP) was established in 2000 and accepted its first students in 2002. According to the Greek Law 4610/19 published on the Official Journal of Greek Government FEK N.70 (7-05-19), the Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese and the School of Technological Applications of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece with the Departures of Special Account for Research Funds, Personnel, Procurement and Property Management Division, Information Systems and Services and the Department of Maintenance, was merged into the University of Peloponnese after 7th May 2019. The University of Peloponnese central premises is located in Tripolis while schools and departments operate in other 6 cities (Tripolis, Corinth, Nafplion, Sparti, Kalamata and Patra) throughout Peloponnese and Western Greece Region.


Website: https://www.uop.gr/

University of Peloponnese is involved in the following projects:


Web2learn is a joint initiative by e-learning experts who believe in  the potential of social media to empower interaction, learning and development in a lifelong perspective. The company applies sound methodologies for design, development, testing and evaluation of e-learning solutions and has experience in the management of e-learning initiatives involving social media at local, national and European level. 

Website: http://web2learn.eu/

Web2learn is involved in the following projects:

You in Europe

“You in Europe” is a NGO based in Greece. First of all, because, “You in Europe” is a space for everyone who loves living through learning… and vice versa. In fact, “You in Europe” is the formalization of the idea that each of us has the opportunity to involve in the society in a prosperous way, and foster social cohesion through personal development.


Website: http://www.youineurope.gr

You in Europe is involved in the following projects:


Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed

Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed is an ETB secondary school, providing a co-educational environment, in the Thurles region of Tipperary in Ireland. Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed has been serving the community since 1928. Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed currently has a second level enrolment of 405 students and offer a further 160 adult education placements. Approximately  70% of Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed students are boys. There are 43 teachers. Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed is one of four secondary schools within the town catchment area, but Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed is the only school offering a co-educational experience. Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed has large geographical catchment area, but given the rural nature of the catchment area, the school’s population is relatively small. 

Website: http://www.cmco.ie

Colaiste Mhuire Co-Ed is involved in the following projects:

I & F Education and Development Ltd

I & F Education is an Irish based organisation working in and from Dublin for the educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship, sport and personal development, youth and schools, language acquisition, inclusion and diversity and rural development. I & F Education stress and put the emphasis on lifelong learning as well as adult learning. I & F Education is involved in a number of Transnational European Projects and are part of several European Networks, including The New Ideas for New Opportunities European Network and the EDIN Network, which is focused on diversity and inclusion.


Website: https://instructionandformation.ie/

I & F Education and Development Ltd is involved in the following projects:

Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT)

Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) is a higher education institution based in the City of Limerick, capital of the Mid-West region of Ireland and in the counties of Tipperary and Clare. LIT is the fifth largest of the 14 Institutes of Technology and has over 7000 students. The Institute traces its origins back to 1852, when the Athenaeum Society started a School of Arts and Crafts in Limerick. The institution developed from there through the technical education system which was established on a statutory basis by the Vocational Education Acts in 1930. Today LIT is established under the Institutes of Technology Acts 1992 to 2006 and its academic awards are governed by the Qualifications (Education and Training) Acts 1999 to 2006.

Website: http://www.lit.ie

Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) is involved in the following projects:

Mayo Education Centre

Mayo Education Centre aims to support and empower local communities located in Castlebar. 

Website: http://www.mayoeducationcentre.ie/

Mayo Education Centre is involved in the following projects:

National University of Ireland

 With approximately 8,400 registered students, National University of Ireland has 26 academic Departments which are organized into three Faculties: Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy; Science and Engineering, and Social Sciences.

Website: http://www.may.ie/language
Oak Tree Press

Oak Tree Press develops and delivers information, advice and resources for entrepreneurs and managers. It is Ireland’s leading business book publisher, with an unrivalled reputation for quality titles across business, management, HR, law, marketing and enterprise topics and a unique position in start-up and small business support in Ireland.

Website: http://www.oaktreepress.eu/
Technological University of the Shannon

Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS) is a multi-campus university with over 14,500 students, spread across six colleges throughout Ireland’s Midwest and Midlands region. TUS was established on 1 October, 2021. With campuses in Athlone, Clare, Limerick and Tipperary, TUS benefits from an already strong and vibrant history of education and learning in the wider region and plays a strong role in sustaining and enhancing this identity for generations to come.

Website: http://www.tus.ie

Technological University of the Shannon is involved in the following projects:

The Centre for Advancement of Mathematical Education in Technology (CAMET)

The Centre for Advancement of Mathematical Education in Technology (CAMET ( Ireland) is committed to mathematics education. The Centre is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and is supported administratively and in other ways by that department. The aim of the Centre is to improve mathematics education at all levels and in the workplace through advanced study, research and scholarship, curriculum development and teacher education.

Website: http://www.ul.ie/camet/

The Centre for Advancement of Mathematical Education in Technology (CAMET) is involved in the following projects:

The Irish Prison Service

The Irish Prison Service is responsible for the receipt of all persons held on remand, persons held on immigration related matters and offenders sentenced to terms of imprisonment and for the safe care and secure custody of all of those committed to it by the courts. 

Website: http://www.irishprisons.ie

The Irish Prison Service is involved in the following projects:

The Probation Service

The Probation Service is an agency of the Department of Justice and Equality. It is the lead agency in the assessment and management of adult and child offenders subject to community sanctions and supervision in the community. The Probation Service has over 400 staff, including 280 Probation Officers, in more than forty locations nationwide, with the Service Headquarters at Haymarket, Smithfield, Dublin 7. 

Website: http://www.probation.ie

The Probation Service is involved in the following projects:

Universal Learning Systems

ULS is an educational, training and development consultancy working in the area of research, evaluation, course development and educational access. ULS undertakes projects in the educational, development and management sectors. It operates in Ireland, the Czech Republic, United Kingdom and Finland. Its focus is on professional development with a particular emphasis on work based learning. ULS works in Ireland, Europe and the United States with a wide range of clients including universities, open learning institutions, employers and community associations. It has a particular expertise in learning around vocational training, e-learning, diversity, interculturalism, immigration and strategic management. ULS has extensive experience of promotion of educational and learning innovation and works closely with adult education and employer networks. ULS has specialized experience with post-graduate distance learning initiatives in change management and sustainable professional development. It is centrally involved in work based learning initiatives that promote employee growth and competence. ULS promotes pro-active strategic planning for innovative learning and is actively involved in a wide range of evaluation projects. 


Website: http://www.ulsystems.com

Universal Learning Systems is involved in the following projects:


InterCultural Iceland

InterCultural Iceland (ICI) is a non-profit social enterprise which develops innovative educational initiatives and offers a broad spectrum of multi-disciplinary expertise and training activities. Founded in Reykjavík Iceland, 2003, ICI has become an important research and training center at national and EU and EEA level. ICI is staffed by four paid staff members including the owner and manager. Two who are predominantly engaged on admin and finance and two fully engaged in training, research and project activities. ICI has an international reputation for excellence in training for trainers and teachers. Key areas of action are: Intercultural education, cooperative learning in multicultural groups (CLIM), anti-racist and sensitization training against prejudice and discrimination, diversity in social, teaching, learning and assessment contexts.


Website: http://www.ici.is/

InterCultural Iceland is involved in the following projects:


Farmers Parliament

Farmers Parliament (LVFP) is the strongest commercial farmer’s NGO in Latvia (900 members) with a well-developed cooperation network in the rural development sector (rural NGOs, sector service institutions, SMEs, education institutions, experts) and an excellent public relations and lobbying record in the decision making bodies of the sector. Farmers Parliament has extensive experience in developing and providing education and information services to the farming community and is actively involved in the development of the VET system in the agriculture sector, as well as the legislative framework for rural entrepreneurship and development. LVFP has a popular home page and a highly successful newsletter.

Website: http://zemniekusaeima.lv/en/about-us/

Farmers Parliament is involved in the following projects:

Latvia University of Agriculture

Latvia University of Agriculture is a multi-profile higher education and research institution, established in 1939, with a solid tradition of close EU and transnational cooperation. The University has 8 faculties: Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Engineering, Food Technology, Environment and Construction Science, Forestry, Information Technologies, Economics and Social Development. There are 73 bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes provided by 304 lecturers and researchers to approximately 4200 students in 2015/2016.  A significant part of the theoretical courses is provided on-line. The academic staff members have expertise that is necessary for developing a repository of e-learning video lessons, project management skills and foreign language skills for interaction with international project partners.

Website: http://www.llu.lv
Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA)
LAEA was founded on December 14, 1993 with support from Latvia\'s Ministry of Education and Science and Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association. Since 1995 LAEA is a member organisation of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), and since 1997  of the European Adult Education Research Association (ESREA) and the European Prison Education Association. The aim of LAEA is to promote development of non-formal adult education systems and to participate in lifelong learning policy making, thereby promoting the development of a civic, democratic and open society in Latvia.
Website: http://www.laea.lv/65/view.aspx

Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA) is involved in the following projects:

Liepāja University
Liepāja University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Kurzeme region (Latvia) with large experience and academic traditions. Liepāja University is new in respect to changes and development. University is persistently developing its learning and scientific environment and investing in professional qualification of teaching staff to improve performance of university and ensure the best study quality for prospective and current students. Liepāja University is accredited state higher educational establishment, which implements study programmes at all three study levels: Bachelor, Master and Doctorate studies. There are about 1500 students in Liepaja University and more than 20 thousand graduates.

Website: https://www.liepu.lv/

Liepāja University is involved in the following projects:

Limbazi vidusskola

Limbazi Vidusskola is located in an old town Limbazi 90 km from the capital city Riga. The school was established in 1991. At the moment there are 552 pupils aged 7 - 18 and 55 teachers.We feel very proud that our students show really good results in different subject olympiads on regional and state level.

Website: https://www.l3v.lv/

Limbazi vidusskola is involved in the following projects:

Riga State Technical School

Riga State Technical School (RSTS) has been granted the status “A competence centre of vocational education” as an educational establishment which has ascertained qualitative work for a long time. RSTS executes programs of secondary vocational education which give a possibility to acquire the third level of vocational education and additionally performs such functions as a regional or branch methodical centre, teacher further education centre and evaluation of professional competence acquired outside the formal education. RSTS is one of the biggest vocational education establishments both in the Baltic and in the Eastern Europe, so the international cooperation is being developed making the vocational education in Latvia competitive at European level. 

Website: http://www.rvt.lv

Riga State Technical School is involved in the following projects:

Shelter Safe House

Society “Shelter “Safe House”” was established on August 6, 2007 with the aim to develop support services to victims of human trafficking, legal immigrants, including asylum seekers, refugees and persons granted subsidiary protection status by ensuring the individual’s right to receive adequate assistance and protection; promoting rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of human trafficking into the society; creating interactive forms of training, and expanding cooperation with state and local government institutions, public and Christian organizations in Latvia and worldwide.

Website: http://www.patverums-dm.lv

Shelter Safe House is involved in the following projects:


Public institution eMundus was established in 2009 in order to streamline research and implementation activities in the area of education and concerning with the use and adaptation of information and communication technologies in different spheres. The mission of eMundus is to actively promote the knowledge society, while creating and developing services mainly related to ICT, innovations, as well cultural aspects, healthy lifestyle, practical adaptation of them in education and community activities, seeking to ensure the quality of cooperation and unity between different generations and different social groups.

Website: http://www.emundus.eu/

eMundus is involved in the following projects:

Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileišiai school
Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileišiai school (Kauno Jono ir Petro VIleišių mokykla) is located in Kaunas city. The school implements pre-school education (3 to 6 years), primary education (7 to 10 years) and basic/secondary education (11 to 14 years). 1000 pupils are studying in the school during the academic year. The school is fully funded by Kaunas city municipality. The students are continuously involved in projects and curriculum activities and are encouraged to investigate local traditions and environmental heritage. The majority of the learning activities involve the active use of ICT. Teenagers like to document and present their explorations using ICT tools and teachers are experienced ICT users for teaching and learning.

Website: http://www.vileisis.kaunas.lm.lt/

Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileišiai school is involved in the following projects:

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology is the largest technical university in the Baltic States. Being one of the most dynamic schools of higher education in Lithuania, KTU often becomes a research and study leader in various fields. KTU is situated in Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania, which is a significant centre of industry, transport, science and culture. Dating back to 1922, the University has developed a great potential for studies and research, and became visible in the international arena.Kaunas University of Technology consists of 12 faculties, International Studies centre, a large number of institutes and research centres. Traditionally, research and experimental activities in the fields of physical, technological, and social sciences are being developed at the University. Research in biotechnology and humanities are also taking the beginning. KTU awards Bachelor’s, master’s and Doctor’s degrees as well as a professional qualification.  The Centre of Foreign Languages provides English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish and Lithuanian Studies courses to the university students. An integral part of foreign language learning and teaching is the application of ICT.

Website: http://www.ktu.lt

Kaunas University of Technology is involved in the following projects:

Kauno mokykla-darželis “Šviesa”
Kaunas School-Kindergarten “Šviesa” (Šviesa in English means the Light) is a general education state school providing pre-school, pre-school and primary education, as well a wide and high-quality selection of non-formal education programs. The activities of the school "Šviesa" are organized on the model of the Šviesa community cooperation (we name it Šviesa little town). At school (as we call Šviesa little town) we have 13 classes so called homesteads (groups and classes) and they are located in the Šviesa little town, they are: experiential education centers, connecting squares, alleys, squares and paths (office corridors, staircases and other spaces) with valuable names (“The Entrance of Wellbeing”, “The Path of Creativity”, “The Area of Generosity” , “Stairs of Respect,” “The Path of Faith”) which are important for the overall education of children.

Website: https://www.mokyklasviesa.lt/

Kauno mokykla-darželis “Šviesa” is involved in the following projects:

Kauno technologijos universiteto Vaizganto progimnazija
KTU Vaižgantas progymnasium is a secondary school with 476 pupils. Of those,155 are pupils in grades 1-4, 321 are pupils in grades 5-8. 8% of these students come from socially supported families and 4% are from high social risk groups. The school carries out a gifted children' education program in which especially high-skill children are identified among learners, receiving a specific education based on their skills. This program has been highly appreciated by ECHA: as result, since 2016 the school is also a member of ECHA. The school employs 36 teachers, with a high percentage of professional qualifications.

Website: https://www.ktuprogimnazija.lt/

Kauno technologijos universiteto Vaizganto progimnazija is involved in the following projects:

Klaipeda Puppet Theatre

Pubic organization Klaipeda Puppet Theatre is a young and perspective theatre for children and youth in Lithuania. It was established in 1992. At the beginning of its activity, it was called the Puppet Theatre of Klaipeda University “Ku-Ku”. Since 2000 it is called Klaipeda Puppet Theatre. The Klaipeda Puppet Theatre team is arranging a variety of activities responding to the needs of the audience: new projects, renewal of the repertoire, regular performances and search for sponsors. Klaipeda Puppet Theatre is a continuously shifting group of puppeteers. The team of puppet theatre is made of people from different generations, graduated from Klaipeda University in different times.  The challenge Klaipeda Puppet Theatre is facing is making its performances interesting not only for children but also for adults.

Klaipėda Puppet Theatre organizes its puppetry activities, educational programs, and festivals in Klaipeda, in several Lithuanian cities and in foreign countries. The mission of Klaipeda Puppet Theatre is to introduce traditional and non-traditional puppetry to the children of Klaipeda and the neighborhood, educating them for an intellectual and cultural point of view.  

Website: http://klaipedosleliuteatras.lt/

Klaipeda Puppet Theatre is involved in the following projects:

Klaipeda University
Klaipeda University has more than 4,500 students, 1,200 staff, including 500 professors, associate professors and lecturers studying and working in 4 faculties (Humanities and Education Sciences; Marine Technology and Natural Sciences; Social Sciences; Health Sciences); 1 study institute (Continuing Studies); 1 scientific research institute (Baltic Region History and Archaelogy); 1 academy (Academy of Arts).
Klaipeda University is a member of the following associations: European University Association, Baltic Sea University Association, Association of Baltic Universities, EU Small States‘ University Association, International Summer Schools, EMUNI Universities, International Informatization Academy, European Association for International Education and other international networks and organizations. 
Klaipeda University  has signed more than 50 cooperation agreements with foreign universities and cooperates (on the basis of bilateral “Erasmus“ agreements) with more than 190 European universities. The University annually carries over 60 international and national research projects and is also involved in a dozen international funds, programs and networks.

Website: http://www.ku.lt/

Klaipeda University is involved in the following projects:

Lietuvos svietimo istorijos muziejus

Museum of Lithuanian Education History is one of the oldest museums in the independent Lithuania. It was established in Kaunas in 1922.The museum collections feature more than 50 000 unique exhibits from the education history. The museum valuables are being investigated, described, thematic expositions are being held. Live museum education, renewed expositions adapted for the interactive activities, events and social projects bring joy to the museum visitors.

Website: https://www.lsim.lt/

Lietuvos svietimo istorijos muziejus is involved in the following projects:

Lithuanian Multiple Sclerosis Union
The Lithuanian Multiple Sclerosis Union is comprised of eight societies. The organization was founded and structured using the vast experience and human and financial support of the European multiple sclerosis platform. The Organisation is well-known not only in Lithuania, but is also known to be an initiator in the founding of the Baltic MS Alliance. One of the specific goals of the organisation is: organizing community access for people with MS.
Website: http://www.liss.lt

Lithuanian Multiple Sclerosis Union is involved in the following projects:

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

The Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences is the biggest teacher training institution in Lithuania. 

With the start of its activity in 1935, its primary goal has been to educate a highly qualified professional in the chosen field of science and a professional teacher who is able to successfully operate in the fast-changing society, is knowledgeable about the abilities and skills obtained and professionally active in the national educational institutions of different types as well as in different contexts of international co-operation.

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies in humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, biomedicine and technologies.

Website: http://www.leu.lt

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences is involved in the following projects:

Public Service Language Centre (PSLC)

The Public Service Language Centre, Lithuania (PSLC) is a well-known institution with over 18 years of experience in providing language teaching services for adult learners ( ISO quality standards since 2010). The language courses are tailored to meet the present day clients' needs; they correspond to the requirements of the current linguistic policies and multicultural Europe. PSLC has extensive experience and expertise in teacher training and material development, including several computer based learning programmes, textbooks for schools, learning materials for self-study, other publications. 

Website: http://www.vikc.lt

Public Service Language Centre (PSLC) is involved in the following projects:

SEI Plus

Association Social-educational initiatives centre PLUS (hereafter-SEI) was established in 2012-09-28.  Its main activities are focused on promoting development of cultural diversity and tolerance among different ethnic and other social groups, democratic values, multicultural dialogue, civic responsibility. Moreover, SEI has been actively involved in developing social network with NGO’s working in immigrants integration field, has been organizing Lithuanian language courses, socio-cultural events and art therapy courses for immigrants, trainings for volunteers and students of social work.

Website: http://www.sei.lt

SEI Plus is involved in the following projects:

Siauliai District Municipality
The iauliai District is situated in the northern part of Lithuania. Its total area is 1807 sq. kilometres and number of population is approximately 51 thousand. The administrative centre is iauliai City. The district is divided into 11 district heads (administrative units), 7 towns are in it.
Website: http://www.siauliai-r.sav.lt
Simonas Dachas progymnasium

Simonas Dachas progymnasium is a non-profit public organisation. It is one of the biggest and oldest schools in Klaipėda city, with more than 1000 pupils from 1st to 8th grade. Since 1991, after Lithuania regained its independence, the progymnasium carried out the implementation of a theatre education programme: each year approximately 220 students take part in these studies. Theatre lessons give pupils the chance not only to experience the process of creativity and/or to express themselved through drama, but also to know and to better understand themselves as individuals. Simonas Dachas progymnasium participates in various projects and tries to improve the quality standards of education.  

Website: http://www.sdachas.lm.lt

Simonas Dachas progymnasium is involved in the following projects:

Social Innovation Fund
The Fund is seeking to implement social innovations in the field of international cooperation, protection of the human rights, social welfare and security, work and education, non-formal and civic education, health care, minorities integration, culture, preservation of ethnic and religious heritage, educational and vocational training, sports, art, environmental protection, and other fields of the public interests and societal gain.
Website: http://www.lpf.lt

Social Innovation Fund is involved in the following projects:

Soros International House
Started in March 1993 it soon became one of the largest and most highly rated language schools in Vilnius. In half a year, it became an affiliated member of the International House World Organisation http://www.ihworld.com . In 1998 Soros International House became a member of Lithuanian Association of Adult Education as well as a Center of Foreign Language Teachers Training, recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania.
Website: http://www.sih.lt/

Soros International House is involved in the following projects:

Trakai Education Assistance Authority

Trakai Education Assistance Authority is an open and modern institution, which is oriented towards the needs of the region in the following areas: education, culture, lifelong learning. The mission of the institution is to create a flexible environment for a lifelong learning, which offers a variety of possibilities for personal and professional development, with a special focus on teachers’ skills and competences. 

Website: http://www.trakuspt.lt/index.php/lt-lt/

Trakai Education Assistance Authority is involved in the following projects:

Traku Vytauto Didziojo gimnazija
Trakų Vytauto Didžiojo gimnazija (Trakai Vytautas Magnus Gymnasium) is a school providing basic education for pupils from 5 to 8 grades, secondary education for pupils from 9 to 12 grades and nonformal education.
TVDG is an institution of basic secondary education and non-formal education. With more than 35 years, it has more than 600 students. In collaboration with the community as a comprehensive school, it develops a self-contained, ready to change, able to take over the innovation and responsible person. It cultivates a strong moral framework for self and world view with fully educated, able to communicate and collaborate, civic conscious, responsible, continue to learn and ready to work, culturally and ecologically understandable, creative and reaching people in harmony.

Website: http://www.tvdg.lt

Traku Vytauto Didziojo gimnazija is involved in the following projects:

University of Applied Sciences - Vilnius

University of Applied Sciences is a flexible and continually changing higher educational institution that is harmoniously combining labour market needs with the development of promising areas of science and art. Its mission is to prepare practice – oriented specialists in biomedicine and natural, humanitarian, social and technological sciences and arts. The educational institution has been encouraging the teachers and students’ creativity and responsibility likewise the requirements for a high quality performance.


Website: https://www.viko.lt/

University of Applied Sciences - Vilnius is involved in the following projects:

Vilniaus Karoliniskiu Gymnasium
Vilnius Karoliniskiu gymnasium is a modern secondary school with 657 students,(age 15-19 years) and 50 teachers working full-time. It was founded in 1974. The school participated in a numerous international projects. The latest of which “Fragile Thread: Baltic story for Peaceful Future” was carried out in 2014. The teaching staff strives to equip the learners with good competences and skills in all subjects taught here using modern technologies and different learning/teaching styles.

Website: http://www.vkg.vilnius.lm.lt

Vilniaus Karoliniskiu Gymnasium is involved in the following projects:

Vilnius Pedagogical University

Vilnius Pedagogical University is an autonomous institution. It comprises 8 faculties. There are 52 departments; 14 scientific divisions (an institute, 2 scientific centres, 11 scientific laboratories); a library; a publishing house; the Centres of In-Service Teacher Training, Language Teaching, Information, Culture and Sports; a University Secondary School .

Website: http://www.leu.lt/lt/pradzia.html

Vilnius Pedagogical University is involved in the following projects:

Vilnius University

Founded in 1579, the University of Vilnius is the oldest and largest Lithuanian higher education institution, and one of the oldest and most famous establishments of higher education in Eastern and Central Europe. Functioning for a long time as the only school of higher learning in Lithuania, it was a preserver of cultural and scientific traditions, and has played a significant part in the cultural life not only of Lithuania, but the neighboring countries as well. Since its establishment in the 16th century, Vilnius University, as integral part of European science and culture has embodied the concept of a classical university and the unity of studies and research.


Website: https://www.vu.lt/en/

Vilnius University is involved in the following projects:


Centre National de Formation Professionnelle Continue (CNFPC)
Since its inception until today, the National Center for Continuing Professional Education has put the benefit of everyone and this in the field of vocational training his knowledge and expertise. The Centre focuses in the areas of artisanal and industrial training both for young people at risk of exclusion because they could not obtain an initial qualification and for adults who face the need to adapt their professional knowledge in an environment constantly changing.
Website: http://www.cnfpc.lu/
University of Luxembourg

The trilingual University of Luxembourg, established in 2003, is committed to international excellence in priority fields regarding their basic and applied research dimensions, dissemination and fostering of European research. Its three principal activities are: teaching, research and valorisation, at the highest international level, as stipulated in its mission statement and in its strategic plan. 

Website: http://wwwen.uni.lu/

University of Luxembourg is involved in the following projects:


National Youth Council of Macedonia

The National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM) is a union of associations where associations and foundations from the Republic of Macedonia are registered on a voluntary basis. NYCM was established on 29 June 2013 by 55 organizations. The NYCM is a representative body for youth organizations in Macedonia. NYCM unites 51 organizations, 17 youth organizations, 20 organizations for youth, 1 union, 7 youth wings of other organizations and 6 associate members, in order to promote and advocate for the rights of the Macedonian youth.

Website: https://nms.org.mk/

National Youth Council of Macedonia is involved in the following projects:


Genista Research Foundation

Genista Foundation had been set up in 2002 and has a pool of 12 youth workers and also a number of teachers who give their time in youth work, organizing training, workshops, lectures, hands-on activities etc. GRF works with children, youths and adults, focusing on empowering, education and giving opportunities to people with educational, social, minorities and refugees through its dedicated team of youth workers all qualified with university degrees.


Genista Research Foundation is involved in the following projects:

University of Malta

The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta. It is publicly funded and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. Over the past few years, the University has reviewed its structures in order to be in line with the Bologna process and the European Higher Education Area. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the country.

Website: http://www.um.edu.mt


City of Trondheim
City of Trondheim is an organization which, through interaction with the citizens, partners and all municipal employees fulfill their obligations and provides for an enhanced positive development of Trondheim, a vibrant and exciting city that carries the future in it. Chief officer will ensure that this awareness is kept alive in the municipal organization.
Website: http://www.trondheim.kommune.no/kulturenheten
National Institute for Adult Learning (VOX)

VOX, the Norwegian Institute for Adult Education, is a national institute for adult learning which co-operates with trade organizations, universities and colleges, public and private educators and the social partners. It has been established by the Norwegian government as a central tool for the implementation of its newly launched Competence Reform, a national plan which targets adults both within and outside the working life.


Website: http://www.vox.no

National Institute for Adult Learning (VOX) is involved in the following projects:

Nordland County Council

Nordland County Council has responsibility for all important welfare services available for the Nordlanders: high schools, dental services, cultural experiences, as well as bus and boat transport infrastructure.

Website: http://www.nfk.no/artikkel.aspx?MId1=135&AId=12196

Nordland County Council is involved in the following projects:

Norwegian Association for Adult Education

The NAAL is the national NGO umbrella for adult learning in Norway. Our members are 19 governmentally approved adult learning associations with a member network of 438 nationwide adult learning NGOs. NAAL has a central administration in Oslo, and has autonomous regional offices covering all 19 counties of Norway.

Website: http://www.vofo.no

Norwegian Association for Adult Education is involved in the following projects:

Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is Norway’s primary institution for educating the nation's future engineers and scientists. The university also has strong programmes in the social sciences, teacher education, the arts and humanities, medicine, architecture and fine art. As of January 1, 2016 NTNU merged with the University College in Sør-Trøndelag, the University College in Gjøvik and the University College in Ålesund and is now Norway’s largest university. It encompasses 14 faculties and 70 departments and ca 39 000 students (including ca 3 000 international students). About 6 500 bachelor's and master's degrees and 380 doctoral degrees are awarded annually. NTNU has currently 6700 employees, of which 4053 are in academic or scientific positions and 39 per cent are women. There are more than 100 laboratories at NTNU. 

Website: http://www.ntnu.no

Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU is involved in the following projects:

Prios Kompetanse AS

Prios Kompetanse AS (Prios) is a research-based corporation established by several cooperative competence environments. Main tasks are project management, business consulting, innovation processes, training and software development. Prios as research center aims to implement the idea of lifelong learning, support and conduct development projects. The center is open to all who wish to develop their talents, refresh their knowledge, improve their business, needs new or better digital tools or have ideas in need for support to be fulfilled.


Website: https://www.prios.no/

Prios Kompetanse AS is involved in the following projects:

University of Nordland

​University of Nordland is an established institution for higher education and research with its main campus located in the city of Bodø, the second largest city in Northern Norway. In 2012/2013, the university has about 6050 students and 640 members of staff and offers more than 120 different study programmes in a range of academic and professional fields.

Website: http://www.uin.no/english/Pages/default.aspx

University of Nordland is involved in the following projects:


MBO Raad

The MBO Raad is the Association of Colleges in the Netherlands, that represents all educational institutions for secondary vocational training and adult education. (650.000 enrollments, yearly). On behalf of its 70 member institutions the MBO Raad promotes the collective interests of the sector, supports common activities of the institutes and acts as an employer’ organisation. In addition to this the MBO Raad acts as an intermediary between the VET-colleges and the government, professional branch organisations, industries and other stakeholders providing the colleges with guidance and advice of their specialised consultants.


Website: http://www.mboraad.nl

MBO Raad is involved in the following projects:

Municipality of Zaanstad

Zaanstad is a municipality in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland, situated northwest of Amsterdam. Its main town is Zaandam. It is part of the conurbation and metropolitan area of Amsterdam. It had a population of 151,109 in 2014. 

Website: https://www.zaanstad.nl/mozard/!suite05.scherm1239

Municipality of Zaanstad is involved in the following projects:

Open University

Open University develops and provides open higher distance education. There is a special focus on the use of new ICTs and teaching/learning methods to provide effective, efficient, attractive and accessible life-long learning facilities and education to Dutch citizens. Within the Open University, the Welten Institute (formerly known as CELSTEC) (Research Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology) integrates expertise in the learning sciences and technology-enhanced learning. The mission of the Welten Institute is to improve learning and knowledge building at work, at school, at home and on the move by combining state-of-the-art knowledge in the Learning Sciences with the innovative powers of new Information and Communication Technologies. New technologies and approaches to learning and innovation are extensively tested in our laboratories and in practice. The core activities of the Welten Institute are research, innovation, education and training.

Website: https://www.ou.nl/

Open University is involved in the following projects:

Talenacademie Nederland
Talenacademie Nederland helps people who speak different languages to communicate with each other as well as possible. Talenacademie Nederland is a foundation established in 1992 at the request of the Ministry of Education and the province of Limburg. It is the only center of excellence in the Netherlands that is fully specialized in languages. Within this field of language education, Talenacademie Nederland covers the entire range of support, from needs assessment, policy development, development of pilot projects, training of language teachers to evaluate learning outcomes. The Language Academy has extensive experience in managing large European projects and partly because they have European networks of experts who are involved in the execution of its work.

Website: http://www.talenacademie.nl/nl/over-ons
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - VU

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) was founded in 1880 as an independent university, free from church, state, and commercial interest. Today, VU has 9 Faculties (Business and Economics, Law, Science, Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Theology, Medical Sciences Dentistry). VU currently has 22.359 students (of which 3.363 international), and 4.463 academic and support staff. In 2016, 7.560 bachelor and master degrees were awarded and 431 PhD promotions took place (Annual Report 2016). With 84 different nationalities working and studying closely together, it offers an international and dynamic academic community.


Website: http://www.vu.nl
VVS Noord en Oost Nederland

VVS Noord- en Oost-Nederland is a vocational training centre for women, established in 1986 and situated in the city of Assen. Legal status- private foundation. The workfield of the centre covers the four northern provinces Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe and Overijssel.The history and setting up of the women’s training centres are based on the growing need for training and employment opportunity for women job seekers, especially women returners and migrant and ethnic minority women. In the Netherlands there are 7 of these specialized training centres. The centres are united in a national umbrella organisation, the National Association for Vocational Training for Women. Each centre is an independant organisation, with own legal status, statutes and board, developing and delivering her own training activities, focussed on the regional labour market needs.Together, the seven training centres have a staff of more than 250 employees, management, trainers and support personnel. The annual turn-over being NLG 20million. 

Website: http://www.opleidingenberoep.nl/

VVS Noord en Oost Nederland is involved in the following projects:


Al Quds Open University

Al-Quds Open University (QOU) is a public non-profit University established in 1991 by the Palestinian Liberation Organization and supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education. QOU is a pioneer institution in the Arab world, which adopts open & blended learning philosophy to keep up with international advances in technology and learning. QOU had achieved many goals and success to promote academic standard in the Palestinian community. Since its establishment, over 50,000 students has joined its scientific edifice distributed in 19 branches throughout Palestine. QOU aims to deliver knowledge to all society segments.

Website: https://www.qou.edu/en/

Al Quds Open University is involved in the following projects:

Al-Aqsa university

AL-AQSA University is one of the leading Palestinian Academic institutions in the Gaza Strip, established in 2000/2001. The university has eight main different faculties; namely: Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Arts and Human Science, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Media, Al-Aqsa Community College, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Physical Sports and Faculty of Management and Finance. The university offers a variety of academic and professional programs ranging from professional courses and diplomas through the Continuing Education Centre and the graduate and postgraduate programs.

Website: https://www.alaqsa.edu.ps/en/home/

Al-Aqsa university is involved in the following projects:

Al-Ummah University College

Al-Ummah University College is one of Jerusalem educational organizations that was established in 1983 as a junior community college. A good number of its students are from Jerusalem and its districts. It is supervised by the Jordanian Ministry of Endowment, al-Waqf Department, in partnership with the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. In 2019, the college was accredited as a university college.

Website: https://www.umma.ac.ke/

Al-Ummah University College is involved in the following projects:

Alrawdah Technical Community College

Al-Rawdah Technical Community College is a private higher education institution , situated in Nablus City North West Bank in Palestine ,which is famous as a scientific, economic and health care entity. It is accredited by the Palestinian Ministry of Education under No. 1982/HE3C/01/02; to serve the Palestinian people and to provide intermediate vocational education within an atmosphere of responsible academic freedom and continuous fertile interaction and participation in all constructive events, and commitment to morals, standards and values of the Islamic faith. It has good relations & cooperation with the ministry, profession syndicates, private sectors, funders & other higher education institutions.

Alrawdah Technical Community College is involved in the following projects:

Palestinian Ministry of Education - MOE
The Ministry of Education leads the education sector in Palestine in its capacity as the official body responsible for running, organizing and developing the educational sector with all its sectors. The Ministry is responsible for overseeing and developing Palestinian education in its various stages, in the public and higher education sectors. It seeks to provide enrollment opportunities for all those of school age, as well as improving the quality and quality of teaching and learning to improve it in line with the developments of the times. As well as developing the workforce working in the educational sector, in order to prepare a qualified Palestinian citizen, who is able to carry out his duties efficiently and competently.

Website: http://www.moehe.gov.ps/

Palestinian Ministry of Education - MOE is involved in the following projects:

Palestinian Ministry of Social Development - MoSD

The Ministry of Social Development seeks to provide social protection through its various programs based on the rights-based approach to ensure transparency and justice to support the steadfastness of citizens


Palestinian Ministry of Social Development - MoSD is involved in the following projects:

Ramallah Women’s Training Center

The college was established in the year of 1962 under the umbrella of UNRWA, in order to provide free educational service for Palestinian refugee girls. The College believes in a pioneering role that plays a supreme mission, which is to provide an opportunity for less fortunate refugee girls and boys to obtain free education and sufficient experience that qualifies them to contribute to building their country and society, as it has continuously developed its specializations and provided all necessary laboratories and workshops to meet the requirements of society and the Palestinian labor market This reflected positively on the college and its graduates, as it occupies an advanced position among the similar colleges at the national and regional levels.

Ramallah Women’s Training Center is involved in the following projects:


36,6 Competence Centre

36,6 Competence Centre is an umbrella institution gathering professionals from many fields establishing interdisciplinary Experts Zone for the local development through international experience exchange. 36,6 ºC means balance, quality of life, development of its inhabitants within the support of well-qualified experts conducting educational, research, cultural and vocational guidance-based activities under framework of international projects.


Website: http://www.36and6.pl

36,6 Competence Centre is involved in the following projects:

Academy of Humanities and Economics

The Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi) is one of the largest non-public institutions of higher education in Poland with over 11 thousand students studying at 3 departments with 10 faculties and 100 specializations.It has been an accredited institution of higher education since 1993. In the educational rankings AHE is placed very high. Academy of Humanities and Economics cooperates with huge number of well-know educational institutions in Lodz and in Poland such as: foreign language schools, grammar schools and high schools, training centers, foundations, associations, local authorities and companies. To meet its' students demands AHE created a net of branches all over the country. This feature gives the possibility of spreading the AHE’s educational work and cooperation with other very important institutions/companies in our country.

Website: http://www.ahe.lodz.pl

Academy of Humanities and Economics is involved in the following projects:

CASE-Doradcy Ltd.
CASE-Doradcy Ltd. is an independent non-profit economic and public policy research institution founded on the idea that evidence-based policy making is vital to the economic welfare of societies.
Established in 1991 in Warsaw, CASE scholars and researchers assisted policy-makers during the early years of transition, before turning their attention to the challenges inherent in the European Union enlargement process and then EU key policy challenges in the globalized world.
Website: http://www.case.com.pl/

CASE-Doradcy Ltd. is involved in the following projects:

Centre of Continuing Education (CKU)

The Centre of Continuing Education in Sopot is the first in Pomerania district and one of the first educational adult provider in Poland to meet the international requirements of ISO9001:2000.This Quality System Certificate was granted to the Centre in 2002. The Certificate includes: "General and vocational education of youth and adults" as well as "Practical vocational training in practice firms".In 2004 the Centre was granted Pomerian Quality Management Award.The primary aim of the Centre is continuous quality improvement of the teaching process and constant extension of the educational offer for those who would like either to gain new qualifications or additional vocational/professional skills.

Website: http://www.cku.sopot.pl

Centre of Continuing Education (CKU) is involved in the following projects:

CKZiU - Centrum Ksztalcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Sosnowcu ul Kilinskiego 25
The Center of Vocational and  Continual Education (CKZiU) in Sosnowiec, Kilińskiego 25 Street was established in June 2013 according to the decision of the City Council of Sosnowiec. It is composed by the following schools: Technical School, School of Mechanics, Technical School and General High School, School of Service Activities, School of Architecture and Construction, Special Needs School, Centre of Continual Education. 

Website: http://www.ckziu25.sosnowiec.pl

CKZiU - Centrum Ksztalcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Sosnowcu ul Kilinskiego 25 is involved in the following projects:

Danmar Computers

Danmar Computers is an IT training company, specialising in the development of training programs, multi-media materials and conducting classes for various target groups, including children.

Website: http://danmar-computers.com.pl/

Danmar Computers is involved in the following projects:

Gimnazjum nr 3 im. Noblistów Polskich

Gimnazjum nr 3 im. Noblistów Polskich is part of combined schools called Zespół Szkół nr 2 w Świdniku. Gimnazjum is a lower-secondary school for students who are aged 13-16 and continue their general education after primary school. Gimnazjum nr 3 is located in a small town of Świdnik in the east of Poland. There are about 600 students in the school.


Website: http://www.gim3-gliwice.oswiata.org.pl/

Gimnazjum nr 3 im. Noblistów Polskich is involved in the following projects:

INBIE - Research and Innovation in Education Institute
INBIE is a NGO Institution founded in 2014. It concentrates its activities in promoting equal educational opportunities to all social groups, to fight against social exclusion and support people at risk of marginalization. INBIE has experience in developing MOOCs programs and  e-learning activities. 

Website: http://www.inbie.pl

INBIE - Research and Innovation in Education Institute is involved in the following projects:

Mlodziezowy Dom Kultury

The institution is engaged in cultural education, creates various opportunities for rest and recreation of children and teenagers. We promote active model of spending leisure time. The institution secure for children and teenagers conditions for development of individual interests and talents. The activities are very well established and sought for by the children as well as teenagers. The institution organise during a year 280 different (cultural, recreational, sport) events yearly among others: concerts, spectacles, performances, shows, competitions, sport events, challenges, projections, etc.

Website: http://www.mdkochota.com/

Mlodziezowy Dom Kultury is involved in the following projects:

OTTIMA plus Sp. z o.o.

OTTIMA plus Ltd. is a company classifies itself in the category "high technology", which operates in the field of consulting and expert in the various sectors of the economy. The company has 16 years of expertise to implement projects, and strategic research. The company's mission is to create space for business through partnership and support of Polish enterprises to identifying, creating and improvement of effective business solutions. 

Website: http://www.ottima-plus.com.pl

OTTIMA plus Sp. z o.o. is involved in the following projects:

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego Spolka Akcyjna

RARR is a public institution (non-profit association of regional government) established in 1993 by Self-government of Podkarpackie Region (Policy Maker – Managing Authority of Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Region) for the development of cooperation at regional, national and international level, including responsibility for the development and implementation of projects. As a regional governmental institution RARR play an active role in achieving the objectives of Regional Operational Programme. RARR have an influence on themes addressed by the program, which are also coherent to all regional and national strategies and finally implemented through various projects and actions. RARR is responsible for regional development of the Podkarpackie, directly assist and support activities of the Self-government of Podkarpackie Region and participate in the implementation of the Regional Operational Programme. 


Website: http://www.rarr.rzeszow.pl/

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego Spolka Akcyjna is involved in the following projects:

SSW Collegium Balticum

Szczecińska Szkoła Wyższa Collegium Balticum founded in 2000 is continuously ranked as one of the best private universities in northern Poland. It is characterized by great human capital and huge development potential. School authorities have managed to build an institution that gives its students a solid education and thus a great start to their professional life. It is desired to provide young adults with knowledge comprising many fields so that they can receive an interdisciplinary education providing them with a better chance on the difficult labour market both in Poland and internationally. Current educational offer includes following faculties: educational science, national security, IT, pedagogy, special pedagogy and pedagogy with diet at BA, MA levels as well as post-graduate studies in teaching methodology, business, management. A significant part of research work is the dissemination of the institution’s output and the exchange of experiences through conferences and seminars.


Website: http://www.cb.szczecin.pl

SSW Collegium Balticum is involved in the following projects:

Stowarzyszenie Kultury Teatralnej Piesn Kozla

Stowarzyszenie Kultury Teatralnej Piesn Kozla (Song of the Goat Theatre Association) is a national and international cultural operator formed in 2002. Established in Wrocław by Grzegorz Bral and Anna Zubrzycki, Song of the Goat Theatre has developed an international reputation as one of Europe’s most innovative theatre companies, committed to researching what makes theatre distinctive to other art forms. Song of the Goat Theatre’s ever-evolving training, rehearsal, and performance process approaches art-making as a laboratory, enabling the Company to research the craft of the actor and director and to evolve new techniques, performance languages, and work.

Website: http://piesnkozla.pl/

Stowarzyszenie Kultury Teatralnej Piesn Kozla is involved in the following projects:

Szkola Podstawowa nr 5 im. Janusza Kusocinskiego w Swidniku
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Świdniku is a primary and lower-secondary school for students from 7 up to 16 years old. It is located in a small town of Świdnik, in the east of Poland. There are about 1420 students in the school.
The school offers classes for disabled students with partial deafness, poor eyesight, speech impediments and on wheelchairs. In order to provide equal opportunities for students, the school offers majors in Mathematics, bilingual English, bilingual Spanish and sports, such as football and swimming. Thus, it can boast numerous
laureates of subject competitions and sports champions.

Website: http://zs2.swidnik.pl

Szkola Podstawowa nr 5 im. Janusza Kusocinskiego w Swidniku is involved in the following projects:

TAURON Polska Energia S.A
TAURON Polska Energia S.A. is the mother company in the TAURON Group – one of the largest business entities in Poland, with over 18 billion equity and approximately 25 thousand employees.
The TAURON Group supplies approximately 50 TWh of electricity to over 5.5 million customers per year which makes it the largest distributor of electricity in Poland. It is also the second largest electricity generator and supplier in Poland and the largest supplier of heat in Upper Silesia. The holding controls approximately 30% of Polish hard coal resources. The TAURON Group is also involved in numerous corporate social responsibility initiatives, including educational and charity activities.

Website: https://www.tauron.pl/dla-domu

TAURON Polska Energia S.A is involved in the following projects:

Technical University of Koszalin
Koszalin is one of 19 Polish cities with a polytechnic or university, and with 18,500 students Politechnika Koszalińska accounts for 16 per cent of its population. The Koszalin University of Technology attracts many outstanding specialists and highly talented students in technical areas such as electronics, computer science, telecommunications, automatics and robotics, machine building technology, civil and environmental engineering and geodesy and cartography as well as other fields such as economics, management and marketing, and all aspects of design.
Website: http://www.weiz.tu.koszalin.pl

Technical University of Koszalin is involved in the following projects:

The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow
The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow possesses a modern, fast-growing scientific and didactic base. Presently, the University has three campuses in Rzeszów, Tyczyn and Kielnarowa, with a total area of 27 thousand square metres. UITM headquarters are based in Rzeszów, whereas two other campuses are located within a short distance of the city. The UITM Centre for Tourism and Recreation, situated 10 kilometres from Rzeszów in Kielnarowa, is an integral part of the most modern scientific and didactic base of UITM and serves as the main recreation and sports centre of the University. The Centre for Tourism and Recreation in Kielnarowa is the biggest complex in the southeast Poland and one of the biggest in the country.
Website: http://[email protected]

The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow is involved in the following projects:

University of Economics in Katowice
University of Economics in Katowice was founded in 1936. It is the only public higher education institution teaching economics in the Upper Silesia and one of the most prestigious universities in Poland. Each year about 15.000 students study here, attending the lectures and seminars conducted by 480 academic teachers.
Special emphasis is put on the development of academic competencies in all of its degree programs, at the Bachelor, Master, Doctoral and Postgraduate levels.
UEK cooperates successfully with higher education institutions, enterprises and chambers of commerce operating in European Union, Central and Eastern Europe and non European countries. It belongs to many international networks such as EAIE, EUCEN, EUA, NAFSA, Prime Networking and EURASHE.
UEK has undertaken many initiatives concerning European integration, creating common cooperation areas for education and research through coordination or acting as a partner of the following European projects: Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Ceepus, EUA Quality culture, Interreg IIIc, European Social Fund, Scholarship
and Training Fund, 7th Framework Programme, etc. UEK signed over 150 Bilateral Agreements for student mobility and teacher exchange and cooperates with
over 250 European enterprises.

Website: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/no_cache/en.html

University of Economics in Katowice is involved in the following projects:

University of Opole

University of Opole is one of nineteen public universities in Poland. Although it seems to be a relatively young university established in 1994 – it has a long academic tradition since it was founded as a result of joining one of the best Polish pedagogical academies – the Higher Pedagogical College in Opole and Opole branch of the Catholic University in Lublin. The university has a huge scientific potential, generated mainly by its award winning staff and a multitude of specialist laboratories, IT and media centers, as well as by impressive library resources. The University of Opole is continually expanding its educational offer and is developing cooperation with academic and business partners both in Poland and abroad.

Website: https://www.uni.opole.pl/

University of Opole is involved in the following projects:

University of Wrocław
The cultural and geographical location of University of Wroclaw on the Polish, German and Czech border justifies its aspiration as an open, tolerant and world - oriented institution. The overall aim of the university Internationalization Strategies are to prepare the students for a multicultural community and information society. Since Poland's European Union accession our University are a part of uniform European Area of Higher Education. This means political, economic and social consolidation and cooperation. It also greatly facilitates free students movement between European countries
University of Wrocław has a rich history of more than three centuries. Founded by Leopold I Habsburg, the University evolved from a modest school run by Jesuits into one of the biggest academic institutions in Poland.

Website: http://www.uni.wroc.pl

University of Wrocław is involved in the following projects:

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

Located in Kielce, in the east-central part of Poland, the Jan Kochanowski University is a public higher education institution that makes extraordinary contributions to society through education, research and innovations. The quality of education at the university meets the highest European standards. Fields of study and modern degree programmes including Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels draw on the university’s tradition in the humanities and in social and natural sciences. The university provides students and graduates with the opportunity to develop skills which are applicable in various types of businesses. The Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce comprises 6 faculties: Collegium Medicum, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences as well as 2 university branches. It provides workplaces for 1400 employees, including 900 university teachers and 500 non-teaching staff. There are over 11,300 students. Engaging with international community of higher education institutions, the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce opens a range of opportunities for student and staff mobility all over the world and focuses on building a strategic network of international partnerships.


Website: https://ujk.edu.pl/

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach is involved in the following projects:

Zespol Szkol w Przeclawiu

Zespol Przeclawiu School (Zespół Szkół w Przecławiu) is a public school which include both a primary and a secondary school.

Website: http://zsprzeclaw.nazwa.pl/

Zespol Szkol w Przeclawiu is involved in the following projects:


Agrupamento de Escolas Alto do Lumiar

The Agrupamento de Escolas Alto do Lumiar (AEAL) comprises several primary schools, each with its unique focus and support services, including EB1 Pintora Maluda, EB1 Dr. Nuno Cordeiro Ferreira, EB1 Maria da Luz de Deus Ramos, and EB1 Padre José Manuel Rocha e Melo, all equipped with preschool facilities. As part of AEAL's commitment to inclusive education, it actively participates in the Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (TEIP) program since 2010. AEAL operates three specialized support units for students with multiple disabilities and congenital deaf-blindness, located at Escola Básica Padre José Manuel Rocha e Melo and EB1 Pintora Maluda.


Website: https://www.aelumiar.com/site/

Agrupamento de Escolas Alto do Lumiar is involved in the following projects:

Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela

AEV comprehends different levels of learning, Pre-school education (3 years and optional), Basic school – 1st, 2nd, 3rd cycles (9 years) and Secondary school (3 years), Basic and secondary are compulsory. In the secondary level we minister general and professional courses for VET learners like Electricity, ICT, Photography, Sport management, Social Services amoung others.

Website: http://www.esvilela.pt

Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela is involved in the following projects:

Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Garcia - AEEG
The Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Garcia (AEEG) is a public institution with a defined mission in making a difference by pursuing innovative, creative and effective practices in what teaching and learning are concerned.
Founded in 1853, AEEG is currently made up of three kindergartens; five primary schools; one middle school (5th and 6th years) and a secondary school (from 7th to 12th years), which is the head-school of the group. There are a total number of 1809 students. 

Website: http://www.aeemidiogarcia.pt

Agrupamento de Escolas Emídio Garcia - AEEG is involved in the following projects:

Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga

Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga (AEMT) is located in Bragança, an inland town, in the north of Portugal, with low population density and little diversity in terms of cultural offer. It was built in in the historical area and consists of 3 buildings: 2 in the town, 1 in the countryside. It is attended by 650 students, aged between 3 and 17, who learn English from the 1st year of primary school, French from year 5 and Spanish from year 7.

Website: https://paginaaemt.wixsite.com/agrupamento

Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga is involved in the following projects:

Agrupamento de Escolas Rosa Ramalho

Rosa Ramalho Schools Group began operating the July 6, 2001 and is located in the municipality of Barcelos. It consists of twenty-three schools, six are of pre-school education, nine are integrated with pre-school and the primary (first 4 grades), seven are primary (first 4 grades) and one is called Basic-school from the 5th grade to the 9th. The school has 1703 students, with 70 qualifying for special education under artº 3/2008.


Website: http://www.aerosaramalho.pt

Agrupamento de Escolas Rosa Ramalho is involved in the following projects:

Associação Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança
The Bragança Ciência Viva Science Centre is a 12-year-old non-profit scientific and technical association whose founding members are the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture - Ciência Viva, the Bragança City Council and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB). It is part of the National Network of Ciência Viva Science Centers, consisting of 21 Centers spread across the continent and islands.

Website: https://braganca.cienciaviva.pt/

Associação Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança is involved in the following projects:

Associação Nacional de Escolas Profissionais (ANESPO)

ANESPO is a non-profit organization, representing over 140 private VET schools, providing accredited training programs addressed to all economic sectors. Created in 1991 with the purpose of representing and assisting associated VET schools in fully complying with their mission, ANESPO provides a wide range of services, around the following main axes: technical assistance to higher educational and vocational standards; implementation of innovative projects through national and international partnerships; strengthening the leading role of VET schools in the community; improving the quality of education in VET schools; enhancing employability of graduates; designing and implementing teacher’s training programs.ANESPO counts with a permanent staff of hundreds of high qualified experts in educational and vocational issues, either at home office or in the associated schools.  

Website: http://Associação Nacional de Escolas Profissionais

Associação Nacional de Escolas Profissionais (ANESPO) is involved in the following projects:

Associação Paredes pela Inclusão Social

The Associação Paredes pela Inclusão Social (APPIS) was created in 2007 by a group of entrepreneurs  (42) that pretended to give their contribute and demonstrate their social responsibility for social inclusion by the education. The strategic objective of APPIS is fighting school failure and school dropout through the prevention and remediation of risk factors and by inducing external factors of success. 

Website: http://www.cm-paredes.pt/VSD/Paredes/vPT/Residentes/

Associação Paredes pela Inclusão Social is involved in the following projects:

Centro Social Santa Clara
The Social Center of Santa Clara is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (PISS) under the tutelage of the Congregation of The Reparative Franciscan Servants of Jesus Sacramentates. The Institution integrates the social responses of Daycare –Preschool Education and Leisure Activity Center. It has cooperation agreement with the Institute of Social Security, IP, District Center of Bragança. Ministry of Social Solidarity of Portugal. The preschool education is under the tutelage of the Ministry of Education of Portugal. It is integrated in the social solidarity network of preschool education (Low 5/97).

Website: http://colegiosantaclara.org/identidade

Centro Social Santa Clara is involved in the following projects:

Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos

Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos seeks to educate, looking to the demands of the future (which is the main reason why it presents an educational proposal based on human values), enshrined in the Ideas of Claretiano Colleges, as well as on the integral development of the student, through the development of transversal skills and knowledge. Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos, despite being a private entity, provides a public education service with a public offer of education.


Website: http://www.cic.pt

Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos is involved in the following projects:

The CREF - Educational Resources and Training Centre is one of the most important establishments of the region of Setúbal and it covers all of the Sesimbra department. It is a private nonprofit educational institution which provides educational support for the basic and secondary schools staff in all the Sesimbra region. CREF is also responsible for the continuous training of working and non working adults and the teachers from public and private pre and primary schools, in direct connection with the municipality of Sesimbra. This institution also offers informatics support to all pre and primary schools and has the main control of their web pages and moodle platforms.

Website: http://www.cref.pt

CREF is involved in the following projects:

Cumbria University - Institue of Arts

Cumbria Institute of the Arts, a government-funded higher education institute, has a reputation for encouraging and developing creative thinking and personal exploration backed by academic rigour, attracting students with a wide range of backgrounds from home and overseas. 

Website: http://www.cumbria.ac.uk/AboutUs/Home.aspx

Cumbria University - Institue of Arts is involved in the following projects:

EIA - Atlântica

EIA - Atlântica is a private university institute integrated into the Portuguese Higher Education System, created in 1996 as a public interest institution, is a reference, focused on the creation, transmission and diffusion of knowledge, sciences, and technology through the articulation of studies, teaching, research and experimental development in the areas of Business Sciences, Health, Information Technology and Engineering.

Website: http://www.uatlantica.pt

EIA - Atlântica is involved in the following projects:


INOVAFOR mission is to promote the growth of competitiveness of the organizations and their human resources through the implementation of training and skills development activities. INOVAFOR intends to be an agent for change and for promoting innovation, supporting organizational development , promoting the improvement of skills and the growth of competitiveness of our customers through the processes of training and consulting, permitting rapid adaptation to increasingly demanding and global contexts. 

Website: http://www.inovafor.pt/

INOVAFOR is involved in the following projects:

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is a higher education public institution with a defined mission in creating, transmitting and diffusing technical-scientific and professional knowledge through the articulation of study, teaching, applied research and experimental development. IPB belongs to the European Network for Universities of Applied Sciences (UASNET), which main objectives include the transferability of professional skills and the integration of applied research in their professional and technological education mission. Founded in 1983, IPB is presently composed by five schools, 400 teachers and more than 7000 students. Its activities embraces a wide area of knowledge and technology, namely, arts, communication and multimedia, business sciences and law, education and teachers training, agriculture sciences and natural resources, health, tourism, sports, technologies and engineering. 


Website: http://www.ipb.pt/iro

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança is involved in the following projects:

Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco

The Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco has 6 colleges, among which the Escola Superior de Educação. The mission of the school is the qualification at the highest level of citizens, the production and dissemination of knowledge and the offer of services to the community in the following domains: education, social studies, secretarial studies, sports and physical activity. It strives for local, regional, national and international recognition as an innovative, creative and knowledgeable institution capable of responding to the needs of the community that surrounds it. 

Website: http://www.ipcb.pt

Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco is involved in the following projects:

Iscte - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa

Founded in 1972, Iscte is a high-quality public university distinguished for its strength in postgraduate studies and scientific research. It hosts approximately 9000 students in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of its 4 schools: Iscte Business School, the School of Sociology and Public Policy, the School of Technology and Architecture and the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Most of the 450 members of the teaching staff are involved in cutting-edge research. Furthermore, Iscte is committed to internationalization as a component of its development, with international students making up nearly 20% of the student body.

Website: https://www.iscte-iul.pt/

Iscte - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa is involved in the following projects:

Ius Gentium Conimbrigae
The Ius Gentium Conimbrigae - Institute of International Law and Cooperation with Portuguese-speaking States and Communities -, founded in 1997, is an Institute based in the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, which focuses on the study of current international issues, in general, and that of the Portuguese-speaking community, in particular, from a multidisciplinary perspective yet based on a legal scope. 
The IGC’ technical and teaching staff is composed by professors of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, invited lecturers (national or foreign), and by professionals or experts with recognised scientific and professional merit in the teaching or research areas of the Institute.

Website: http://www.igc.fd.uc.pt

Ius Gentium Conimbrigae is involved in the following projects:

Mentortec is a business accelerator focused on the promotion and sustainable growth of technology based start-ups, as well as on the establishment of business cooperation relationships between entrepreneurs and New Technology-Based Firms (NTBF) from different countries. Mentortec has its services’ portfolio structured in four major areas: mentoring, business acceleration, personal consultancy and training. These areas are complementary and ensure a full coverage and support through the entire business value chains, which increases the possibility of success for each start-up/entrepreneur or company supported.

Website: http://www.mentortec.eu/

Mentortec is involved in the following projects:

POSCOHR - Portuguese Speaking Countries Observatory on Human Rights
POSCOHR – Portuguese Speaking Countries Observatory on Human Rights, was founded in 2015 to work on scientific research and academic knowledge in the promotion and protection of Human Rights worldwide, but essentially in Portuguese speaking countries. POSCOHR is a rights-based association operating in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra which, in partnership with other stakeholders, seeks to address human rights issues, namely by using forensic science and medicine, as well as law and social sciences.
It is part of POSCOHR' methodology to provide training, both theoretical and practical, to do research, as well as to assist decision-makers, practitioners, victims, etc., namely on proposing law reforms, on providing technical training and on supporting processes of rehabilitation, treatment and social reinsertion and inclusion of victims of human rights violations, such as refugees/migrants, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments and punishments.

POSCOHR - Portuguese Speaking Countries Observatory on Human Rights is involved in the following projects:

PSE - Planet Sustainable Energy Ltd
PSE- Planet Sustainable Energy, with brand name of JesusFerreira Consultores-energy consulting, belong to a solid Group of specialized Companies in the energy sector, whose Management Team has been responsible in recent years for the direct investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The commitment to the sector is evident with the companies that belongs to Group and in its teams with several years of experience in the analysis, creation, financing, implementation and monitoring of the most diverse energy production and/or energy efficiency solutions adapted to all phases of the Organizations' life cycle.
PSE, as an Energy Services Company, has the right skills and necessary experience for an innovative performance, within the scope of buildings energy certification system and energy intensive consumption management System, energy performance contracts, energy management and environment areas, either in public or private sector, as well as in the various aspects of technical installation.

Website: https://jesusferreira.pt/

PSE - Planet Sustainable Energy Ltd is involved in the following projects:

Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI)

SPI is a knowledge management oriented company with the mission to manage projects that foster innovation and promote international opportunities. SPI provides services in Training, Consulting and R&D. SPI has a permanent staff of nearly 60 people in 10 offices worldwide. SPI is accredited by DGERT with recognized capacity to conduct a range of training activities. SPI has experience in using different training methodologies for various target groups and applies innovative pedagogical approaches, including e-Learning. SPI has experience in developing training plans, identifying/selecting training resources, developing didactic materials, supervising and evaluating training courses and assessing the impact of training programs, exploiting project results, dissemination, etc.


Website: http://www.spi.pt

Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) is involved in the following projects:

Training and Portuguese Language and Studies (FLEP)

FLEP - Formação Língua e Estudos Portugueses is a private institution aimed at teaching, promoting and organizing courses of learning Portuguese; using unique specifically-designed programmes for teaching foreign languages; planning and arranging various training events and other forms of interaction as well as providing on-going staff training and technical updating of the companies.

Website: http://www.flep.pt
University of Lisbona - Instituto de Ciências Sociais

The ICS, an Associated State Laboratory, is a university institution devoted to research and advanced training in the social sciences. The mission of the ICS is to study contemporary societies with a special emphasis on Portugal and the societies and cultures with which Portugal has an historical relationship, either in Europe or in other regions of the world. Linking researchers from several different disciplines, the ICS currently focuses its research on five main subject areas: the formation of the contemporary world; the study of citizenship and democratic institutions; the problems of sustainability, linking the environment, risk and space; social changes and individual action in the context of the family, lifestyles and schooling; and issues concerning identity, migration and religion.

Website: http://www.ics.ul.pt

University of Lisbona - Instituto de Ciências Sociais is involved in the following projects:

United Kingdom

Aberdeen City Council
The Education Department of Aberdeen City Council is responsible for all schools in the City of Aberdeen. The department controls all the schools existing within the territory of the Township: from nurseries to permanent education centres. The department is now involved in many European projects and initiatives in the field of education.
Website: http://www.aberdeen-education.org.uk

Aberdeen City Council is involved in the following projects:

Aspire-Igen Group

The Aspire-Igen Group is the largest careers and training organisation in the Yorkshire region (an area with a population of over 5 million). The group is a not-for-profit social enterprise with 22 years’ experience of supporting young people and adults into employment. Levels of social deprivation in Yorkshire are among the worst in the UK, with widespread pockets of exclusion and unemployment. The group supports social inclusion and regeneration by providing a range of guidance and training services. This includes delivering vocational training programmes for NEET young people to prepare them for entry into the labour market and offer careers advice in 28 schools in the region

Website: http://theopportunitycentre.com/

Aspire-Igen Group is involved in the following projects:

Birkbeck College
Birkbeck College of the University of London has a long-standing history dating back to the 19th century. Research at Birkbeck in 11 subject areas is rated as ‘internationally excellent’ and ‘world leading’ while over 90 percent of Birkbeck academics are research-active.
Birkbeck has been acknowledged as a ‘global elite‘ university and it is often shortlisted by the Times Higher Education Awards as University of the Year. Consistently ranked as one of the top 150 universities in the world, Birkbeck is placed as 25th in Europe in terms of 13 wide-ranging performance indicators, comprising research, teaching, and international mix.
Birkbeck is a member of academic organisations such as the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the European University Association and it has a huge number of strategically significant partnerships with some of the highly ranked east Asian and south American universities. The university was awarded The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for excellence in higher education research in 2006.

Website: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/

Birkbeck College is involved in the following projects:

British Association for Open Learning (BAOL)

The British Association for Open Learning (BAOL) operated on a non-profit making basis. The non-commercial status meant that the Association could offer an independent view without bias to any one sector. The Association's strengths were those of its members. BAOL only accepted institutions committed to excellence in learning. The goals of BAOL, an association for open learning in the United Kingdom, are to build a dynamic community with global reach, committed to innovation, excellence, and best practice in learning. 

Website: http://www.bircham.net/baol-the-british-association-for-open-learning.html

British Association for Open Learning (BAOL) is involved in the following projects:

Cambridgeshire County Council (CREDS)
Cambridgeshire Race Equality and Diversity Service (CREDS) is a functional component of the Directorate of Learning which is located within the Office of Children and Young People’s Services (OCYPS), Cambridgeshire County Council. The Race Equality and Diversity Service is primarily funded through Standards Fund, which includes the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG).
CREDS works with schools, parents/carers and communities to support the raising of educational achievement of Black, minority ethnic (BME), Gypsy and Traveller children. 
There are 2 strands to the Service, one which focuses on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller achievement and the other on black and minority ethnic achievement, including English as an additional language (EAL).
Website: http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Cambridgeshire County Council (CREDS) is involved in the following projects:

Coventry University Enterprises

Coventry University Enterprises (CUE Ltd) was established in 1992 and is the organisation through which much of its business-partnership activity, research commercialisation, IP portfolio development and income-generation activity is delivered. Operating in a regional, national, European and international context, CUE is a key actor in knowledge based support to enterprises and seeks to maximise the commercial potential of the organisations skills, expertise and resources. CUE focuses on innovation, design, high performance automotive engineering, health, environment and ICT as areas of expertise. Through this activity it has to date supported thousands of Small-to-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through specific projects and support programmes. More than 200 SMEs have been established with the support of CUE and it continues to assist in excess of 3000 enterprises a year with practical business support and guidance benefiting from one-to-one involvement.

Website: http://wwwm.coventry.ac.uk/cds/supportforpublicsector/projects/pages/default.aspx

Coventry University Enterprises is involved in the following projects:

Discovery Flexibles Ltd

Discovery Flexibles is Scotland’s leading flexible packaging converter. It has been servicing the flexible packaging market for over 60 years and believe this experience allows the company to provide its customers with superior service and product quality to that of our competitors. Discovery Flexibles specialises in printing and converting films, paper, aluminium foil and laminate structures.

Website: http://www.discoveryflexibles.com/

Discovery Flexibles Ltd is involved in the following projects:

Dundee and Angus College

Dundee and Angus College (D&A) was formed in 2013 from the merger of 2 previously successful Scottish further education colleges (Dundee College and Angus College) as part of a Scottish Government reform and re-organisation programme. It provides further education services mainly focusing on the population centres of Dundee and Arbroath & stretching into surrounding areas (Fife, Perthshire, Aberdeenshire). The latest population figure for the region is 262,890, rising to 500,000 counting the “travel to work” area. It offers education & training in many vocational areas from SCQF levels 2 to 10 (EQF levels 1 to 6). D&A employs approximately 1,000 staff and serves 16,669 learners. Most provision is through full-time VET courses for learners aged 16 & upwards in a wide range of subjects including Sport and Leisure. A significant part of our work is part-time courses, industry qualifications, & tailor made courses to suit client's needs.  Core funding comes from Scottish Government.  

Website: http://www.dundeeandangus.ac.uk

Dundee and Angus College is involved in the following projects:

Entente UK

Entente has been in operation since 1993 working with public and private sector agencies responsible for the delivery of National UK training programme. We are also involved in the development of VET, Employment, Vocational Guidance and Enterprise Support infrastructures throughout Europe. 

Website: http://en.entente-cordiale.org/

Entente UK is involved in the following projects:

Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services (EAQUALS)

EAQUALS is an international association of providers and organisations involved in language teaching, which is registered as a charitable trust in the UK. It was founded in 1991 with the primary mission of promoting high quality in the teaching and learning of languages, and supporting quality improvement and the exchange of expertise through its activities. EAQUALS has developed a unique international system for quality assurance which is used to accredit language course providers which are found to meet EAQUALS standards in audits that take place every four years. The association is currently made up of over 104 institutions in 26 countries, as well as 23 associate members and six project partners. 


Website: http://www.eaquals.org

Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services (EAQUALS) is involved in the following projects:

Ibis Creative Consultants
Ibis is a private consulting organization which operates in the field of education, dealing with literacy and learning difficulties in particular. It took part in many EU dyslexia-related projects as consultant and subject matter expert.
Website: http://www.ibisconsultants.info

Ibis Creative Consultants is involved in the following projects:

Knowsley Associates

Knowsley Associates provides a range of training solutions and workforce development services for local businesses and national companies.
The aim of the company is to raise the skill level of the UK workforce and to make UK companies more competitive in the global market. Based in the Management Industrial and Innovation Centre (MIIC) within Knowsley Community College (Kirkby), Knowsley Associates has a varied client list, including the NHS, Royal Bank of Scotland, Merseytravel and Jaguar, and a proven record of customer satisfaction. In a recent Framework for Excellence national survey, Knowsley Associates achieved fifth place.

Website: http://www.knowsley.gov.uk/

Knowsley Associates is involved in the following projects:

Lancaster University, Management School

Located on Lancaster University’s green parkland campus, Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) aims at pursuing research at the highest international level creating impactful outputs so as to guarantee the excellence of our programmes and our engagement with students, partners, clients and stakeholders.


Website: http://www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/
Liverpool Hope University College
Liverpool Hope University College is an ecumenical Christian Foundation which strives: to provide opportunities for the well-rounded personal development of Christians and students from other faiths and beliefs, educating the whole person in mind, body and spirit, irrespective of age, social or ethnic origins or physical capacity, including in particular those who might otherwise not have had an opportunity to enter higher education; to be a national provider of a wide range of high quality programmes responsive to the needs of students, including the education, training and professional development of teachers for Church and state schools; to sustain an academic community, as a sign of hope, enriched by Christian values and worship, which supports teaching and learning, scholarship and research, encourages the understanding of Christian and other faiths and beliefs and promotes religious and social harmony; to contribute to the educational, religious, cultural, social and economic life of Liverpool, Merseyside, the North-West and beyond.
Website: http://www.hope.ac.uk

Liverpool Hope University College is involved in the following projects:

London South Bank University (LLU+)

LLU+ is a national consultancy and professional development centre for staff working in the areas of literacy, numeracy, dyslexia, family learning and English for Speakers of Other Languages. 

Website: http://lp.lsbf.org.uk/

London South Bank University (LLU+) is involved in the following projects:

Newman College

The School of Education at Newman University has trained teachers for over forty years and has an established reputation for producing high quality professionals that work with children and young people. It has a student-centred focus rooted in the local community but also serves regional, national and international communities of learning by providing a formative education informed by the Catholic ethos and a shared values-based learning experience.

Website: http://www.newman.ac.uk/

Newman College is involved in the following projects:

No Limits Education and Training

No Limits Education and Training's mission is, enabling people to succeed. We do this by creating and delivering innovative programmes focused on personal development and developing peoples' enterprise skills. 

No Limits Education and Training is involved in the following projects:

North West Regional Youth Work Union

North West Regional Youth Work Union specific expertise in co-ordination and development of networks particularly in the area of participation, workforce development and youth worker training. 

Website: http://www.nwrywu.org.uk/

North West Regional Youth Work Union is involved in the following projects:

Nottingham Country Council Lifelong Learning Team

Nottinghamshire County Council is one of the  largest local authority in the UK, it serves a population of 750,000 people and employs 23,000 people. Nottinghamshire’s priorities are Learning, Social Care and Health, Culture, Regeneration, the Environment, and the Community.

Website: http://www.nottscc.gov.uk/education

Nottingham Country Council Lifelong Learning Team is involved in the following projects:

Open University
The Open University (OU) is the UK’s largest university, with 250,000 students per year studying its courses. This number comprises 22% of all part-time higher education students in the UK. The OU is leading the FutureLearn initiative ( http://www.futurelearn.com)  aiming at delivering high quality MOOCs from a network of renowned UK universities. The OU offers a wide variety of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and opportunities to study these resources collaboratively online through projects such as OpenLearn (http://openlearn.open.ac.uk). The OU is also one of the top global contributors of learning materials in iTunes U and a co-producer of popular BBC programmes.

Website: http://www.open.ac.uk

Open University is involved in the following projects:

RJ4All International Institute

Restorative Justice for All (RJ4All) is an international institute with a mission to advance community cohesion and human rights locally, nationally and internationally. Restorative Justice for All redistributes power in a more equal way by delivering social justice projects, educational programmes and high quality volunteering opportunities to the most marginalized groups of society.


Website: https://www.rj4all.info/

RJ4All International Institute is involved in the following projects:

Rocket Learning Limited

Rocket Learning was specifically founded to provide high quality supplemental educational services (SES). The objective is to help students acquire the skills they need to succeed in school and in life.

Website: http://www.rocketlearning.net
Royal Holloway University of London

Royal Holloway was formed from two colleges, founded by Victorian social pioneers, Elizabeth Reid and Thomas Holloway. They were among the first places in Britain where women could access higher education. Bedford College, in London, opened in 1849, and Royal Holloway College's stunning Founder's Building, in Egham, was unveiled by Queen Victoria in 1886. In 1900, the colleges became part of the University of London and in 1985 they merged to form what is now known as Royal Holloway, University of London.

Website: https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/

Royal Holloway University of London is involved in the following projects:

Stockport College of Further & Higher Education
Stockport College supports the promotion of equality and diversity for all who work and study here. It respects and celebrates the diversity within the community and is committed to providing an environment which ensures that all students and staff are treated with dignity and respect. To this end it seeks to prevent behaviour which is not in line with the spirit of the College\'s Equality and Diversity Policy.
Website: http://www.stockport.ac.uk

Stockport College of Further & Higher Education is involved in the following projects:

Swansea University - Centre for Applied Languages

Founded in 1920, Swansea is a vibrant, research-led university at the forefront of academic and scientific discovery. Set in parkland overlooking Swansea Bay on the edge of the breathtaking Gower Peninsula, the University's location is captivating. Swansea University has around 12,500 students and offers over 500 undergraduate and 130 postgraduate courses in a wide range of subject areas, from American Studies to Zoology, not to mention an extensive continuing education programme. A full range of social, cultural and sporting amenities complements the campus lifestyle and contributes to the strong sense of community that the University embraces.

Website: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/cals
The Centre for Science Education
The Centre for Science Education (CSE) is a research and business development unit specialising in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects, but in particular, science.
CSE creates, manages and delivers resources, projects and initiatives to support teachers and students at all levels of education.
Website: http://www.shu.ac.uk/cse
The Children Society

The Children’s Society was established in 1881 and works across England. It has around 70 Projects working with a range of disadvantaged or socially excluded children, young people, their families and communities. It has strong links with other national, regional and local NGOs and voluntary organisations and with government bodies.  Its main areas of work are with children in trouble with the law, young migrants and refugees, disabled children and young people, children and young people’s participation and empowerment, young people living on the streets or who have run away from home, gypsy and traveller children and families. It is a member of ‘The YES Forum’ European network.

Website: http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk

The Children Society is involved in the following projects:

Thomas Telford School
Thomas Telford School is a City Technology College, sponsored by The Mercers’ Company and Tarmac Holdings Limited. It was established in 1991 to pioneer new methods of education, to raise standards for its students and to share successful practice with other schools. It is now widely regarded as one of the most successful state secondary schools in England and has established three Academies in Walsall, Sandwell and Madeley.
Website: http://www.ttsonline.net
Totnes School of English

Totnes School of English provides language courses in Devon. 

Website: http://www.languageingroup.com/totnes-LiT

Totnes School of English is involved in the following projects:

University of Bristol

The University of Bristol (UoB) is one of the most popular and successful universities in the UK and was ranked within the top 5% of universities in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2019. UoB was formally constituted in 1909, though the history of the institution can be traced back to its precursor, University College Bristol, which existed from 1876 – 1909.

University of Bristol is involved in the following projects:

University of Sheffield

The University of Sheffield (informally Sheffield University) is a research university in the city of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England. It received its royal charter in 1905 as successor to Sheffield Medical School (1828) and University College of Sheffield (1897). As one of the original red brick universities, it is also a member of the prestigious Russell Group of research-intensive universities. The University of Sheffield is widely recognized as a leading research and teaching university in the UK and in the world. In 2014, QS World University Rankings placed Sheffield as the 69th university worldwide and 12th in the UK. In 2011, Sheffield was named 'University of the Year' in the Times Higher Education awards.The latest Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014 ranked the University of Sheffield 1st for student experience, social life, university facilities and accommodation, among other categories.

Website: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/

University of Sheffield is involved in the following projects:

University of Southampton
The University of Southampton is already one of the top 15 research universities in the UK and has achieved consistently high scores for its teaching and learning activities. It has eight Faculties which cover a huge range of subject areas and five campuses in all - four in various locations around Southampton and one in Winchester.
Website: http://www.soton.ac.uk
University of Wales

Founded by Royal Charter in 1893, the University of Wales has played a substantial role in the development of higher education in Wales. Over the years the University has adapted in order to be in a position to respond to the needs of students, both in Wales and further afield. In October of 2011, the governing bodies of the University of Wales, Swansea Metropolitan University and the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David made a commitment to merge. The three institutions will work together to create a unified institution under the 1828 Charter of the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David.

Website: http://www.wales.ac.uk/en/Home.aspx

University of Wales is involved in the following projects:

Wilsthorpe Business & Enterprise College

Wilsthorpe Community School is a United Kingdom secondary school, located on the outskirts of Long Eaton, about 5 miles from Nottingham and close to the M1 and East Midlands Airport. The school has been established for over 50 years and is set on a very pleasant campus which we share with Harrington Junior School, Parklands Primary School and Brackenfield ‘Special’ School.
We currently have about 850 students aged 11-18 and an intake that covers the full ability range from potential 'Oxbridge' candidates to students with serious learning difficulties.

Website: http://www.wilsthorpe.derbyshire.sch.uk

Wilsthorpe Business & Enterprise College is involved in the following projects:

Czech Republic

Asociace klinickych psychologu Ceske republiky z.s.

The Association of Clinical Psychologists of the Czech Republic is a non-profit professional organization whose aim is to support clinical psychology. It cooperates in the creation, the growth and the development of clinical psychology, pediatric clinical psychology and psychotherapy, promoting their professional, legislative, and economic recognition. The Association participates in creating conditions for a full and complete qualification of caregivers and takes care of the professional development of its members. The Association organizes a system of lifelong education for clinical psychologists. It submits conceptual, methodological and other proposals to relevant state and health authorities, and to other institutions. The organization consists of several branches. There are 20 people in total who are employed through agreements and the total membership consists of about 700 people.


Website: https://www.akpcr.cz/home

Asociace klinickych psychologu Ceske republiky z.s. is involved in the following projects:

Euroface Consulting

Euroface Consulting is a training and consulting organization fostering links and transferring innovation into education and business sector (SME), with regional, national and international outreach. Development and implementation of the information and communication technologies is the core of Euroface´ focus. Euroface has long-term experience (15 years) in the creation of elearning applications (e-learning modules, educational applications for students etc.); implementation of e-learning courses, creation of websites, providing ICT courses for adults, providing consulting services in ICT in education; transfer of ICT innovation from international partnerships etc. Euroface is a strong partner of schools and ensures the transfer of innovation into primary and vocational secondary schools (e.g. implementing work –based learning into the curriculum, enhancing the implementation of STEM education into schools ´environment, transfer of critical thinking into pedagogical approach, introducing motivating and stimulating learning games for young dyslexic adults to train specific skills and to prevent a school failure etc.)

Website: https://www.euro-face.cz/

Euroface Consulting is involved in the following projects:

Institute of Chemical Technology Prague

Institute of Chemical Technology Prague is situated in Prague, capitol of the Czech Republic.ICTP is tertiary education organization, conducting education and research activities in almost all fields of chemistry. The university consists of 4 faculties.University has 200 years tradition, since 1952 is acting as an independent state and later public organization. It is the largest and most significant university of this type in the Middle Europe region. Beside main activities, university is involved also in LLL programs focused on the secondary and vocational schools chemistry teachers and their students, to attract young people to opt chemistry as their future career.

Website: http://www.vscht.cz

Institute of Chemical Technology Prague is involved in the following projects:

National Institute Of Public Health
The Institute of  public health  is a  governmental body ruled and  funded  by  the  Ministry  of Health  with national  responsibility  in the very wide  field of  public health (epidemiology of  communicable  and  non- communicable diseases, working  and  living   conditions, environmental  health, food and nutrition , disease prevention).  Education for  professionals in  public  health,  and in health promotion  is  responsibility given by Public  Health  Act (No. 258/ 2000).
Website: http://www.szu.cz

National Institute Of Public Health is involved in the following projects:

Palacký University Olomouc

Palacký University Olomouc (UP) is one of the most important Central European centres of education and research, boasting achievements on the European and global levels in a number of disciplines. UP also plays a significant role in the region. It is one of the largest employers in the Olomouc Region and the City of Olomouc. 

Website: http://www.upol.cz

Palacký University Olomouc is involved in the following projects:

University of Ostrava
The University of Ostrava was founded on 28 September 1991. Today’s University of Ostrava represents a natural continuation of this tradition. Since its foundation twenty years ago, the University has provided a much-needed focus for the study and research of humanities and social sciences, helping to redress a historic imbalance in a region traditionally dominated by heavy industry and technical studies.
Website: http://www.osu.eu/

University of Ostrava is involved in the following projects:


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) is a university of advanced research and education, classified in the first 12 top Romanian universities, and committed to academic excellence in teaching and research. 
TUIASI has 11 faculties (www.tuiasi.ro), providing undergraduate programmes (60), master programmes (84) and doctoral programmes (19) to 16214 students. The programmes develop with the support of 810 people of academic staff. TUIASI is also fully committed to Bologna Process and its follow-up dimension. TUIASI gives high priority to the internationalisation of studies, with significant accent on exchange of both students and academic staff. Each year, an important number of students and academic staff go abroad to partner universities within 112 institutional agreements and 330 Erasmus Inter Institutional Agreements. 

Website: http://www.tuiasi.ro

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi is involved in the following projects:

“Sf. Sava” Kindergarten

“Sf. Sava” Kindergarten is located in the central area of Iaşi the capital of Moldova region, in the northeastern part of Romania and has been operating since 1954 as a state preschool education institution. The mission of the kindergarten is to focus the educational act on the needs of preschoolers, on the individual development of their personality and achieve a network culture that harmoniously promotes the values and beliefs shared by educators, children and parents. The educational process is carried out by 20 passionate and devoted full-time teachers

Website: http://www.gradinitasfsava.ro/

“Sf. Sava” Kindergarten is involved in the following projects:

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, the first university founded in Romania (1860), is ranked among the country's leading universities in the country in terms of research, education and institutional transparency. According to the national and international rankings, UAIC is part of the elite Romanian universities, demonstrating excellence, high visibility and international impact.

17,000 Bachelors, more than 5000 Masters and + - 1000 doctoral students), the academic offer of the University includes 249 diploma at baccalaureate and master (more than 30 in English or French) and 26 fields of study at the level of doctorate (all proposed in English).

Since 1998, the Erasmus Program has been the main component of international academic exchanges at UAIC. Since 2011, UAIC has coordinated 4 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects and has been a partner in 3 others; this has led to expanded cooperation with universities in Israel, North Africa, the neighboring countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Under the Erasmus + Program, UAIC currently cooperates with more than 350 partner universities in the EU and more than 100 non-EU universities in 27 partner countries.


Website: http://www.uaic.ro/

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is involved in the following projects:

Asociata Pentru Turism Bucovina
Bucovina Tourism Association is a NGO and the main goal is to promote the global tourism offer of this region and to promote the members at the national and international tourism market. The Asociacia pentru Turism Bucovina membership is the following: hotels, pensions, agro tourism, restaurants, tourism agents, local administration representatives, cultural, scientific and religious personalities; thus we achieve appropriate impact and cohesion.
Website: http://www.bucovinaturism.ro

Asociata Pentru Turism Bucovina is involved in the following projects:

Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (APOWER)

Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (APoWeR) is a nongovernmental organisation whose mission is to educate the whole society by promoting affirmative and non-discriminatory policies in order to increase the quality of women’s lives in Romania. The organisation works to raise public awareness through programmes of education regarding human rights, violence against women and democratic policies for the promotion of equal opportunities; to provide social support services consisting of psychological and legal counselling, social assistance, phone counselling and educational programmes; to promote adequate legislation through lobby and advocacy campaigns.

Website: http://www.apfr.dnttm.ro

Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (APOWER) is involved in the following projects:

Casa Corpului Didactic Mures
Casa Corpului Didactic Mures is the Teacher Training Center of Mures county. Casa Corpului Didactic Mures is an auxiliary unit of the Ministry of Education, with the following responsibilities: specialized institution for training, adapted to the needs of society and providing quality services; resource center, providing educational and managerial assistance for teachers and support staff; resource center with innovation and expertise in teachers’ training, support staff and educational managers; Learning Center organizing scientific, methodological and cultural activities; initiating and coordinating educational and European projects at county level;
The institution operates with 1 manager, 6 teachers (mentors), and 4 support staff. Four of the teachers come from VET education and still teach subjects like: tourism management, marketing, engineering, Computer Aided Design, environment protection, etc. At the same time, they train other teachers in specialized fields like didactics and pedagogy. 

Website: https://www.ccdmures.ro/

Casa Corpului Didactic Mures is involved in the following projects:

Colegiul National de Arta Octav Bancila

Colegiul National de Arta Octav Bancila is a vocational school of arts providing academic education as well as training in arts skills to 1400 pupils who wish to prepare for a higher artistic education and careers in the following profiles: visual arts (painting, restoration of painting, graphic design, sculpture); architecture and  industrial design; ballet dancing; music (musical instruments and classical canto); theatre performance.

Starting with the primary school and ending with the Bacalaureat diploma, on the basis of European recognized values, Colegiul National de Arta “Octav Bancila” aims to give its pupils the skills and the knowledge they will need within the society and in their further studies. Colegiul National de Arta “Octav Bancila” is one of the pioneering art schools in Eastern Romania. Due to the school location in the centre of the city, pupils come from all the boroughs and reflect the diverse social composition of the whole community. Colegiul National de Arta “Octav Bancila”  also welcomes  30 students who come from Republic of Moldova, helping them to adjust to the school system and to quickly assimilate into the European life. 

Website: http://cnaob.org/

Colegiul National de Arta Octav Bancila is involved in the following projects:

Colegiul National Unirea

“Unirea” National College (Colegiu National "Unirea") is a public sector college of students aged 6 to 18 years old and 85 teaching staff. It currently has around 1500 full-time students which has to be selected due to the large number of those who would like to study in our college.There are 41 classes with the following levels: kindergarden 3,primary 6, secondary 8 and  highschool &VET 23.Its main role is to provide training in vocational skills to students of many ability levels, leading to employment and/or academic skills leading to a University place. 

Website: http://www.colegiulunirea.ro

Colegiul National Unirea is involved in the following projects:

Colegiul Technici Al. I. Cuza - Barlad

Colegiul Technici Al. I. Cuza is a high school located in Barlad (Romania). The mission of the school is to provide high-quality education and training opportunities for young people and adults in the fields of: mechanics, textiles and leather, electronics and automation, tourism and food, economic, commerce, food industry, and integration into the local and European labour market.

Website: http://www.aicuzabarlad.ro/

Colegiul Technici Al. I. Cuza - Barlad is involved in the following projects:

Colegiul Tehnic Media
Colegiul Tehnic MEDIA is the only secondary VET school in the country specialized for media production - film and television field and for the polygraphy field. Initial training is carried out on three levels of education: secondary school with the three branches: vocational, technological and theoretical, and post-secondary school. 870 students are trained each year at school, by 70 teachers.
In this school are qualified future specialists in two fields: Media Production -Level 4, with Profestional Qualification Technician for Film and TV Production and Technician for Text / Image Processing and Level 5 with Cameraman-photoreporter specialization; Field Polygraphic Techniques - Level 5 with Polygraph Technician qualification. Students studying at CTM come from different areas of the country, from urban and rural areas. The permanent concern of the school is the development of partnerships with economic agents, which provide practical training, media production training and polygraphic skills.

Website: http://www.colegiultehnicmedia.ro

Colegiul Tehnic Media is involved in the following projects:

Economic Centre for Business Consultancy and Management (CECMA)

The European Centre for Business Consultancy and Management (CECMA) is a business incubator for young people who want to set up their own business.
The services CECMA provides are: management courses for young people who want to set up their own business as well as for people from vulnerable groups; management, marketing, financial-accounting services; IT courses; guidance for young managers in developing a business plan.

Website: http://www.cecma.ro
EuroEd Primary School
EuroEd Primary School includes a Kindergarten founded in 1995 and a primary school founded in 1997. Both are accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education.It promotes the European dimension of education which has become part of the ethos and culture of the school. Therefore, it mainly encourages multiculturalism and multilingualism by providing education to children of different nationalities or belonging to different ethnic groups.
Thus, even since the preschool age, by getting acquainted with cultural and linguistic diversity, the children acquire new skills which will help them to adapt to different contexts and situations. Without being a big school in terms of size (there are only 150 children in the school and about 60 in the kindergarten) the institution boasts a very innovative methodological approach and is appreciated for its school ethos.
EuroEd School principles focuses on the fact that an inclusive classroom is one that values the contributions of all students, their families and communities. It recognises that every learner is unique and builds on their languages, cultures, and interests; and identifies and removes any barriers to achievement.

Website: https://www.euroed.ro

EuroEd Primary School is involved in the following projects:


FIATEST was founded in 1990 as training and consultancy company, especially for quality management and human resources development. During the 16 years of activity, FIATEST developed continuously its fields of activity and its personnel skills. The main objective of all efforts is to improve the training and consultancy services by integrating new methods and techniques in the standard offer and developing e-training support for its customers.

Website: http://www.fiatest.ro/

FIATEST is involved in the following projects:

Fundația EuroEd

EuroEd Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up in 1992 and located in Iasi, Romania. It delivers educational services to all age categories and developed a series of programmes, including language courses (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Romanian), international training courses for language teachers. EuroEd’s relevant experience lies with co-ordinating and participating in EU funded projects, as well as in strategies and methodologies of co-operation at local, regional, national and trans-national level. In addition, EuroEd Foundation co-ordinated and implemented over 35 national and international educational projects (educational management, teacher training, professional development of various categories of professionals etc) since 1995. 

Website: http://www.euroed.ro

Fundația EuroEd is involved in the following projects:

Fundatia Professional
Professional Foundation is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit foundation, established in 1998 with a view to promoting high quality in education, intercultural tolerance and appreciation, life-long learning, human rights, fight against poverty and discrimination and social inclusion. It promotes:intercultural dialogue, networking at local and international levels,  international cooperation. It is approved and accredited by the Ministry of Education for “Continuing Education”. 

Website: http://www.professionalcentre.ro

Fundatia Professional is involved in the following projects:

Gr.T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Iasi

“Gr.T.Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi is a student-centered university that provides opportunities for lifelong learning to a diverse range of students within a culture of scholarship and development of knowledge.


Website: http://www.umfiasi.ro

Gr.T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Iasi is involved in the following projects:

Innovation and Business Development Center (CIDAF)

CIDAf is a non-profit organisation aiming to promote entrepreneurial spirit of women, and to support the local economic development through innovation and business development.

Website: http://www.cidaf.ro

Innovation and Business Development Center (CIDAF) is involved in the following projects:

Kleinon provides tailored education support services for a wide range of education and training institutions and organizations and its staff is involved in a range of projects aiming to support our beneficiaries in raising their educational standards.
The Kleinon multi-skilled team (permanent staff and collaborators network) is formed of teachers of different subjects, researchers, psychologists, young volunteers and project management specialists. 

Website: http://kleinon.eu/

Kleinon is involved in the following projects:

Liceul “Alexandru Cel Bun” Botoșani

The High School ”Alexandru cel Bun” Botosani - Technical secondary school, is located in the RO11 North East Region, in the city of Botosani, Romania. The school has many economical and social partners. Also, the school is part of the technical schools network which benefited from the Phare program through which these schools were given performance equipment. The High School ”Alexandru cel Bun” Botosani provides technical education and training for the technology and theoretical profiles. 


Website: http://www.gsab.ro

Liceul “Alexandru Cel Bun” Botoșani is involved in the following projects:

Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronica si Automatizari
The Technological High-School for Mechatronics and Automation Iasi (LTMA) is a 'new' institution created recently, in 2013, by reorganizing 3 former technical schools into a single one, more powerful and sustainable (The Tehnical School Nicolina, The Technical School St. Procopiu, The Technical School D. Mangeron).
The Technological High-School for Mechatronics and Automation Iasi (LTMA) is the first and the largest technological high-school in the county of Iasi, offering technical education for jobs such as: technician in mechatronics and technician in automation.  Together with these, the school offers professional education in domains such as mechanics, electrics and electronics.
Education is offered in different forms for a wide range of beneficiaries: high-school, afternoon and evening classes (for adults completing their studies), apprentice education, sports education (rugby) and post high-school courses. By this wide range, the LTMA is one of the few schools in the area that can cover the entire education for the post -compulsory (secondary) level. 
LTMA has over 90 teachers and staff, the majority of them being highly trained to offer good quality education, confirmed at students' level by a range of excellent results in local and national Olympics (for technical domain) and involving in successful European supported outcomes (the very recent qualification of our school to the national contest 'Made for Europe' with an outcome produced entirely in our school: an autonomous robot). 

Website: http://www.ltma.ro/

Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronica si Automatizari is involved in the following projects:

Liceul Teoretic de Informatica "Grigore Moisil"

Liceul Teoretic de Informatica "Grigore Moisil" is a computer Highschool that prepares workforce for the IT professions for over 40 years. LIIS is well known as a provider of qualified workforce at the same time being Cisco and Oracle Academy and developing many local partnerships with the business environment. The school has students from the entire province as well as from the Republic of Moldavia. Many of our students come from rural environments. 

Website: http://www.liis.ro

Liceul Teoretic de Informatica "Grigore Moisil" is involved in the following projects:

Liceul Teoretic Nichita Stanescu

Nichita Stanescu High School is an institute which provides all the steps of higher education.

Website: http://scoli.didactic.ro/gr_sc_nichita_stanescu_bucuresti

Liceul Teoretic Nichita Stanescu is involved in the following projects:

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration is a public institution of higher education located in Bucharest. The university is a dynamic institution that generates creative energy, seeking to break down the traditional divide between academia and practical issues. It offers degrees in five major fields of study: communication and public relations, Political science, public administration, management, and international relations. The educational offer encompasses undergraduate, MA, PhD and professional programs. NSPSPA has already defined itself as a trademark on the Romanian higher education market, due to being accredited by the National Centre for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation, which is the certification body for higher education in Romania.
Website: http://www.snspa.ro

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration is involved in the following projects:

PROSPER-ASE Language Centre
he mission of PROSPER-ASE Language Centre is to provide high quality language courses and translations and to support its students and teachers to develop both personally and professionally. As Founder and Full Member of QUEST - The Romanian Association for Quality Language Services, PROSPER-ASE Language Centre also promotes and guarantees the provision of language teaching and other language services of the highest possible quality standards through the establishment of a quality assurance scheme. As co-ordinator and partner in several European language projects, PROSPER-ASE Language Centre supports:
the development of new and modern assessment instruments and techniques, learning and teaching of Less Widely Used Languages (LWULT), multilingualism and multiculturality.
Website: http://www.prosper.ro

PROSPER-ASE Language Centre is involved in the following projects:

Radio Romania
Radio Romania (ROR) – the national public radio service in Romania – is affiliated to EBU - The European Broadcasting Union, U.R.T.I. The International Radio and Television Union, ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, PBI – Public Broadcasters International and Co.Pe.A.M. - the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators. Radio Romania broadcasts on five national channels: Radio Romania News and Current Affairs with social, cultural, educational, political, economic and entertaining content.
Radio Romania Culture Channel - the only radio station in the country devoted to cultural news, theater, musical masterpieces & education, Radio Romania Music, exclusively dedicated to classical music, and the Village Antenna - national public channel addressed to rural areas and Radio3Net, the only exclusively on-line channel in Romania. It also broadcasts abroad through Radio Romania International 1 and 2, in Romanian and in 11 foreign languages, and regionally through Radio
Romania Regional – broadcasting through 8 regional channels and 3 local stations.

Website: http://www.srr.ro/

Radio Romania is involved in the following projects:

Romanian Association of Quality Language Services (QUEST)

The Romanian Association for Quality Language Services QUEST Romania was created in May 1996, its aim being to promote and guarantee the provision in Romania of language teaching and other language services of the highest possible quality standards through the establishment of a quality assurance scheme. Founder members of QUEST are seven Language Centres, as well as the British Council Romania.

Website: http://www.quest.ro/

Romanian Association of Quality Language Services (QUEST) is involved in the following projects:

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation (Training Center)
Radio Romania is the national radio public service, with 2500employees and servicing over 70.000 listeners. The organization is comprised of three National Radio Statons, Radio Romania News and Current Affairs, Radio Romania Cultural, and Village Antenna.

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation (Training Center) is involved in the following projects:

Romanian-American University
The Romanian-American University (RAU) is a higher education institution, a legal person of private law and public utility, part of the national system of education, founded in 1991, accredited by law in 2002, receiving the qualification “High confidence rating” from ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) since 2010, whose mission is to offer high quality education and research, in an intellectually stimulating environment both for students and for the teaching staff.

Website: http://www.rau.ro

Romanian-American University is involved in the following projects:

SC RedHospital SRL

Hospital "St. Sava "is not only a local but a regional hospital providing its services in the fields of Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneology. Hospital aims principally to train personnel, quality of life through moral support both patients in a critical moment, and their families, besides providing them with quality medical services. The hospital collaborates with Health Insurance House Iasi since its opening in order to provide palliative care services to insured persons. The hospital goal is to create a warm, friendly, so the patient to feel that he is not alone. Thus providing moral support to each patient, regardless of diagnosis, and consider him as a member of our hospital family, strengthened relationship from the beginning.

Website: http://www.sfsava.ro

SC RedHospital SRL is involved in the following projects:

Scoala Gimnaziala Baiculesti

Scoala Gimnaziala is situated in Baiculesti, Arges County, in a rural area. It is a middle school consisting of three levels: preschool, primary and secondary, where there are currently six schools, 6 kindergartens with normal timetable, all having daily classes, 42 teachers and 409 students. The teachers are properly qualified for the position they have. The dominant type of culture of the school is the culture which focuses on tasks. This type of culture is centered on tasks’ accomplishment and persons. The tasks are distributed in relation to the potential of individuals, their development being one of the core values.


Website: https://scoalabaiculesti.webs.com/

Scoala Gimnaziala Baiculesti is involved in the following projects:

Transilvania University

Transilvania University (UTBv) is a state institution of higher education located in in Brasov, Romania, and by its "educational offer, scientific research and number of students represents one of Romania's large universities, being the representative university for Region 7 - Centre." The University includes 18 faculties with a total of about 20 000 de students and 800 teaching staff. The University offers 100 FT, PT and distance learning bachelor's study programmes and 66 advanced studies or scientific research master's programmes, also FT, PT and distance learning. At present doctoral studies are available in 17 fields.

Website: http://www.unitbv.ro

Transilvania University is involved in the following projects:

Unique Make up

Unique Make Up is a small organization with activity in the field of video production. Our mission is to emprove our  lives, and more then that our children’s lives. The only way to generate sustainable change is to invest in education, and this investment can be done day by day thanks to our field of activity. Regardless of who we are the customer for which we produce video, in creating the new message, we focus on conveying the importance of education, whether we can do it explicitly or implicitly through the quality of execution. 

Website: http://www.makeupyourbusiness.com

Unique Make up is involved in the following projects:

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Iaşi

The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi is a specialized institution of superior agronomic and veterinary medicine training, financed by the state and having as fundamental mission the training of agricultural, horticultural and animal husbandry engineers, agricultural economists, engineers in food industry, biologists, as well as veterinary surgeons.

Website: http://www.uaiasi.ro

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Iaşi is involved in the following projects:

University of Bucharest

The University of Bucharest is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Romania, and enjoys a considerable national and international prestige, acquired over almost 146 years. Its various schools are well known for their activities in all important scientific and academic domains. Its graduates have included many prominent personalities: teachers and researchers at important universities all over the world, members of the Romanian Academy and of similar institutions in other countries, writers, politicians (members of the Romanian parliament, ministers, prime ministers and presidents), diplomats, high-ranking ecclesiastical figures etc.

Website: http://www.unibuc.ro

University of Bucharest is involved in the following projects:

University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMPh) of Tirgu Mures
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMPh) of Tirgu Mures is a public higher education institution with a history of over 70 years of medical education, among the top three medical universities from Romania and the only one with studies in other local languages (Hungarian line), besides international programmes in English. It currently functions with 3 Faculties: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy. UMPh has a total number of 5500 students in  full-time undergraduate and Master programmes plus doctoral students and residents, of which about 50 residents in Paediatrics (10 per year in a 5 year-rotation programme), and about 500 teaching staff of which  51 phD coordinators including Pediatrics. 

Website: https://www.umftgm.ro/home.html

University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMPh) of Tirgu Mures is involved in the following projects:

University Stefan cel Mare Suceava

The University Stefan cel Mare Suceava (USV) is a research and higher education institution located in the North-Eastern region of Romania, providing various educational programs to more than 9.600 students. Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education granted USV the High Confidence Certificate, the highest appreciation award in institutional assessment of Romanian higher education. The University is accredited as a national research and development organisation by the National Authority for Scientific Research and it is ranked among the top 15 Romanian universities with outstanding research results. The University currently has 9 Faculties and it offers 66 undergraduate study programs, 38 Postgraduate (Master’s degree) programs and doctoral studies in 14 scientific fields. 

Website: http://www.usv.ro/

University Stefan cel Mare Suceava is involved in the following projects:

West University of Timisoara

As the largest higher education and research center in Western Romania, The West University of Timisoara has 11 faculties and a Teacher Training Department, 85 study programmes at Bachelor Level, 120 study programmes at Master level, and 12 Doctoral Schools. A comprehensive higher education institution, with around 6% (around 1000) international students out of a total of 15000, West University of Timişoara is constantly striving to create a substantially authentic, interdisciplinary and international environment for our yearly incoming cohorts of undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates.


Website: https://www.uvt.ro/

West University of Timisoara is involved in the following projects:


ITMO University

ITMO University is one of Russia’s leading higher education and research institutions, specializing in Information Technologies, Photonics and Optics. Founded in 1900, today it is home to 11,125 students, including 1810 international students from 82 countries. ITMO’s focus is on training professionals who are capable of tackling some of the world’s top challenges in IT, Photonics, Robotics, Translational Medicine, Art & Science, Urban Studies and Science Communication. ITMO University offers over 50 MSc and PhD joint international programs with world’s leading universities. There are more than 1320 lecturers and professors currently employed by the university. The 14 international scientific research centers generate advanced knowledge and bring top innovative ideas to the market through an established system of R&D support. ITMO University has a unique innovation infrastructure, with two student business incubators, two startup accelerators, a Technopark, FabLab and a venture fund.

Website: http://www.ifmo.ru

ITMO University is involved in the following projects:


Belgrade Open School

The Belgrade Open School (BOS) is a non-profit, educational organization of civil society founded in 1993. BOŠ empowers and networks change-makers, improves public policies and brings together public, business and civil sectors in order to build a resilient society, based on knowledge, partnership and accountability.

Website: https://bos.rs/

Belgrade Open School is involved in the following projects:

Dostignuca Mladih U Srbiji

Dostignuca Mladih U Srbiji (Junior Achievement Serbia) is part of the global network  Junior Achievement Worldwide ,  founded in 1919, which includes 121 countries on all continents and represents the world's largest entrepreneurial education program attended annually by more than 10 million students. The implementation of this program in Serbia began in 2005 when the Youth Achievement organization was founded. Since then, more than 100,000 students from 360 primary and secondary schools from all over Serbia have gone through educational programs in the field of entrepreneurship and financial literacy. 

Website: http://www.ja-serbia.org

Dostignuca Mladih U Srbiji is involved in the following projects:


Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice

The Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice s a non-profit organization, established by the Košice self-governing region. Its main purpose is to assist and support public services as well as supporting regional development and employment. Mission of the Agency is to contribute to more effective and more dynamic sustainable development of the Košice region by creating conditions and mechanisms in the region, which will enable to deal with priority problems, and to implement future goals, according to the approved short-term and long-term strategic development documents. 

Website: http://www.arr.sk/

Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice is involved in the following projects:

Masarykova University

Masaryk University, located in Brno, is the second-largest public university in the Czech Republic and the leading higher education institution in Moravia. At present it comprises nine faculties with more than 200 departments, institutes and clinics. Recognized as one of the most important teaching and research institutions in the Czech Republic and a highly-regarded Central European university, it has been marked by a strong democratic spirit ever since its establishment in 1919. The university also plays a major role in the social and cultural life of the South Moravia Region.

Website: http://www.muni.cz/

Masarykova University is involved in the following projects:

Modrý anjel tím krízovej intervencie n.o.

Modry Anjel is non-profit organization focused on crises’ intervention. Modry Anjel established a volunteer base of people who provide crisis intervention. All the volunteers received a special education for crises intervention. They belong to different professions like psychologist, psychotherapists, military psychologists, priests and others. Modry Anjel offers support and professional help to banks and their clients in case of a bank robbery. It provides help to the state in case of nature disasters as floods, fires, bus accidents. The interventions guaranteed by the organization ate different: direct help, organization of workshops in emergency psychology, hotline for 24/7, and creation of fliers addressed to a general public. The organization offers psychosocial intervention for people who suffer and offers aftercare if people have needs or have symptoms of PTSD or of acute stress.


Website: https://www.modryanjel.sk/

Modrý anjel tím krízovej intervencie n.o. is involved in the following projects:

Technical University of Košice

The Technical University of Košice was founded in 1952, but its roots must be sought much deeper in the past. As early as 1657 the Universitas Cassoviensis was established in Košice, but technical education in Slovakia was only elevated to higher - education level in 1762, when the Austro-Hungarian monarch Maria Theresa established the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica. This provided education and promoted research activity in a group of scientific disciplines ranging from ore mining through to production and processing of metal materials.

Website: http://www.tuke.sk/wps/portal/tuke

Technical University of Košice is involved in the following projects:

TRANSFER Slovensko

TRANSFER Slovensko was founded as private education and consulting company in 1995 and based in Bratislava (Slovakia). TRANSFER's purpose and mission is to provide integradet system of human resources services which include: education and training activities for private international and slovak companies; consulting oriented on human resources management systems in companies; national education project for companies and public sector financing from european social found; international project as Leonardo, Grundtvig, Socrates etc.


Website: http://www.transfer.sk

TRANSFER Slovensko is involved in the following projects:

University of Belgrade

The University of Belgrade (UB), Serbia, is a state university ranked among 400 best world universities (positioned between 301-400) according to The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), i.e. the Shanghai Ranking. UB has a history of over 200 years, which makes it one of the oldest universities in the region. It is also the largest Serbian university and consists of 31 faculties organised in four groups (Social sciences and Humanities, Medical sciences, Sciences and Mathematics, and Technology and Engineering sciences), 11 research institutes, and 13 centres. UB has 408 study programs (undergraduate, master, PhD and specialist study programs), more than 100.000 students and 4000 academic and research staff. UB also offers over 50 study programs in foreign languages (mainly English, but also one in French) at all levels of study (Integrated, Master, Doctoral, and Specialist Academic studies).


Website: https://www.bg.ac.rs/endowments-and-funds/

University of Belgrade is involved in the following projects:


Andragogoski Center Slovenije (ACS)

The Andragogoski Center Slovenije (ACS) has specific expertise in the field of adult literacy education and training of literacy teachers. From 1991 on SIAE has been developing: adult literacy programmes on a national level for different target groups (e.g. undereducated unemployed, low educated parents of school age children), training programmes for teachers, trainers and counsellors in adult literacy education, monitoring and evaluation methodology in literacy provision. 

Website: http://www.acs.si

Andragogoski Center Slovenije (ACS) is involved in the following projects:

Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD)

Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD) is a non-governmental, apolitical, non-profit, voluntary organisation established in Bratislava on 12th March 1991. Members of the AIVD are institutions of adult education which agree with the mission statement. AIVD has now more than 60 members and is the publisher of the journal Adult Education (Vzdelávanie dospelých). Since 2008 AIVD is a member of European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The mission of the Association is to associate institutions and individuals that deal with continuing education of adults and to promote their common interests in accordance with the needs of Slovakia.


Website: http://www.aivd.sk/

Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD) is involved in the following projects:

DRPDNM - Drustvo za Razvijanje Prostovoljnega Dela Novo Mesto
DRPDNM is Slovenian non-governmental and humanitarian organisation, working in the public interest in the area of social care, youth and culture. Its mission is to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all. Its two leading programs therefore deal with inclusion of socially excluded groups and with the stimulation of the NGO development and civil dialogue. Its activities within the programs are performed by expert and voluntary work. DRPDNM promotes the values of solidarity, tolerance, voluntarism, active living, clean environment, citizenship awareness and inter-cultural dialogue.

Website: http://drpdnm.si/

DRPDNM - Drustvo za Razvijanje Prostovoljnega Dela Novo Mesto is involved in the following projects:


Humanitas carries out various activities which are thematically and methodologically related to the concept of global learning. The organization runs a Global Education Resource Centrewith specialized library offering diverse materials related to global education. It offers also workshops and seminars for different target groups, mainly school children, students and teachers.

Humanitas also organizes conferences, round table discussions, outdoor actions, interactive exhibitions and public screenings of socially engaged films. Important part is production of promotional and educational materials (interactive games, manuals…).

Humanitas also runs specialized library (operating inside Ljubljana’s municipality library) offering books from different areas such as human rights, interculturalism, globalization, development studies, conflict and peace studies, environment, food and water and active citizenship.

Humanitas is one of the founders of Slovene NGDO platform SLOGA and also coordinates its Global Education working group.Main activities are:

  • Workshops for primary and secondary schools and university students,
  • Seminars and trainings for teachers and other pedagogical stuff,
  • Trainings for individuals and NGOs,
  • Training of trainers (inc. peer-to-peer trainings),
  • Research on implementation of Global educationin Slovenian schools,
  • Coordination of Global educationworking group of Sloga Platform (National platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid),
  • Organization of national and international seminars and events on Global education,
  • Cooperation with international Global education experts.

Humanitas is involved in the following projects:

Mirovni Institute

The Mirovni Institute (Peace Institute) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1991 by individuals who believed in peaceful conflict resolution, equality and respect for human rights standards. The Institute uses scientific research and advocacy activities aimed at creating and preserving open society capable of critical thought. Its work is based on the principles of equality, responsibility, solidarity, and human rights.


Website: https://www.mirovni-institut.si/

Mirovni Institute is involved in the following projects:

Municipality of Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica is the center of administrative, educational, cultural and economic life in the region. It has its own university, the University of Nova Gorica, and a number of other higher education programs. Vocational cultural institutions that enrich the cultural life of the municipality include the Gorizia Museum, the Cultural Center with the City Gallery and the Music and Film Program, the Slovenian National Theater of Nova Gorica, the Gorizia Library of France Bevko, the Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage, the Provincial Archive of Nova Gorica and cultural offerings are also enriched by numerous societies, associations and clubs.


Website: https://www.nova-gorica.si/

Municipality of Nova Gorica is involved in the following projects:

RIC Novo mesto
The Development and Education Centre Novo mesto (RIC Novo mesto) is one of the leading adult education organisations in Slovenia. The institute was established as a public equivalent body by the Municipality of Novo mesto with the main purpose to enable continuing learning for people of all ages and in this way promote the lifelong learning concept and ideas. The institute's 25 employees with the help of more than 130 regular external experts, teachers, mentors and researchers implement 40,000 educational hours on average per year and about 10,000 participants are included in various educational programs. In order to ensure the best possible quality of the education programs offered, one of the key priorities of RIC Novo mesto is to continuously develop skills and competences of its employees end external experts. 

Website: http://www.ric-nm.si

RIC Novo mesto is involved in the following projects:

Skupina Primera

Skupina Primera is a SME, specialised in HR consultancy, entrepreneurship education and personal development. The services include three broader groups of expertise, namely adult education, HRM consulting and entrepreneurship development. First, in adult education field we deliver tailor made in-service trainings and coaching for staff employed with our clients, managers, VET professionals, teachers and entrepreneurs. We also run open trainings for people, committed to lifelong learning. Second, in HRM consulting we provide psychometric assessments, recruitment and selection, tailor made projects for employees’ professional growth, help in creating a valuable HR strategy and assist in change management. Third, in entrepreneurship we focus on fostering creativity and innovation, offer innovation training according to Stanford’s d.school methodology, and provide coaching for business growth

Website: http://www.skupinaprimera.si/

Skupina Primera is involved in the following projects:

University of Belgrade

The University of Belgrade - UB, Serbia, is a state university ranked among 500 best world universities (positioned between401-500) according to The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), i.e. the Shanghai Ranking. UB has a history of over 200 years, which makes it one of the oldest universities in the region. It is also the largest Serbian university and consists of 31 faculties organized in four groups (Social sciences and Humanities, Medical sciences, Sciences and Mathematics, and Technology and Engineering sciences), 11 research institutes, and 13 centres. UB has 408 study programs (undergraduate, master, PhD and specialist study programs), more than 100.000 students and 4000 academic and research staff. UB also offers over 50 study programs in foreign languages (mainly English, but also one in French) at all levels of study (Integrated, Master, Doctoral, and Specialist Academic studies).


Website: http://www.bg.ac.rs/en/index.php

University of Belgrade is involved in the following projects:

University of Ljubljana

The University of Ljubljana (UL) is a public autonomous educational, scientific research and artistic institution of higher education. It was established in 1919 upon the tradition of semi-university institutions from the 17th century. It has 26 member institutions: 23 faculties and three academies. UL ranks among the top 500 universities according to the ARWU Shanghai. UL employs 5730 employees. Of these, 2681 are teaching and assistant staff, who are mainly registered as researchers, 995 are full time researchers and others are professional, technical and administrative staff. UL is very active in the international research and education programs.


Website: http://www.uni-lj.si

University of Ljubljana is involved in the following projects:

Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije

ZDUS – Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije (in English: Slovenian Federation of Pensioner’s Associations) is a non-governmental (NGO) and non-profit organization, established in 1946, organized as an umbrella organization of 13 regional members, bringing together 500 local associations of pensioners and clubs, including over 186.000 members all over Slovenia (11% of Slovenian population). ZDUS is a self-help organization of pensioners, with the status of a humanitarian organization and a public interest organization for the area of social services and culture. Members voluntarily join ZDUS with the aim of forging mutual links and cooperation for the realization and coordination of common interests, for the improvement of the quality of life of its members, pensioners and other senior citizens, and for representing them in various public authorities and other bodies at state level, as well as for the implementation of humanitarian and other activities that are in the public interest.


Website: http://www.zdus-zveza.si/

Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije is involved in the following projects:


Asociación Departament Estudis Dels Medis Actuals (DEMA)

DEMA is a non-profit Association, founded in October 1998, that intends to work in several areas in adult education, particularly in the field of labour and social integration, training for trainers and the methodological research.

Website: http://www.dema.cat/en/principal.html

Asociación Departament Estudis Dels Medis Actuals (DEMA) is involved in the following projects:

Asociacion Paz y Bien

Asociación Paz y Bien (www.pazbien.org) is a private non-profit organization founded in 1979, declared of public utility, whose mission is to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities: minors, elderly, social excluded groups and beneficiaries of international cooperation actions. People with intellectual disabilities represent the core target group of the association, receiving the services offered by Asociación Paz y Bien.

Website: http://www.pazbien.org

Asociacion Paz y Bien is involved in the following projects:

Asociacíon Utrillo

All the activities carried out  of the Asociacíon Utrillo are aimed at promoting social integration of young people and adults with intellectual disabilities who participate in them. The working method is built based on a multidisciplinary team that, along with a team of volunteers / as, respond individually to the needs of users and their families. 

Website: http://www.asociacionutrillo.com/

Asociacíon Utrillo is involved in the following projects:

Associació Empresarial l’Alqueria Projectes Educatius

L’Alqueria (Associació Empresarial l'Alqueria Projectes Educatius) is a nonprofit association. L’Alqueria was founded in 2009. The members of the association are a people related to the world of education; teachers, teachers of secondary and teachers of vocational training. All of them with wide professional experience that include the training of adults. L’Alqueria has consolidated a team of specialized technicians in different thematic areas, who develop multidisciplinary tasks as to be able to cover many of the actions of the vocational training. The professionals of the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) stand out, specially. Its objetives are: to encourage the use of TIC as a communication and diffusion tool; to organize courses, conferences, seminars and interdisciplinary workshops directed with permanent training, professional recycling; to promote and encourage permanent vocational training and professional recycling for occupied workers, the unemployed, women, the youth, handicap persons, affected and victims of terrorism, violence of gender, the unemployed that have been so, for a long period of time, those older than 45 years of age, immigrants and persons with risk of social exclusion.

Website: http://www.alqueriaeducatius.org/

Associació Empresarial l’Alqueria Projectes Educatius is involved in the following projects:

Autonomous University of Madrid

The Autonomous University of Madrid, founded in 1968, is a Spanish public university located in Madrid, Spain. The campus of the university spans a rural tract of 650 acres, mostly around metropolitan Madrid. UAM's Cantoblanco Campus holds most of the university's facilities. UAM offers 94 doctorate programs in all of the universities studies. It also offers 88 master's degrees. The results of the eighth edition of the CYD Foundation ranking confirm that the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) maintains its position as the first university in Madrid and as the second university in Spain in terms of performance, an assessment obtained from the analysis of 27 areas of knowledge. Specifically, the UAM stands out for being the first nationwide in Teaching and Learning, an area with the highest number of indicators that evaluate the graduation rate and normative graduation (Bachelor and Master), performance and success, among others.


Website: http://www.uam.es

Autonomous University of Madrid is involved in the following projects:

Ayuntamiento de Guadassuar

Ayuntamiento de Guadassuar is the local public authority, administrating the town of Guadassuar. Guadassuar is a small town located in the province of Valencia, in the Ribera Alta county (Valencian Community). The countryside is irrigated by the Séquia Real del Xúquer and by the river Magre, and is populated with typically Mediterranean vegetation, such as Holm oaks, pines, rosemary and sugar canes. Municipal boundaries are flat and rise a bit on the southwest side, with the mountain denominated La Garrofera.

The town has a population of around 6,000 inhabitants. In the last few years, the immigrant population has been increasing; in particular people coming from Romania, Bulgaria and other EU countries have settled down in the town.

Guadassuar community mainly lives from the agricultural incomes. The cultivated area is almost entirely irrigated and is mainly represented by orange fields and other types of fruit like khakis, peaches, plums and apricots. Rice cultivation has had some importance in the past, but today it has almost completely disappeared. The scarce dry land is dedicated to wine, carob, almond and olive trees.

Website: http://www.guadassuar.es

Ayuntamiento de Guadassuar is involved in the following projects:

Ayuntamiento de San Antonio de Benageber

The aim of Ayuntamiento de San Antonio de Benageber is the bridging of the gap between traditional vocational teaching and training approaches and new communication techniques towards young people, adults and workers making teachers and trainers able to deal with the new languages in use in order to promote and enhance the involvement of pupils and trainees in Life Long Learning.

Website: http://www.sabenageber.com

Ayuntamiento de San Antonio de Benageber is involved in the following projects:

Ayuntamiento De Tuéjar
The Town Council of Tuéjar belongs to the region of Los Serranos, in the inland part of the province of Valencia. It has 1,300 inhabitants and in spite of its industry most people work directly or indirectly in the tourism sector. The Local Development and Employment Agency of the Town Council is going to take part in the project, since among its responsibilities and functions it has to deal with continuous and occupational training, promote projects, optimise resources, promote the tourism sector and apply new technologies in the town.
Website: http://www.ayuntamiento.tuejar.biz/#Saluda

Ayuntamiento De Tuéjar is involved in the following projects:


The Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centres (CECE) is a non-profit employers´ and professional organization founded in 1977. It represents a wide educational sector in Spain from nursery school to university level. It has more than 5.000 Education and training centres among its members. 

Website: http://www.cece.es

CECE is involved in the following projects:

Centro del Profesorado Y de Recursos de Gijon
Centro del Profesorado y de is a public institution for in-service teacher training. It is governed by the Consejería de Educación del Principado de Asturias – the regional educational authority-. It was created in 1985, since when it has been in charge of the professional development of the teachers in the area (over 100 schools and 3,000 teachers).
The staff is made up of thirteen educational advisers in charge of Early Learning, Primary Education, Spanish Language and Literature, Asturian Culture, Modern Foreign Languages, Social Science (Geography and History), Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technology, Music, Fine Arts and Physical Education, Vocational Education, Pupils with Special Educational Needs, Innovation Projects, New Technology and Audio-Visual Resources. There are also office clerks and a librarian plus administration and management units.
Website: http://www.educastur.princast.es/cpr/gijon

Centro del Profesorado Y de Recursos de Gijon is involved in the following projects:

Centro Superior de Formacion Europa Sur – CESUR
Grupo Coremsa (GC) is a holding of VET providers with more than 25 years of experience in vocational education and training geared towards employment. In 2000 GC focused its activity on developing new teaching and learning models setting up CESUR (Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur) which nowadays counts with 11 own training centres located in 7 cities in Spain. In addition GC works together with more than 400 enterprises of many different professional areas to offer appropriate dual vocational training. The company offers around 80 training cycles and 250+ specialized courses. 
On international level, CESUR collaborates with different German entities with the aim to design new training models and innovate in dual education. As a result of this collaboration, CESUR has participated in MobiPro-EU programme, managed by the German Bundesagentur für Arbeit. CESUR is also present on Latin American VET market and is willing to establish in Morocco with the aim to implement know how and exchange best practices with other entities.  

Website: http://www.cesurformacion.com

Centro Superior de Formacion Europa Sur – CESUR is involved in the following projects:

CEP Bollullos/Valverde

The “Centro de Profesorado de Bollullos (CEP)” is a territorial public organisation at regional level. The institution congregates about 90 state schools and more than 1200 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The Junta de Andalusia organise seminars, courses and any kind of activities for teaching and training.


CEP Bollullos/Valverde is involved in the following projects:

College "Ntra. Sra. del Sagrado Corazón”

College "Ntra. Sra. del Sagrado Corazón” is located in the southeast part of the city of León, in the Polygon of La Lastra, with large recreational areas in walks and squares. The location of the school, opposite the School Preserve, benefits not only in environmental aspects, but also serves as an educational complement in the training of students. The Center enrolls students with highly significant special educational needs from the city of León and neighboring areas, for which it has free transportation and dining service.


College "Ntra. Sra. del Sagrado Corazón” is involved in the following projects:

Complutense University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid was founded by Cardinal Cisneros in the ancient town of Complutum, the present day Alcalá de Henares, in 1499. Today, in 2016, being the largest university in Spain, Complutense offers 292 official titles and 158 own degrees. During the 2015–2016 academic year the university recorded an enrolment about 85.000 students. Complutense currently has inter-institutional agreements with many universities around the world. The UCM also operates four full-time institutions outside of Spain. 

Website: http://www.ucm.es/

Complutense University of Madrid is involved in the following projects:

Down España-Federación Española De Instituciones Para El Síndrome De Down
DOWN ESPAÑA (www.sindromedown.net) brings together 91 institutions related to Down syndrome throughout Spain, becoming a benchmark among Down syndrome organizations in our country. We are part of international associations such as the European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA) Down Syndrome International (DSI), and we are founding members of the Ibero-American DownSyndrome Federation (FIADOWN). DOWN ESPAÑA is a member of CERMI (Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with disabilities) and is a consultative member of the Bartolomé de las Casas Institute for Human Rights, which has been carrying out important teaching and research work on human rights since its foundation
in 1993.

Website: http://www.sindromedown.net

Down España-Federación Española De Instituciones Para El Síndrome De Down is involved in the following projects:

Employers Confederation of Aragon (CREA)

The Employers' Confederation of Aragon is a business organisation formed mainly by the three Aragoneese Provinces Confederations: CEOS (Huesca), CET (Teruel) and CEZ (Zaragoza). CREA is configurated as one of the most representative business organisations at a national level, grouping about 170 associations, what suppose nearly 22.000 companies in Aragon. CREA has as a main aim to enhance a balanced development of Aragón and represent and offer advice to the Aragoneese businessmen. 

Website: http://www.crea.es/inicio.htm

Employers Confederation of Aragon (CREA) is involved in the following projects:

Esciencia Eventos Científicos

Esciencia is an SME based in Zaragoza (Spain), born in 2006 as a Spin-off from the University of Zaragoza, with mastered expertise in science communication and popularization of science. Esciencia Eventos Científicos S.L. is dedicated to the management and organization of scientific dissemination projects. The company offers specific scientific communication consulting services for the transfer of research results, and the design and production of didactic programmes for schools and youngsters.


Website: https://esciencia.es/

Esciencia Eventos Científicos is involved in the following projects:

Escola Universitaria De Ingenieria

The College of Industrial Engineering of Terrassa (EUETIT) is a school of the Technical University of Catalonia . It is one of the most prestigious schools in Spain, and enjoys a 100 years heritage.

Website: http://euetit-ct.upc.es

Escola Universitaria De Ingenieria is involved in the following projects:

ESMOVIA is a Spanish company, located in Valencia and dedicated to the management of European mobility projects. ESMOVIA is specialized in providing traineeships, training periods, educational programmes and study visits to young people and adults coming from all over Europe. Moreover we have a catalogue of structured courses addressed to school education staff and adult education staff. The aim of the company matches to the general goals set by the Erasmus Plus programme: enhancing attractiveness, improving the quality of mobility and increasing the co-operation between educational institutions and enterprises. ESMOVIA believes transnational mobility as one of the most important ways of getting new competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in order to improve the participants personal development and employability in the European labour market. For this reason ESMOVIA main objective is to offer quality programmes so that participants get the maximum benefit from the Spanish training and personal experience. 

Website: http://www.esmovia.es/

ESMOVIA is involved in the following projects:


FASE.net is a training and consulting private centre officially acknowledged by public institutions like the regional government and office of employment a training provider. Key activities are vocational and continuous training centre, developer of multimedia didactic materials, specialized in languages and e-learning training centre. In www.optima.info FASE offers a variety of more than a hundred on-line courses in different professional areas, from management and administration, ICT, Hotel and Hospitality Management and many other professional areas. 

Website: http://www.fase.net

FASE.net is involved in the following projects:

FEMXA training

Femxa Formación S.L. is a company, whose main activity may be defined as a training consultancy, specializing in giving training courses for active workers throughout Spain. Taking advantage of its know-how in training and using an e-learning platform of own development, Femxa has been able to provide integral management (workers, clients, suppliers) of training on line. This platform has been presented in Los Angeles by Microsoft Spain for its use in its project “.Net”. The platform is a complete and innovative tool in its class, being the ideal support for the development of e-learning actions. Its features are: totally based on web; multi-campus; multi-language; complementary material classified and commented; communication tools; generation of detailed statistics. 

Website: http://www.femxa.com

FEMXA training is involved in the following projects:


FETE-UGT PV helds annually over 150 training actions focused in teaching professionals, of public and private education sector, training teachers, university teachers and professionals of management and complementary services in public and private schools


Website: http://fete.ugt.org/paisvalencia

FETE-UGT-PV is involved in the following projects:

Florida Centre de Formacio

Florida is an education cooperative active at all levels of education, ranging from kindergarten through secondary, VET and university (affiliated to the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia) all the way through to senior learning. It has wide experience in the use of technology to enhance learning (working with ICT since 1996), coupled with extensive pedagogical expertise and a tradition of innovation in education, working in close collaboration with the regional Ministry of Education in different educational contexts. It has 3500 students and 250 employees. Florida has participated in many European projects dealing with education & drop-outs, innovation, entrepreneurship, tourism, diversity,etc. Florida is also concerned about Quality issues.

Website: http://www.florida.es

Florida Centre de Formacio is involved in the following projects:

Fundación Comunidad Valenciana Región Europea- Fcvre

The Foundation Comunidad Valenciana  Region Europea is the reference in the region of Valencia for the European institutions. Created to promote the participation of the Valencian Region in the actions and policies of the European Union and it also promotes a better knowledge of these actions and policies. One of its main objectives is bridging multisectoral regional interests and European policies and programs. It provides to the regional players (economic agents and social and institutional representatives) with a support platform to participate in the decision making process at European level.

Website: http://www.uegva.info

Fundación Comunidad Valenciana Región Europea- Fcvre is involved in the following projects:

Fundación del Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y León
Supercomputación Castilla y León (SCAYLE) is a public entity created by the Regional Government of Castilla y León and the University of León, which aims to improve the research tasks of the university, research centres and companies of Castilla y León.

Website: https://www.scayle.es/

Fundación del Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y León is involved in the following projects:

Fundacion Emet Arco Iris

Fundación Emet Arco Iris is an independent and pluralistic organization, an NGO, which promotes commitment, active participation, continuous training and teamwork of its members. From the beginning, Fundación Emet Arco Iris has contributed to equality in underserved groups, being able to respond to the new demands of society and public administrations, through a professional and interdisciplinary intervention.


Website: https://fundacionarcoiris.org/

Fundacion Emet Arco Iris is involved in the following projects:

Fundacion para la Formacion Tecnica en Maquina-Herramienta

The Machine Tool Institute is an Advanced and Digital Manufacturing Campus (IMH) that offers specialized, flexible, employment-oriented training, giving priority to the dual model, as well as innovation services for SMEs. The mission of IMH is to contribute to the increase of innovative capacity and business dynamism in the industrial sector in the Basque Country, through actions that encourage the competence development of people and companies. The first steps were taken in 1986 as a group project of professionals in training, who after receiving support from institutions and companies in the Basque Country, set up the Foundation for Technical Training in Machine Tools. The headquarters of the IMH was inaugurated in 1991.

Website: https://www.imh.eus/eu

Fundacion para la Formacion Tecnica en Maquina-Herramienta is involved in the following projects:

Grupo RH Asesores

RH Group counseling is an organization specializing in providing advice to companies in Human Resources and Business Excellence.  RH CONSULTANTS Group focuses its professional services from the belief that people are the cornerstone of business success.  We serve our clients in support processes: selection and Search, training, skills development and Performance Improvement, change management and conflict Resolution, assessment of corporate image and quality of service. Compensation and Benefits. It has, since 1996, with a unit specializing in Customer Contact Centers. Contributing to the improved performance of organizations through the integration and development of professionals that compose them.


Website: http://www.gruporh.com/rhmadrid/

HETEL is an association of 20 Vocational Training Centres created by social initiative which are present in all regions in the Basque Country, Spain. It was set up in 1987 to promote and improve the Vocational Training provision. The objectives of the Association are the exchange of experience and know-how between VET centers, foster innovation in VET education, both from a technological and pedagogical point of view and contribute to fill the gap between VET education and the demands of the business world.  The Vocational Training Centres of HETEL belong to the Network of Integrated Vocational Training Centres under the Basque Plan of Vocational Training.

Website: http://www.hetel.org

Hetel is involved in the following projects:

IES Doctor Lluis Simarro Lacabra

IES Simarro is a High School and Technical High School with a large number of students. It has students from a wide area of small towns surrounding the mind city of Xativa. In addition to regular formation, it offers technical courses (Formación profesional) in Finance and Management, Computer programming and System administration, and civil construction.
The teachers have undergone an updating in computer aided learning tools, and are involved in new techniques, tools and methodologies. There's a large group of computer programming teachers that support and help any other into discovering and using computer into teaching.
This high school stems from the merging of several technical courses from two different high schools, with a previous regular high school and some new technical courses for students with high risk of early retirment. The school as it is today started the activity in early 2010

Website: http://ieslluissimarro.org

IES Doctor Lluis Simarro Lacabra is involved in the following projects:

IES Juan Sebastián Elcano
IES Juan Sebastián Elcano is situated in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), with 70.000 inhabitants. The school is placed in the centre of town, in an urban area, where low middle and middle class families live. It is a beach touristic area. The school has around 850 students and 70 teachers. The students’ ages vary from 12 to 18 years old. It is an English bilingual school. The bilingual project started in 2005. 

Website: https://blogsaverroes.juntadeandalucia.es/ieselcano/

IES Juan Sebastián Elcano is involved in the following projects:

IES Marqués de Santillana
IES Marqués de Santillana is a state funded secondary bilingual school located in Torrelavega, a city in the North of Spain with a population of over 50,000. We strive to give our students the best possible education and, as far as modern languages are concerned, we aim to ensure that they reach a B1 level both in English and French as they complete their GCSE stage.

Website: https://www.iesmsantillana.com/

IES Marqués de Santillana is involved in the following projects:

IES St Vicent Ferrer

IES Sant Vicent Ferrer is a high secondary school founded in 1953, placed in Algemesí (Valencia, Spain). IES Sant vicent Ferrer has about 72 teachers, 5 people of administration personal and about 600 students, since 12 years old until adults. 

Website: http://www.iessantvicent.com/web/

IES St Vicent Ferrer is involved in the following projects:

IFESCOOP - Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social

“Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social” is a non-profit cooperative which belongs to FEVECTA (representative organization of the cooperative movement whose main task is to act as a lobbying organization in order to gain support for the promotion of worker cooperatives). “Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social” also cooperates with the regional and local Public Administration (Regional Government and City Municipalities), Social Partners (Trade Unions and Employers Associations), as well as many other institutions and organizations in different fields, mainly related to adult education and vocational training. At European level, “Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social” promotes and develops international projects within the framework of the programs of the European Union, cooperating with the European Network «EURORESO», which includes 63 organizations from 30 different European countries.


Website: http://www.ifescoop.eu

IFESCOOP - Iniciativas de Futuro para una Europa Social is involved in the following projects:

Instituto Etica Clinica Francisco Valles

Clinical ethics (ethical problems faced by health professionals) is a more and more relevant field since most of the problems faced by health professionals are related to ethical conflicts originated by the clinical practice. The growing development of clinical ethics has led to the creation of college institutions in United States and Europe, and it has led to the creation of the Instituto de Ética Clínica Francisco Vallés – Universidad Europea. The IECFV philosophy is to approach clinical ethics problems with accuracy and teamwork. IECFV’ intentions are to delve the knowledge and decision-making process in the field of clinical ethics from three areas: participation, tolerance towards different ideas and work responsibility.


Website: https://www.institutoeticaclinica.org/

Instituto Etica Clinica Francisco Valles is involved in the following projects:

Instituto Superior de Secretariado y Administración
ISSA, founded in 1963, is an institute dependent on the University of Navarra and was the first University College in Spain to impart training for management assistants at tertiary level. English and French or German are compulsory subjects during the three-year course. A multilingual model has been introduced this year, 2004-05, which will allow students to study 60% of the diploma in other languages. Personalized attention is given to help them acquire and improve skills and competences required in the workplace. All graduates are eligible to use ISSA’s work placement service throughout their professional life.
Website: http://www.issa.edu

Instituto Superior de Secretariado y Administración is involved in the following projects:

Junta De Andalucia
The Centro de Profesorado de Bollullos (CEP) is a territorial public organisation at regional level. The institution congregates about 90 state schools and more than 1200 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The Junta de Andalusia organise seminars, courses and any kind of activities for teaching and training.
Website: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/index.html
My Energias Oner S.L.
MIWENERGIA is an electricity retailer company that provides high added value services in the field of renewable energy technologies, electric vehicle, implementation of smart meters and the readiness of ICT.
The strategy of the company is to position itself as a provider of innovative energy efficiency solutions. The company’s business activities are the following:
  • Electricity retailer, supplying a wide range of clients all over the Spanish market
  • Renewable Energy Generator. The company has developed solar installations for self-consumption to different clients
  • Energy auditor. MyEnergia is an energy services supplier officialy registered
  • Provider of innovative solutions in energy efficiency field
  • Energy management software developer. MIWenergia R&D department, supported by the University of Murcia, has developed MIW+, an energy management software, that applies intelligence to energy consumption data and offers that high added value information to the company clients empowering them and getting energy savings.

Website: http://www.miwenergia.com

My Energias Oner S.L. is involved in the following projects:

Navarran European Business Innovation Centre (CEIN)

The Navarran European Business Innovation Centre (CEIN) is a service at the disposal of SMEs and entrepreneurs in Navarra that seek to consolidate and diversify the region’s economic and industrial environment. CEIN nurture entrepreneurial spirit, identify, promote and develop business projects and encourage innovation in Navarran companies. CEIN’S philosophy is European-orientated, both in terms of the work methodology that it employs and in terms of the constant search for innovative services and the detection of new business opportunities or economic development projects that it conducts in collaboration with other European regions.

Website: http://www.cein.es

Navarran European Business Innovation Centre (CEIN) is involved in the following projects:

P.A.U. Education

P.A.U. Education is a private company based in Barcelona, Spain, founded in 1995 by Pierre-Antoine Ullmo (Paris, France), with a staff of more than 50 people from 20 different countries working with public and private organisations on a European and international level. Projects in which the institution is involved contribute to  increasing, in an ethical manner, the quantitative and qualitative impact of its clients’ social responsibility actions and communication strategies.

Website: http://www.paueducation.com

P.A.U. Education is involved in the following projects:

Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri
Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri (www.txorierri.net) is a subsidized private VET and secondary school in the Basque Region. Each year the centre provides high quality technical and adult training for over 400 full time students and 1000+ adult part time learners. The college specializes in: Environmental Education, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Robotics, Sales and Commercial Management, Mechanical Design and Mechanical Production. Politeknika Txorierri belongs to the HETEL network of 20 subsidized VET schools in the Basque Region providing Vocational education and training to over 8000 full time vocational students (www.hetel.org). The network shares innovation practices, internationalization and mobility organization and technical projects. Anabel Menica (staff member at Politeknika Txorierri) is the Head of Internationalisation for HETEL. 

Website: http://www.txorierri.net/

Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri is involved in the following projects:

Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak

Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak is a subsidized religious VET (vocational training and education) and secondary and upper secondary school located in the municipality of Urnieta, in the Basque Region. Each year the centre provides education to over 450 students, from whom 200 are now studying secondary education. The vocational training courses offer students a wide range of specialities from intermediate to higher grades. Such specialities include: Electromechanic Maintenance, Graphic Printing, Electrical and Automatic Installations, Robotics, Electrical and Automatic Systems and Graphic Design and Editing. 

Website: http://www.urnietakosalesiarrak.com

Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak is involved in the following projects:

Technical University of Madrid

The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1996, although the majority of its centres are over hundreds of years old and were founded in the 18th and 19th centuries. Each of them maintained its independence until being grouped together to form the UPM. It is no exaggeration to state that over one and a half centuries great part of the history of Spanish technology has been written by the Schools of Architecture and Engineering. They have been during a lot of years nearly the only and in some cases actually the only schools. All of the important personalities in the area of teaching and research passed through the respective centres as students or lecturers.

Website: http://www.upm.es
Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo S.A. unipersonal

Telefonica I+D is the research and development company of the Telefónica Group.
Founded in 1988, its mission is to contribute to the Group´s competitiveness and modernity through technological innovation. To achieve this aim, the company applies new ideas, concepts and practices in addition to developing products and advanced services. It is one of the first private R&D centres in Spain as regards activity and resources, and is the first company on the continent by number of European research projects in which it participates. The main asset of Telefónica I+D is its staff, which is 97% composed of university graduates from 18 different nationalities.

Website: http://www.tid.es

Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo S.A. unipersonal is involved in the following projects:

The University of the Basque Country

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a teaching and research institution officially founded in 1985. The UPV/EHU is the Spanish University offering the highest number of degrees, one third of these degrees having a quality mention from the Spanish Ministry of Education. The UPV/EHU has been recently recognized as an International Excellence Research Campus by the Spanish Ministry of Science and  Innovation.


Website: http://www.ehu.es

The University of the Basque Country is involved in the following projects:

Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación - USIE

USIE (Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación) is the only existing education inspectorate trade union in Spain (state level organization). It was founded in 1978 and it is registered in the Ministry of Employment. The associates include education inspectors from the whole Spanish territory, which means that inspectors are civil servants working for the State within their own regional administrations. Every member participates in the organization through their own regional authorities (annual assemblies and executive committees). Through these assemblies, USIE’s administration is regulated and supervised.

It is a non-profit entity which aims at defending inspectors’ professional interests: representation facing public administrations, training, and counselling. USIE offers a specific, instructive programme which can be conducted either on-site or online. To do so, USIE organizes congresses and annual seminars with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education and the regional governments. Moreover, it counts with a virtual Campus that is fostered through an agreement with the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and the Spanish Ministry of Education.


Website: https://usie.es/

Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación - USIE is involved in the following projects:

Universidad de Leon
The Universidad de Léon is an active public HEI showing great interest towards international education since its foundation in 1979. Its two campuses are located in the cities of León and Ponferrada, in northwest quadrant of the Iberian Peninsula. ULE serves a population of 12.000 students with 38 undergraduate degrees, 30 graduate degrees and 14 doctoral programs offered by 26 Departments in 13 Faculties and 125 research groups.

Website: http://www.unileon.es

Universidad de Leon is involved in the following projects:

Universidad Europea De Madrid

The European University of Madrid hasa long history in the teaching of bioethics and medical humanities. These subjects are taught in degrees such as medicine, biotechnology, pharmacy or nursing. The professors who teach these subjects has a background in biomedical sciences and humanities, working together professionals of medicine, nursing, psychology or philosophy. These professionals who work in bioethics and medical humanities at the European University of Madrid, form the Institute of Clinical Ethics Francisco Vallés - European University. The Institute aims to develop research projects, teaching programs and publications in the field of clinical ethics.

Website: http://www.uem.es

Universidad Europea De Madrid is involved in the following projects:

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) awards the same qualifications, which are equally valid, and it operates under general legislation. However, certain features of UNED make it different from other Spanish Universities: it is nationwide in scope, it uses different methodology (distance education), and it has a wide social influence. Under its goals are: to provide access to University and further education for all those who, while capable of pursuing higher studies, are unable to attend on-campus classes for working, financial, residential or other similar reasons; to set up and develop programmes for futher education and for cultural and professional improvement; to promote continuing education and to update and promote university teaching and research. At present, UNED has the largest number of students among all Spanish Universities; each year aproximately 180.000 studentes enrole in their different Faculties, Technical Schools and other courses.

Website: http://www.uned.es

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) is involved in the following projects:

Universidad Pablo de Olavide of Seville

The Universidad Pablo de Olavide of Seville is a public university committed to offer high quality education. It is located in a single campus equipped with the latest technologies. In its 140 hectares it combines teaching, research, and social and sport activities, which makes it a different alternative. All courses in the Universidad Pablo de Olavide are adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Education in the new official courses is based on providing the students with the knowledge, the abilities and the skills which are necessary to successfully enter the European labour market. To this end, the University provides the latest technologies and internships in enterprises. In addition, the University favours the acquisition of other languages, thanks to the Languages Centre, and created a specific area, the Employability and Entrepreneurship Area, in order to boost the employability of its students and graduates to finally achieve their incorporation into the demanding and changing labour market.


Website: https://www.upo.es/portal/impe/web/portada/index.html

Universidad Pablo de Olavide of Seville is involved in the following projects:

University Hospital Alcorcon Foundation
The University Hospital Alcorcon Foundation offers all medical inpatient units and outpatient. It is a teaching university hospital with residents of almost all specialties, including pediatric.  It also has a teaching area with classrooms, a telemedicine unit that works telemedicine serving outside the hospital (eg in prisons in Madrid), and an area of simulation, with consultations, couches, mannequins and everything needed for teaching based simulation. In addition, the hospital cooperates with primary care medicine and nursing homes in the area.

Website: http://www.madrid.org/cs/Satellite?language=es&pagename=HospitalFundacionHospitalAlcorcon%2FPage%2FHALC_home

University Hospital Alcorcon Foundation is involved in the following projects:

University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona (UB) is the largest public institution of higher education in Catalonia, catering to the needs of the greatest number of students and delivering the broadest and most comprehensive offering in higher educational courses. The UB is also the principal centre of university research at a state level (it publishes more research than any other Spanish institution with the exception of the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) and has become a European benchmark for research activity, both in terms of the number of research programs it conducts and the excellence these have achieved. 

Website: http://www.ub.edu

University of Barcelona is involved in the following projects:

University of Cordoba

The University of Cordoba is heir to a century-old historical and cultural legacy, marked by a passion for knowledge, a broad intercultural outlook and an open worldview. Córdoba as a city has been since the ancient times a paradigm for mankind as a whole. This spirit also informs the three areas around which campus activities are structured: Food, Agriculture, Science and Technology; the Humanities, Law and Social Sciences; and Health Sciences.


Website: http://www.uco.es

University of Cordoba is involved in the following projects:

University of Extremadura - Gexcall

Gexcall is a researh group whose main goal is the generation of technological tools to foster the process of learning foreign languages.

Website: http://www.unex.es

University of Extremadura - Gexcall is involved in the following projects:

University of Lleida

The main aim of the University of Lleida is the education of its students. We provide high standards of teaching with quality services throughout the university community that reach society beyond the campus gates. Students make up most of the UdL community, and our objective is to ensure that they enjoy the teaching and learning processes involved. They will thus be able to develop both at a professional and personal level by following other educational, cultural or leisure activities, and by participating in the UdL to keep it a lively, ever-improving educational institution.


Website: https://www.udl.cat/ca/

University of Lleida is involved in the following projects:

University of Malaga

The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of Spain's premiere institutions of higher education. Since its foundation back in 1972, UMA has rapidly expanded its international presence and prestige. Currently, UMA has 2 campuses (1.797.247 m2), +35,700 students, +2,500 professors, +1900 administrative staff, 23 faculties and schools, 82 departments, 200 educational programmes. UMA stimulates educational innovation and research by boosting the quality of its professors and research groups through their participation in international research projects -managed by Research Results Transference Office (OTRI) - with the support and sponsorship of enterprises from local TechPark (PTA). The university has a dedicated career center which fosters the employability of students and young researchers by offering a wide services portfolio including academic and professional counselling, paid internships and fellowships. 

Website: http://www.uma.es

University of Malaga is involved in the following projects:

University of Salamanca

The University of Salamanca, founded in 1218 and one of the oldest Universities in Europe, is today a modern European University, open to the culture of practically every branch of teaching. Currently, the University of Salamanca teaches first and second cycle undergraduate degrees to almost 28.000 students, in addition to nearly 3.000 students of Doctorate and Master degrees. With more than 3.000 researchers, who make up 70 departments, 26 Faculties and Schools, 18 institutes and other research units belonging to the social, biomedical, human, experimental and formal sciences, it stands out as one of the main public research organizations in Spain.


Website: https://www.usal.es/

University of Salamanca is involved in the following projects:

University of Seville

The University of Seville is a `Public Law' institution, founded more than 500 years ago and the second Spanish presential university by its number of students. Its academic offer includes more than 68 degrees in Bio-sanitary, Scientific, Technological Humanistic and Social areas of study; 124 Doctorate programs, 270 Masters, Expert and Advanced training courses, and 18 official postgraduate studies. Completing this educational offer, the University maintains an extensive network of exchange agreements. More than one thousand incoming and outgoing Erasmus students are monitored every year. 


Website: http://www.us.es

University of Seville is involved in the following projects:

University of Valencia

University of Valencia, founded over five centuries ago, has become a modern and public University, teaching all areas of knowledge: social, economic and legal sciences, experimental sciences, engineering, health sciences, educational sciences and humanities. More than 45,800 undergraduate students and 8,600 postgraduate students take classes taught by more than 3,300 professors, lectures and researchers at the campuses with the support of over 1,700 administration and service staff.

University of Valencia’ mission is to train competent professionals at European level and to encourage prestigious research towards international impact, contributing to the development of the Spanish society. Training and research promote UV’s tasks in the field of dissemination of science and culture, and in the reaffirmation of the democratic values within the society in general, and the Valencian society in particular.

Website: http://www.uv.es/

University of Valencia is involved in the following projects:

Valencian Federation of Construction Companies - FEVEC
The Valencian Federation of Construction Companies-FEVEC aims to be the reference body for all companies and industry associations within the construction sector in the Comunidad Valenciana region. In addition, the federation mission is to be the institution that constitutes the “voice” of the sector before any public or public organism or administration and to defend its legitimate interests.
FEVEC was established in May 1977 as a reorganization of several sectorial associations. At its inception, the institution objectives were to defend the business interest at a policy level. Progressively, and as a natural evolution, several areas have been developed in order to offer global and better services to the sector. At present FEVEC is formed by 13 different associations representing around 600 companies in the sector. It accounts with 6 strategic committees which provide support to the managing bodies: Transport, Economy, Training, Environment and wastes, International and Labour Risk Prevention.
FEVEC is an institution which represents and defends the interest of the Valencian construction companies, so its main target group is related with the construction sector like: companies, associations, employers, employees, institutions, etc. FEVEC also offers training: this means that its target group is also represented by VET providers, trainers, educational institutions and in general the educational sector. The Federation is always in contact with public administrations, governmental institutions, etc. in the local, regional and national level.

Website: http://www.fevec.com

Valencian Federation of Construction Companies - FEVEC is involved in the following projects:

Xano Channel Asociación para el desarrollo comunitario
The association, created in 2010, aims to create growth opportunities for the individual and for society by creating synergies, tools and methodologies for the dissemination of culture and the civil liability of individuals and organizations. The activities of the association and its aims are inspired by the principles of equal opportunities between men and women disadvantaged.

Xano Channel Asociación para el desarrollo comunitario is involved in the following projects:

Xàtiva City Council

Xativa is located in the center of the region of Valencia with 29,000 inhabitants. Xativa has 7 schools of primary education, 4 secondary schools, an integrated vocational training center, a teacher training institution , a professional conservatory and Adult School and a Special Education center. All those institution are under the authoryty of the city council. 

Website: http://www.xativa.es

Xàtiva City Council is involved in the following projects:


Amledo & Co AB

Amledo & Co is a consortium leader with local, regional and national partners responsible for VET.  The two consortia consist of 55 colleges all over Sweden, mostly with vehicle training and certified as Technical Colleges (Teknikcollege). With a focus on Training and Education in dialogue with social partners, enterprises and VET, Amledo & Co recognises that innovation in training, education and labour market issues are becoming increasingly important. Delivery of training needs to take account of special demands for skills and labour in constantly changing environment with a rapidly increasing use of advanced technology, aiming at increasing employability for VET learners in industry and motor trade.

Website: http://www.amledo.com

Amledo & Co AB is involved in the following projects:


Fågelskolan is a public school in Lund with pupils between 6 and 16 years old. Fågelskolan provides education for about 500 pupils. Fågelskolan created the project Language Cafés in 2003. Fågelskolan received the European language label award in 2004. 

Website: http://www.lund.se/fagelskolan

Fågelskolan is involved in the following projects:

Municipality of Östersund
Östersund Municipality is a municipality in Jämtland County in northern Sweden. Its seat is located in Östersund, which is also the county seat of Jämtland County. The present municipality was formed in 1971 by the amalgamation of the City of Östersund with five surrounding municipalities.
Website: http://www.ostersund.se

Municipality of Östersund is involved in the following projects:

Municipality of Skellefteå

The department of Skellefteå is a public authority that deals with services, transport, youth employment, education and training.

Website: http://www.skelleftea.se/default.aspx?id=43781

Municipality of Skellefteå is involved in the following projects:

National Center for Mathematics Education (NCM)

National Center for Mathematics Education ( NCM) co-ordinates, supports, develop s and implements the contributions which promote Swedish mathematics education from pre-school to university college. 

Website: http://ncm.gu.se/
OCN Sweden

OCN Sweden is an organisation that provides structure, recognition and quality assurance to life long, non-fomal learning. The OCN-method provides a systematic way to observe, assess and document individual knowledge obtained through non-formal education and training. 

Website: http://ocn.se/

OCN Sweden is involved in the following projects:

Ronna School
Ronna School has about 750 students, and is one of Sweden's most exciting workplaces. Ronna School students are ambitious and interested and our teachers are skilled, committed and dedicated. Key sentence for Ronna School: “A Lingua et Scientia ad Astra” (Through language and science to the stars). Ronna School operates in a multicultural environment, and have the privilege to work with people from many different countries, giving the school great dynamics.
At Ronna School, each student should know he/she will be recognized. The prerequisite for this is that Ronna School’ staff recognizes and treats each student with respect, as the meeting between individuals enriches the development and the call creates a positive expectation and curiosity for all human differences and individual circumstances. 

Website: https://www.sodertalje.se/skola-och-forskola/grundskolor/vara-skolor/ronnaskolan/

Ronna School is involved in the following projects:

Skarpnäck folk high school
Skarpnäck folk high school is one of 25 schools in Sweden delivering education and training of leisure time professionals/ youth workers (in the following called youth workers). The education is full time for two years and equivalent to university studies. The youth worker profession is relatively new as such. Skarpnäck was one of the pioneers – founded 1963 by the city of Stockholm - with more than 40 years of initial and further training of youth workers
Website: http://www.skarpnack.fhsk.se/

Skarpnäck folk high school is involved in the following projects:

Södertörn University

Södertörn University is situated about 15 km south of the city centre of Stockholm. It is a medium sized university in Sweden with 11 000 students in 72 programmes and 250 courses and with 100 doctoral students. It has almost 900 employees and more than 60 % of the teaching staff has doctoral degrees. The turnover exceeds 80 million euro.

Södertörn University combines interesting subjects to make engaging and often unique degrees. It conducts education and research in the humanities, social sciences, technology and natural science and offer teacher education with an intercultural profile. Research into the Baltic region and Eastern Europe forms a knowledge environment that is among the best in the world.

The University is characterised by a strong belief in the ability to think freely and critically and the desire to produce new knowledge and contemporary innovation. Research and education take place in close cooperation between academia, business and the surrounding community. Internationalisation runs through all the University's activities and is a natural element of all research and education. Södertörn University has more than 90 partner universities in other countries.

Website: http://www.sh.se/

Södertörn University is involved in the following projects:


University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

The University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW is a state-accredited university of applied sciences: this unique concept in Swiss tertiary education is designed to meet professional needs in education, research and consulting. Situated amidst leading international clusters the FHNW's nine schools maintain close links with society, culture and industry: its high quality graduate, postgraduate and continuing education focuses on applied knowledge. Research and consulting activity is practice oriented.

Website: http://www.fhnw.ch


Anafartalar Primary School

Anafartalar Primary School is located in Izmir, Turkey's 3rd largest city. Anafartalar Primary School has a total of 28 branches including 24 primary schools and 4 kindergartens. Anafartalar Primary School has a total of 850 students, 780 in primary school and 70 in kindergarten. Anafartalar Primary School’ students are in the 4-12 age group. Anafartalar Primary School has various courses for its students such as painting, music, marbling, folk dances, theater and guitar. 

Website: https://gaziemiranafartalar.meb.k12.tr/

Anafartalar Primary School is involved in the following projects:

Bilecik Provincial Directorate of National Education

Bilecik Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Bilecik Provincial Directorate of National Education) is regionally responsible for about 37000 students in pre-primary, primary, secondary  and higher  education with 148 schools, 1611 classes and 1878 teachers. There are 154 staff in the Directorate. Bilecik city is located in the Eastern Marmara. Our responsibility focuses on planning and managing all the activities of pre-primary, primary, general secondary, vocational secondary, high schools, vocational high schools and adult education centers. We have to coordinate all facilities sent by the Ministry of Education such as  buildings, financial issues, staff salaries,  and all kinds of materials used in the lessons provincially in Bilecik city and within 7 districts.

Website: http://bilecik.meb.gov.tr/

Bilecik Provincial Directorate of National Education is involved in the following projects:

Darüşşafaka Schools

Darüşşafaka Schools is Turkey’s first schools to have been established in 1873 by a non-governmental organization-Darüşşafaka Society, which has been providing full-scholarship, boarding, and high-quality education to talented but financially disadvantaged children with deceased fathers and/or mothers. Today, at Darüşşafaka almost 1000 children from all over the country receive boarding education with a full scholarship from the 5th grade until high school graduation.

Website: https://www.darussafaka.org/en/schools

Darüşşafaka Schools is involved in the following projects:

Deneysel Biyoteknolojik Klinik ve Stratejik Saglik Arastirmalari Dernegi
Experimental, Biotechnological, Clinical and Strategic Health Research Association (BİOSAD) was established with the aim of conducting education, research, projects, courses, congresses, meetings and training materials on individual and community health issues, and opening research and application centers for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The association works to follow new developments in the field of health, to carry out strategic public health studies and to create a culture of innovation in health. It carries out collaboration and expertise environments for academic and qualified information sharing and collaborative production, researches, discusses and shares issues of academic content and strategic

Website: http://www.biosad.org/

Deneysel Biyoteknolojik Klinik ve Stratejik Saglik Arastirmalari Dernegi is involved in the following projects:

Eğitim ve Gençlik Çalışmaları (EGECED)

EGECED is a non-profit association founded by the professional from education field (teachers, trainers, academics, branch managers and supervisors, etc). EGECED is a network of schools in Izmir city. The network has different schools such primary, secondaryand vocational schools. EGECED has a broad reach to local schools in primary and secondary level and also cooperation with universities. The objectives association are to gather the professionals who work for the education and youth to do activities on education and youth and to introduce modern applications into education system, to contribute to the development of sustainable interaction between the educators and youth both from our country and foreign countries.

Website: http://www.egeced.org

Eğitim ve Gençlik Çalışmaları (EGECED) is involved in the following projects:

Fatih University
Established in 1996, Fatih University (FU) is one of the earliest and well-established private universities of Turkey. FU offers higher educational studies in more than 40 different areas to its approximately 7400 registered students.
FU is seeking scholarly and scientific solutions to social problems through producing sensitive and useful knowledge to not only humanity but also the environment, while combining local codes of ethics with those of international.

Website: http://turkish.fatih.edu.tr/

Fatih University is involved in the following projects:

Gazi University
Gazi University is one of the few universities whose history dates back to 1920s. Gazi university, which has the honor of being named after Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and hosting the teachers institute which trained the pioneering teachers of the republic, assumes the mission of training people who have analytical, inquisitory minds with the ability of leading the society under the rapidly changing global conditions and contribute the lifelong education of the country by educating the people who respect the human values and reaching, producing , sharing and converting the knowledge into life.
Website: http://www.gazi.edu.tr/english.php

Gazi University is involved in the following projects:

Governorshıp of Bursa

Governorship of Bursa is a public institution in Bursa which is a branch of Ministry of Interior. All provincial directorates of the city works under the Governorship. There is a governor in the center with 14 vice governors. Each deputy governor is responsible from different provincial directorates of the province. There are 100 staff working in the center and there are staffs working in each town governorate. Governor represents the central government. The scope of work is various like education, health, culture, tourism, social security, police department, technology, etc. In the perspection of the above titles, the main scope of the Governorship is to provide the local development. One of the local development subject is to provide the local manufacturers to provide added value for the provincial development. The first step for this will be the training. This training will include marketing, system management, branding, ICT skills development.

Governorshıp of Bursa is involved in the following projects:

Kayseri Provincial Directorate of National Education
Kayseri Provincial Directorate of National Education is a local authority in the province of Kayseri so it is responsible for examining, planning and carrying out all kind of formal and non-formal educational activities. In addition, it has successfully completed lots of local and EU funded projects. The institution organizes all kind of educational activities and controls all schools. 

Website: http://kayseri.meb.gov.tr

Kayseri Provincial Directorate of National Education is involved in the following projects:

Kırıkkale Turkey, Education Faculty

Kırıkkale University Education Faculty offers B.S. and M.S. degrees in many fields of education. The main aim of the Faculty is to develop the skills and expertise required from teachers in the modern classroom. The practical approach to the development of professional teachers is fully supported by the teacher education courses which emphasize student participation in problem solving, case studies, and developmental work. 

Website: http://www.kku.edu.tr

Kırıkkale Turkey, Education Faculty is involved in the following projects:

Lycée Notre Dame de Sion

Istanbul Notre-Dame de Sion High School has the specificity to teach the Turkish national education programme in the French language. 

Website: http://www.nds.k12.tr

Lycée Notre Dame de Sion is involved in the following projects:

Middle East Technical University (METU)

Middle East Technical University (METU), founded in 1956, is an international research university, which seeks excellence in serving the country, region and the world. The main campus of METU is located in Ankara, while the two other campuses are as follows: Institute of Marine Sciences Campus, Mersin; and Northern Cyprus Campus, Kalkanlı, Güzelyurt, Northern Cyprus. The language of instruction at all METU campuses is English. METU School of Foreign Languages takes the initiative to teach English to students at Preparatory School. There are a total of 40 undergraduate programs in the five faculties of METU, namely Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Economic and Administrative Sciences , Education, and Engineering. There are 159 graduate programs available in the Graduate Schools of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Marine Sciences.With these advantages on hand, METU ranks 279 in the top World University Rankings in Times Higher Education 2011-2012. 


Website: http://www.metu.edu.tr/

Middle East Technical University (METU) is involved in the following projects:

Sirinyer Anadolu Lisesi

Şirinyer Anadolu Lisesi (ŞAL) is a public high school of general studies with 900 students 14-18 years old and 65 teachers. The studies last four years at the end of which the students take entry exams for the university. The subjects that are taught are: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Turkish Language and Literature, History, Geography, Philosophy, English, French, Human Rights and Democracy, Art, Music and PE. 

Website: http://izmirsal.meb.k12.tr/

Sirinyer Anadolu Lisesi is involved in the following projects:

Sultangazi Cumhuriyet Anadolu Lisesi

Sultangazi Cumhuriyet Anadolu Lisesi is school located in Sultangazi, a district of Istanbul. The school, that opened its doors in 2001, hosts currently 812 students. It is one of the 84 project high schools in Istanbul and the only school in our district that accepts students after they sit required entrance exams. Every year, the school prepares Scientific Research Institution of Turkey's average of 30 projects, provincial and intra-provincial foreign trips, study and research activities in numerous fields.


Sultangazi Cumhuriyet Anadolu Lisesi is involved in the following projects:

Uluslararasi Down Sendromu Federasyonu
The International Down Syndrome Federation is a strong non-profit, non-governmental organization. It is a federation with associations in 21 provinces in Turkey and has established representative offices in 22 countries in the world. Our Federation aims to improve the culture of living with society and individuals with Down Syndrome in the world and in our country, with projects, sports festivals and campaigns that will provide full participation in education, health, vocational education, employment and social life. In carrying out these activities, it aims to enable disabled people to live in love and peace in our country and in the world and to strengthen these environments.

Website: https://www.uluslararasidownsendromufederasyonu.com/

Uluslararasi Down Sendromu Federasyonu is involved in the following projects:

Vala Gedik Ilköğretim Okulu Ve Iş Okulu Ve Gençlik Ve Spor Derneği

Vala Gedik Ilköğretim Okulu Ve Iş Okulu Ve Gençlik Ve Spor Derneği was established in 2016. The aim of the association is to provide sports training for disabled people who need special education and to enable them to socialize and social inclusion through sports. Physical training teachers and sportsmen who are experts in their fields provide sports education and training as members of the association. Sports training and sports activities are provided to children, youth and adult people with Down syndrome, autism and mentally retarded in the association.


Website: http://tuzlavalagedikmem.meb.k12.tr/tema/

Vala Gedik Ilköğretim Okulu Ve Iş Okulu Ve Gençlik Ve Spor Derneği is involved in the following projects:

Yasar University

Established in 2001 in İzmir –Turkey, Yasar University has quickly become an ideal environment for research, personal development and learning by its 9 faculties (Law, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Engineering, Communication, Art and Design, Science and Letters, Architecture, Business and Humanities), 2 graduate schools, vocational school, EU Research Centre, Open and Distance Learning Centre, Knowledge & Technology Transfer Office and Continuing Education Centre. 

Website: http://euc.yasar.edu.tr/

Yasar University is involved in the following projects:



BORA 94 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Development Agency Nonprofit LLC (BAZ CDA) is a nonprofit organization, 100% owned by the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Self-Government. The Agency is an umbrella organization that has established strategic partnerships with public and private actors, such as municipalities, public authorities, professional organizations, associations, NGOs, research institutes, enterprises, etc. on local, national and international levels. Based on its profile and experiences, BAZ CDA can be a reliable partner within any partnership, providing a strategic scope and offering effective action planning methods as well as coordinating networking and facilitating communication and dissemination activities among public and private actors.


Website: https://bora94.hu/en/

BORA 94 is involved in the following projects:

Europrofessional Hungary EC
Europrofessional Hungary EC is an NGO organisation who works in the fields of education, consulting, research and development. Its mission is close up activity between the European projects and Hungary, matchmaking for Hungarian and European individuals / organizations and projects. Europrofessional Hungary EC trains strategy, project development and foundraising for Schools, SME-s, Tourist and Labour Organizations as well as Town Halls.
Website: http://www.europrof.org/

Europrofessional Hungary EC is involved in the following projects:

Falusi És Agroturizmus Országos Szövetsége
FATOSZ "Falusi és Agroturizmus Országos Szövetsége" has a central office at Budapest and nineteen County Organisations. It represents 1.300 Guest Houses, from where 700 classified and with our members we have a Nationwide activity. FATOSZ cooperate with organisations developing of village and agrotourism as follow: state institutions, local governments, professional NGOs, tourism offices, travel agencies, etc.
Website: http://www.fatosz.eu/

Falusi És Agroturizmus Országos Szövetsége is involved in the following projects:

FILAB - Future Internet Living Lab
FILAB is an organisation bringing together decades of professional experience in planning and implementing small- and large-scale innovation projects aiming to empower innovation potential in co-creation by engaging and involving different stakeholders in the society. As a result, FILAB is a community built upon a network of high-profile professionals from a wide range of industries, government and academia. The engagement of the industry, SMEs, start-ups, research and academic organizations as well as professional interest groups and public administration enables FILAB to promote the widespread use of Future Internet and ICT based applications and services. 

Website: http://filab.hu/eng/

FILAB - Future Internet Living Lab is involved in the following projects:

Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences carries out basic psychological research both for pure scientific purposes and for direct or indirect application in Hungary.
Research areas cover social, comparative cultural, cognitive and developmental psychology and psychophysiology. Research takes a broad approach to scientific issues, and embraces other branches of science and social science. Institute staff are also engaged in adapting and developing new psychological research methods.
Vocational and basic education at both undergraduate and postgraduate level is another area where Institute staff are active.
Website: http://www.mtapi.hu/index.php?lang=en

Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is involved in the following projects:

Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary was established in its present form in 1993, but its history roots back to 1839. Besides Budapest and Nagykőrös and Kecskemét where the main campuses are located, Károli Gáspár University provides courses in Romania in Târgu Mureş/Marosvásárhely and Ilieni/Ilyefalva. More than 8500 students and an academic staff of 425 persons belong to the five faculties of the university . The Faculty of Teacher Training of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is one of Hungary's most significant institutions in the field of teacher training

Website: http://www.kre.hu

Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is involved in the following projects:

Kecskemét College
The Kecskemét College was founded in 2000 with the merger of 3 tertiary colleges. As a result of the merger Kecskemét College has become the largest college in the Southern Plain Region with three faculties with different profiles. They are the College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, the Horticultural Faculty and the Faculty of Teacher Training. The College has approx. 6000 students. Kecskemét College offers BSc and Master programmes. The college has got a lot of international exchange programmes for teachers and students. The Teacher Training Faculty has got a big tradition and it is one of the most modern teacher education colleges with up-to-date facilities. It is a remarkable educational, training and research centre in the South Plain Region with a lot of national and international contacts.

Website: http://www.kefo.hu

Kecskemét College is involved in the following projects:

Magyar Nepfoiskolai Tarsasag
Founded in 1988 the Magyar Nepfoiskolai Tarsasag is a non-profit making national adult learning umbrella organisation of high priority recognised by the Adult Education Act of 101/2001. Magyar Nepfoiskolai Tarsasag operates through 16 regional folk high school centres and has a membership of 146 organisations. The activities of folk high schools in Hungary are diverse ranging from local history, arts and crafts through specialised training for the unemployed including youth, Roma and agricultural workers, community development, active citizenship training, EU studies and basic skills training for functional illiterate adults to computer skills and foreign language teaching.
Website: http://www.nepfoiskola.hu/
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